
  • Metroid: Reveals Samus Aran’s true identity, smashing the assumption that she is male. A nice touch by Nintendo.
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum: Post-credit scene implies that multiple villains have survived, setting up a sequel with revenge on the horizon.
  • Resident Evil Village: Mysterious figure approaches Rosemary, teasing a follow-up and building excitement for future releases.

Post-credit scenes have been popularized in most major motion pictures thanks to Marvel always teasing their fans with the next movies if they have the patience to sit through a film’s credits, sometimes sneaking in two, which viewers might miss after seeing the first one.


10 Of The Best Opening Cutscenes In Gaming

Opening cutscenes are essential for setting the tone and ramping up players’ excitement. These are the games that did it best.

Games have been doing this for a lot longer, resulting in some very cool cutscenes, some of which tease upcoming sequels or spin-offs. Thankfully, players can access post-credit scenes in games much more easily, as they can skip past the credits for the immediate gratification of seeing the hidden cutscene.

10 Metroid

Reveals What Samus Looks Like Beneath The Suit

Metroid Samus platform

August 6, 1986



The first Metroid game introduced players to the sci-fi run-and-gun platforming gameplay the franchise would adopt over continuous sequels, reboots, and spin-offs. In each title, the players control Samus Aran, a mysterious soldier donned in a huge set of bulky armor, to help fend off inhospitable surroundings and dangerous aliens.

Most players would have erroneously assumed Samus Aran was male, but this famed post-credit scene smashed this assumption, revealing Samus to be a woman as she removed her helmet. This scene was a nice-touch by Nintendo, and Samus has gone down in history as one of the best female characters in gaming history since her first appearance.

9 Batman: Arkham Asylum

Reveals Multiple Villains Survived

batman at arkham

This fantastic Rocksteady title kicked off the Arkham series, which had players donning the cowl and scowl of the Dark Knight as he escorts Joker into Arkham after managing to capture him. With the aid of his sidekick, Harley Quinn, and a corrupt cop, Joker escapes captivity, takes Commissioner Gordon hostage, and threatens to set off bombs he has planted around the city if anyone else dares set foot inside Arkham.

This kicks off Batman’s struggles against the various inmates inside Arkham and his bid to stop Joker from getting his hands on Titan, a newer and stronger version of the venom that gives Bane his strength. Titan makes a reappearance even after the credits in a small scene that has some larger, more sinister implications. One last creation of Titan is seen floating on the water, and one of three possible hands reaches out to grab it: Bane, Killer Croc, or Scarecrow. This implies multiple Batman villains survived the Asylum, and they will likely be returning for revenge in a sequel.

8 Resident Evil Village

A Mysterious Figure Appears On The Horizon

A teenaged Rosemary looking out the window of a bus with a morose expression in Resident Evil Village

Resident Evil Village took the gaming world by storm with the final thread of the Winters’ storyline being tied up, as Ethan searches for his kidnapped daughter Rosemary in a remote Romanian village. The truth about his being is revealed at the end of the game, confirming that Ethan has been dead all along and that the mold that affected the Bakers is responsible for keeping him alive.


The 10 Best Dads In Video Game History, Ranked

Video games have some awesome and terrible examples of parenting, and these dads shine above the rest.

He successfully saves his daughter Rose but is thought to have died by doing so. A post-credits scene throws this into question, as a mysterious figure is seen approaching the now-teenaged Rosemary. Sadly, the release of the Shadow of Rose DLC confirmed that Ethan is functionally dead, but a remnant of him lives on in the Megamycete. Nevertheless, the post-credit scene from Village stood out as a fantastic tease for a follow-up.

7 Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 post credits man and child

The grand finale in the Shepard trilogy, Mass Effect 3, showcased the Reapers finally invading Earth, razing entire cities and slaughtering thousands. In a bid to save Earth, and by extension the rest of the galaxy, from the Reapers, Shepard forged alliances with many Council races for one last stand against the race of ancient sentient machines who are hellbent on culling every advanced civilization.

It is very possible Shepard can die when choosing how to deal with the Reaper threat in the twelfth hour, though survival is also a possibility should players gather enough resources and make the right choices. Regardless of Shepard’s fate, every player will still see a scene after the credits of an adult and small child walking through a snowy landscape, as though the entire trilogy was narrated from a parent to his son. This also suggests that there might be more adventures to tell of Shepard to come, but with the following release of Andromeda and Shepard not set to return in Mass Effect 4, it seems like fans will never see the return of the Commander.

