Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood has solidified itself as one of the most critically acclaimed and popular shounen anime of all time, partly due to its quality narrative, world-building, lack of filler, and, in particular, intriguing characters. The assortment of characters in the show is one of the most well-crafted, with each character managing to fulfill their character arc throughout the series.

Characters such as Edward and Alphonse Elric, Roy Mustang, and Riza Hawkeye stand out as popular main characters throughout the story. However, the show features several characters that shine under the shadow of the main protagonists. Many of these characters become underrated and overshadowed even though their impact on the narrative is unquestionable.

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10 Maria Ross

Loyalty And Sacrifice

Maria Ross in FMAB

  • Debut: Anime Episode 4/Manga Chapter 10

The low-ranking Amestrian State Military member Maria Ross is introduced very early on in the story, with her role being pivotal. Maria is tasked early on with Denny Brosh to guard Edward and Alphonse Elric from potential danger. The brothers lead Ross down a path of trouble that leads to Ross eventually being falsely arrested on suspicion of murdering Maes Hughes.

Ross seemingly dies at the hands of Colonel Mustang. However, it is revealed that Ross is saved by Mustang, his loyal sidekick Riza Hawkeye, and his squad, eventually leading to Ross escaping Amestris before returning in time to play a crucial role in the final battle. Ross returns to aid Jean Havoc and Mustang by arriving with an armored truck filled with ammunition and weapons. Ross provides sufficient help to the Elric brothers while being willing to sacrifice part of her identity and freedom to aid Mustang’s fight against the system.

9 Jean Havoc

Persevering Through Pain

Jean Havoc in FMAB

  • Debut: Anime Episode 4/Manga Chapter 4

Early on, Jean Havoc plays a significant role in Colonel Mustang’s squad, being one of his most trusted allies. Havoc suffers a near-death experience at the hands of Homunculi Lust, his former girlfriend, resulting in him not being able to walk again. Due to the incident, Havoc is forced to retire from duty, leaving him stuck working at his parent’s store.

When the final battle begins, Havoc supplies weapons and ammunition to Mustang’s group, aiding the fight against Fuhrer Bradley. Havoc’s comic relief surrounding unfortunate girlfriends and his constant need to go the extra mile make his actions in FMAB noteworthy.

8 Barry The Chopper

Identity Crisis, Comedic Relief and Redemption

Barry the Chopper in FMAB

  • Debut: Anime Episode 7/Manga Chapter 11

Barry the Chopper emerges onto the show by playing the bad guy, framed as a mass murderer who has lost his body, akin to Alphonse. Barry starts as vindictive and tormenting, although when faced with the fact that some people do not find him terrifying, Barry starts to change when in the company of Colonel Mustang’s squad.

The character helps Mustang by assisting with Maria Ross’s escape and fighting against his old body and the Homunculi, eventually leading to his demise. Barry’s comedic value in the series is very underrated, mainly through his interactions with Mustang’s squad, leading to Barry being a quality character.

7 Captain Buccaneer

Brave, Bold And Strong

Captain Buccaneer in FMAB

  • Debut: Anime Episode 33/Manga Chapter 63

While subordinate to the firm and fierce Fort Briggs commander Olivier Armstrong, Captain Buccaneer has the strength and personality that make him shine among FMAB characters. Captain Buccaneer acts as a menacing individual who operates high-tech automail to deal with harsh snowy conditions around Fort Briggs. The massively sized Buccaneer stands out among the crowd with his eye-catching look while being able to back it up with fierce combat skills shown in the rebellion of Amestris.

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Although wounded and outclassed, Buccaneer puts up a valiant effort against Fuhrer Bradley that leads to a significant wound, further showing Buccaneer’s courage and steel when in battle.

6 Lan Fan

Loss And Loyalty

Lan Fan in FMAB

  • Debut: Anime Episode 15/Manga Chapter 32

Lan Fan’s loyalty to Ling, Prince of Xing, holds no bounds as she looks to protect her clan’s future. Lan Fan and her Grandfather Fu, both Xingese martial arts experts, leave Xing for Amestris to help Ling search for the Philosopher’s Stone, no matter the risk. Despite the trials and tribulations, Lan Fan remains loyal to Ling as he undergoes hardships, such as Greed taking over his body in return for immortality.

