
  • Doom, with his inhuman strength and mirage magic, poses a significant threat to Mash and stands out as one of the strongest foes in the series.
  • Mashle: Magic and Muscles puts a hilarious twist on the “overpowered protagonist” trope, following Mash’s journey to become a Divine Visionary.
  • Characters like Famin, Delisaster, and Epidem showcase diverse magical abilities and unique strengths in this fantasy slice-of-life series.

Set in a society where magical prowess determines one’s place in society, Mashle: Magic and Muscles explores the journey of Mash Burnedead as he strives to become a Divine Visionary in the Easton Magic Academy. However, there’s a catch: he can’t cast magic. Thankfully, Mash is ridiculously strong to the point where his physical abilities become nigh-magical in the eyes of his classmates.


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While at first glance seemingly like a typical magic school anime, Mashle: Magic and Muscles takes the “overpowered protagonist” trope and graces fans with a hilarious fantasy slice-of-life series. However, Mash’s journey to become one of the school’s famed Divine Visionary students is rife with trouble in the form of enemies and rivals inside and outside the Academy. Before Mash gets a peaceful life with his adoptive father Regro, his physical abilities are tested against the world’s most powerful magicians.

This article contains spoilers for both the Netflix adaptation of Mashle: Magic and Muscles and future events in the manga.

Updated July 15, 2024 by Rhenn Taguiam: With the Mashle anime adaptation ending Season 2 with a cliffhanger featuring the epic reveal of series antagonist Innocent Zero, fans of the hilarious magic school series might be clamoring for what would happen next to Mash and his friends with the ever-looming threat of this powerful magician. And while A-1 Pictures is confirmed to be developing a Season 3, fans of the franchise might be heading to the manga to start reading exactly what happens to Mash and the gang after this revelation.

Fans of the series invested in the power-scaling might be wondering how other characters would fare against the anime’s creampuff-loving protagonist, and it’s surprising to learn that some magicians in Mashle’s world are more powerful than imagined. These include some of Innocent Zero’s sons, one of Mash’s friends with a sister complex, and another friend with an obsession with becoming a hero.

14 Famin

The Card Meister And 2nd Strongest Of The Devil’s Quintuplets


First Appearance

Chapter 102





Among the Devil’s Quintuplets, Famin has quite the most unique appearance. Boasting a purple-white jester outfit similar to Hisoka but complete with a jingling hat, the ever-smiling Famin doesn’t hesitate to unleash his inner sadist. Being a powerful magician, Famin relies on a deck of cards instead of a wand, using it as a conduit for illusory spells. These cards are extremely sharp and work alongside his circus-themed tools, complete with unnamed spells that allow him to conjure game-like apparatuses and set lethal rules.

However, Famin’s true magic lies in Transparency. This allows him to turn objects invisible, and then manipulate these invisible objects to aid in combat. Taking on the motif of a traditional illusionist, Famin uses Transparency to trick opponents into thinking things have vanished or teleported, only to reappear as attacks or shields. Being a triple-liner, Famin can pull off a Yu-Gi-Oh! and even do summoning magic, transforming his wand into twin blades and then calling forth a demonic clown that hides Famin’s presence until he strikes. Orter Madl eventually defeats him.

13 Delisaster

A Sadistic Master Of Polearms


First Appearance

Chapter 102, Episode 24


Polearm Summoning, Enhanced Regeneration, Practical Immortality, Immense Magic Power



The narcissistic and sadistic Delisaster is the fourth son of Innocent Zero, imbuing him with immense magic power. Not only that, but Innocent Zero’s blood combined with a demonic heart replacement granted Delisaster immense regenerative abilities, practically rendering him near-immortal. These properties easily made Delisaster a threat in the Mashle story, with Finn and Rayne Ames his foes during the Eclipse Arc.

Magic-wise, Delisaster is a triple-liner whose third line is not visible on his face. His magic is Ascalon, granting him the power to conjure and manipulate polearms. Delisaster can launch a barrage of polearms (Rapid Ascalon) or unleash a giant polearm (Large Ascalon) for a fierce attack. Such was his skill with the weapon that he’s proclaimed the World’s Greatest Polearm User – a quality reflected in Athena, his Summon that can make him slice the very air around him. He is eventually defeated by the combined strength of the Ames siblings.