6 BioShock Infinite

A Happy Ending To A Tragic Tale

A crying woman, Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite, leaning towards the camera

Bioshock Infinite
PlayStation 3 , Xbox 360 , Microsoft Windows , macOS , Linux

March 26, 2013

The third entry in the Bioshock franchise sees players taking control of Booker DeWitt, who is tasked with infiltrating the skyborne city of Columbia to rescue Elizabeth, a young woman with the power to open small portals between dimensions, who is being held prisoner by Zachary Comstock. The ending of the game reveals that Zachary is Booker from an alternate dimension.

The ending of the game is a tragic one, as many Elizabeths drown Booker. If players are patient enough to see the cutscene waiting for them after the credits, they will see Booker in his office, who will walk to the next room where his daughter lies in her crib. Finally, it seems one Booker might get his happy ending, or maybe the timeline has reset, and the tale of tragedy will repeat.

5 Horizon Zero Dawn

Teases Fans With A Sequel

Aloy Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn kicked off the Horizon franchise to great success, introducing players to a futuristic world, where machines have overrun the planet, and the series’ fantastic main character, Aloy. The aforementioned machines were once peaceful, but a mysterious force caused them to turn violent. There is one machine that rises as the main antagonist called HADES, which Aloy destroys.

A small post-credits scene reveals that HADES survived Aloy and is in the custody of the Sylens in order to find out the secrets behind the signal that activated it, thus setting up a sequel. It is a simple post-credits scene that serves to build excitement and ensure future success for subsequent releases.

A Huge Revelation About the Player Character

Big Boss riding a motorcycle while smoking a cigar in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
September 1, 2015

Stealth , Action-Adventure , Shooter , Adventure

Konami’s stealth game series has some of the most ambitious and confusing stories, with bizarre plots that take completely unpredictable twists and turns and usually a post-credit scene that throws a complete spanner in the works of the plot that was initially laid down. The fifth installment, The Phantom Pain, is no different, revealing a twist that directly affects the experience of the player.


5 Stealth Games That Predate Metal Gear Solid

Many gamers recognize Metal Gear Solid as the earliest stealth game, but these titles predate Konami’s hit franchise.

The end reveals that Venom Snake, who was thought to be Big Boss, is not actually Big Boss, throwing into question what the game was all for and who the player was actually in control of for all those hours. MGS always has shocking scenes placed after the credits, but this was one of the most unexpected.

3 Gears Of War 2

Reveals A Character Long Thought To Be Dead Is Actually Alive

gears of war 2 remaster

Gears of War 2
November 7, 2008

Third-Person Shooter

This long-running and bloody shooting romp features many great and memorable characters, such as main protagonists Marcus Fenix, Dom, and Cole Train in their struggle against the Locust, a race of genetically altered humans that are seeking to stomp out human civilizations. Gears of War 2 continues this fight, taking place half a year after the finale of Gears of War.

The post-credits scene of GW2 is a jaw-dropping moment for fans of the franchise, as it confirms Adam Fenix, Marcus’s father, who was thought to have died a long time ago, is, in fact, still alive and radioing for help. Players would need to wait for the release of the following game, Gears of War 3, for the pay-off for this short but very crucial scene.

2 Spider-Man 2

A Meeting Between Two Major Villains

Spider-Man 2 Norman and Octavius post credit scene

The third game in Insomniac’s take on the Spider-Man IP brought fans more fantastic web-slinging action as the two Spider-Men, Miles Morales and Peter Parker, contend with major series antagonists, such as Kraven, Lizard, Sandman, Venom, and more. The two villains in question, Norman Osborne and Doctor Octavius, won’t be contending against the wall crawlers themselves, but they have a brief appearance in the post-credits.

Osborne is seen visiting Doctor Octopus, who is still being held prisoner in the Raft and appears to be writing in a notebook. When quizzed, he simply replies that he is writing the final chapter, which has some very exciting implications that fans will be treated to a Spider-Man 3, which will feature a return of the iconic villain, Doc Ock.

1 Dragon Age: Inquisition

Solas’ Truth Is Revealed

Solas from the shoulders up standing in front of a wall, his eyes fixed on something or someone in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Inquisition brought in many scraps of Thedas lore and characters from past Dragon Age games, such as the series’ favorite companion, Varric, and the main antagonist, Corypheus, a Magister with lofty ambitions who entered the Golden City seeking power. Solas is one such important character from the lore, but players won’t realize this until the credits for the game have already come and gone, leaving them with a scene that reveals the truth.

In a meeting with Flemeth, it is revealed to players that Solas is the God, Fen’Harel, which is very slightly hinted at throughout the game in some of Sola’s dialogue. He attacks her and absorbs her power, setting himself up as a possible antagonist. Players have already had the chance to confront him in the Trespasser DLC, and he is also set to return in Dragon Age 4. As far as post-credits scenes go, this one proved to be one of the most shocking.

MORE: Best Opening Credits In Games


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