Not only does Lan Fan show remarkable loyalty, but her combat skills prove worthy in battle, helping fight against threatening foes such as Wrath and Pride, making Lan Fan a valuable character.

5 Jerso

From Villain To Friend

Jerso in FMAB

  • Debut: Anime Episode 37/Manga Chapter 70

Jerso emerges as part of Solf J. Kimblee’s group of goons. Jerso, accompanied by Zampano, confronts Scar and company, although after being captured, they have a change of heart, which results in them helping the group thanks to Alphonse’s persuasion.

Jerso’s primary motivation in changing sides is the hope that one day he can return to his original body, with his current human chimera form allowing him to shift into a toad that is highly effective in battle. Jerso provides sufficient backup to the Elric brothers, proving his worth to the cause as an underrated side character.

4 Sig Curtis

Strong But Tender

Sig Curtis in FMAB

  • Debut: Anime Episode 12/Manga Chapter 19

Sig Curtis may appear grizzly and menacing, but Sig is, in fact, soft and calm compared to his alchemist wife, Izumi Curtis. Sig runs a butcher shop while taking care of Izumi, who happens to be severely ill due to a transmutation aiming to revive her deceased child. While Sig supports Izumi, he is also responsible for the Elric brothers as they grow under Izumi’s tutelage.

When Sloth fights the Armstrong siblings, Sid and Izumi show up to help defeat the Homunculi. Sid shows off his hidden strength, which had yet to be shown in FMAB, impressing Alex Armstong due to his raw power.

3 Envy

A Constant Thorn In The Elric Brother’s Plans

Envy in FMAB

  • Debut: Anime Episode 5/Manga Chapter 6

Despite being overshadowed by the more powerful Wrath and Pride, Envy is still an effective force against the Elric brothers. With Envy being one of the first Homunculi introduced into FMAB, their impact on the story is profound. Envy was the character that disguised themselves to kill Maes Hughes once he had learned of crucial information relating to the Day of Reckoning. Envy further causes complications for the protagonists and alchemists, with Envy fighting Edward when stuck in Gluttony’s subspace.

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The character is also responsible for setting Kimblee onto Scar, showing Envy’s scheming nature. Envy continually halts the protagonist’s plans despite the lack of raw strength compared to their kin.

2 Fu

Loyal To The End

Fu in FMAB

  • Debut: Anime Episode 15/Manga Chapter 32

Fu arrives in FMAB, accompanying Ling and his granddaughter Lan Fan, hoping to aid Ling in his search for the Philosopher’s Stone. Fu is one of the main characters not involved in the 2003 anime adaptation of the FMA manga but was therefore included in the later adaption of FMAB. Fu, adept at Xingese martial arts, provides critical help to Ling whenever he can.

Fu’s wisdom comes to help the protagonists throughout the series when fighting against the Homunculi. Fu’s final contribution in the show proves vital as Fu, alongside Captain Buccaneer, lands a crucial blow to Wrath, leading to his eventual demise, furthering Fu’s impact on FMAB.

1 Major Miles

Committed To Changing Views On The Ishvalan

Major Miles in FMAB

  • Debut: Anime Episode 32/Manga Chapter 63

While being second in command to Olivier Armstrong at Fort Briggs, Major Miles has built himself up to be a high-ranking officer to invoke change for the Ishvalan people from the inside. Miles reveals his purpose when Scar is captured, later contributing to a plan to let Scar and his companions escape in hopes of combating the emerging danger that would affect Amestris.

Miles also commits to helping Winfrey and Alphonse head to their intended destinations by hiding them on trains, aiding the protagonists. By the show’s end, Miles joins Scar and Mustang in restoring Ishval, achieving his goal of creating change for Ishval and its people, fulfilling Miles’s character arc that was not even included in the original FMA series.

Fullmetal Alchemist_ Brotherhood

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Release Date
April 5, 2009


Hiromu Arakawa


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