12 Epidem

A Lover Of Pudding Who Can Control The Earth’s Strongest Metal


First Appearance

Chapter 102, Episode 24


Orihalcos Metal Manipulation, Enhanced Regeneration, Potion Crafting



Introduced as someone deathly obsessed with pudding, Epidem is the third son of Innocent Zero and hides a sadistic persona beneath his friendly demeanor. Anyone fooled by his fancy suit is prone to his love for potions, specifically a magic-deficiency virus capable of draining magic from humans in the world of Mashle.

As though Epidem’s anti-magic potion isn’t enough, his personal magic is attached to the world’s strongest metal: Orihalcos. With this ability, Epidem can create and manipulate Orihalcos to take various forms such as spikes, boulders, and even intricate figures such as a lookalike of Lance Crown’s sister, Anna. Such is the strength of Orihalcos that it can withstand the gravity-altering effects of Graviole. As a triple-liner, Epidem can summon Sisyphus, the God of Cunning, which lets him produce gatling guns that fire Orihalcum to a target. He is defeated by the combined powers of Lance Crown and Dot Barrett.

11 Lance Crown

Deuteragonist Who Can Control Gravity

Lance Crown

First Appearance

Chapter 7, Episode 2


Gravity Magic, Immense Magic Power



While series deuteragonist Lance Crown is introduced as someone known for his sister complex, healing his sister Anna Crown did indeed become Lance’s main motivation to pursue the status of Divine Visionary. Although Lance begins the series as Mash’s rival, he becomes one of his more dependable allies. As a double-liner, Lance already possesses an incredible amount of magic power, allowing him to cast effects such as teleportation, transmogrification, or even silence. However, he eventually becomes a triple-liner which further elevates his control over his abilities.

Lance sets himself apart from other spellcasters with his mastery of his magic, Graviole. This magic allows Lance to manipulate gravity at a precise level, letting him access an arsenal of moves that can hinder his opponents or accelerate his movements. Lance can cast Graviole in select areas (Sectional), as a destructive barrage (Chain Epicurus), or even as poles that can precisely manipulate gravity (Secondth: Torture Pole). Upon his ascension into a third-liner in the Mashle story, Lance unlocks his Summon: Nemesis, unleashing the God of the Stars as a powerful ally. Such was Lance’s power level that Innocent Zero was initially doubtful that someone of his caliber was a mere first-year student.

10 Dot Barrett

A Master Of Explosives Whose Power Scales With Emotion

Dot Barrett

First Appearance

Chapter 11, Episode 2


Exploding Fireball Magic, Emotion-Based Magic Growth, Immense Magic Power, Immense Physical Prowess



Ever the aspiring protagonist, Dot Barrett is a loud character known for hating “hot guys” but is fiercely loyal to his friends. Introduced as a chivalrous magician who hated Lance Crown for acting cool, Dot becomes one of Mashle’s most treasured friends. While looked down upon as a single-liner, Dot Barrett grows into a powerful magician throughout the series. Dot’s magic is Explomb, a destructive magic that releases exploding fireballs. He can launch them one at a time, multiple (Machinegun Explomb), or time them to explode after a certain period (Explomb Bomb).


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At some point in the series, it’s revealed that Dot Barrett possesses the legendary Ira Kreuz, a warding cross that transforms him into a “battle demon” when provoked. Such is the Ira Kreuz’s power that it acted as his third line during his and Lance’s battle with Epidem, allowing him to summon Vulcanus, the God of Explosion. This god didn’t have a humanoid form, likely due to Dot not having an actual third line. Instead, Vulcanus took the form of massive cross-shaped guns attached to both his arms. When his Explomb Thirds is triggered, the ability transforms into an arsenal of gun barrels around him.

9 Orter Madl

Triple Liner Sand Magician With Extremely Flexible Magic


First Appearance

Chapter 40





Among the Divine Visionaries working in the Bureau of Magic, Orter Madl possesses one of the most flexible forms of spellcasting in the magic anime series: Sands. Orter’s mastery over sand is similar to that of Gaara in Naruto, allowing the three-liner to condense sand to cut through steel or easily block Mash’s immensely powerful physical attacks.

Despite his youth, Orter is among the rare of the already-rare three-liners to access Thirds, allowing him to summon the unnamed God of Sand from within his wand. Unfortunately, the full powers of this Third have yet to be revealed, meaning it’s unknown what level of power Orter truly possesses. However, among his notable feats were one-shotting Famin and contending with Doom at 70 percent power.

8 Renatus Revol

An Immortal Necromancer Who Controls The Dead


First Appearance

Chapter 40


Undeath, Immortality



At first glance, one wouldn’t think that Renatus Revol is the leader of the Magical Cemetary Administration. However, beneath the scar on his right cheek and his casual vested appearance is a powerful triple-liner who relishes in the permission to kill criminals. Among Divine Visionaries, Renatus is known for Undeath, his magic that allows him to summon and manipulate giant undead body parts like a Necromancer in a game such as Diablo.

What truly sets Renatus apart is his immortality, essentially allowing him to regenerate lost limbs at incredible speeds. In emergencies, Renatus can use the full extent of his triple-liner status to summon the God of Death, Thanatos. This initially takes the form of a skeletal scythe that replaces his finger wand, which can upgrade into Thanatos Inclination, practically summoning the God of Death himself onto the battlefield.

7 Ryoh Grantz

Captain Of The Magic Security Force, Can Stop Adam’s Darkness And Innocent Zero’s Magic


First Appearance

Chapter 40





Facing Adam’s existence-erasing Darkness can become a frightening experience, with Ryoh Grantz being the only one with the firepower capable of resisting it. Presently the Captain of the Magic Security Force, the egotistical Ryoh Grantz treats the world as his stage, with his personality fitting his magic, Lights. Through his magical prowess, Ryoh can manipulate light in various forms, usually through rays of light that can pierce through buildings. In regular combat, Ryoh uses light to teleport, shield others, and blind his opponents.


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As a Divine Visionary, Ryoh can use his Thirds to summon Hyperion, the God of Light. Perhaps most remarkable among Ryoh’s feats is his Lights’ ability to counteract magical darkness. He can resist the destructive power of Adam’s Darkness, force the immensely powerful Doom to power up to 80%, and contend with Innocent Zero’s dark magic.

6 Meliadoul Amy

Superhuman Magical Strength, Wields The Mortal Enemy Of Dark Magic


First Appearance

Chapter 2, Episode 2


Superhuman Magical Strength, Cellular Magic



Known as one of the pupils of Adam Jobs, Meliadoul Amy is known for her cheerful exterior that contrasts with her monstrous strength and strict teaching acumen. Similar to Sannin Tsunade of Naruto, Meliadoul possesses an incredible physique that makes her nigh-unmatched in physical combat. The exact kind of magic Meliadoul possesses is unknown, though she can become strong enough to throw someone to a flying fortress, as well as teleport to Innocent Zero quickly enough to attack him. Meliadoul’s magic also affects her on a cellular level as it can boost her physique and even modify armored knights upon “plugging” in her data.

Such is the depth of her magical prowess that Meliadoul’s life-affecting magic can create organs such as hearts and even heal injuries. Among her many items is a magical chainsaw that heals pain and exhaustion in exchange for excruciating pain, as well as the Wind-up Key of Life that can provide continuous healing. She also possesses the Moly Staff, the mortal enemy of dark magic, which can absorb and redirect attacks. Not much is known about the full power of Meliadoul’s magic, though her combat experience seems to match Mash’s and Doom’s base strength.

5 Wahlberg Baigan

Headmaster Of Easton Magic Academy, Manipulate Space


First Appearance

Chapter 2, Episode 2


Spaces, Ancient Soul Spell, Magic Dispelling



Whereas Harry Potter has Albus Dumbledore as the ever-wise headmaster, Mashle has Wahlberg Baigan as an elder mentor figure. However, beneath his elderly appearance is his status as an apprentice of Adam Jobs, making him one of the most powerful magicians in the land. Wahlberg is known for Spaces, being able to manipulate space itself. When using his summon, Wahlberg can warp space in different areas at the same time. Moreover, his Thirds allows his wand to manifest its inner god, with Uranus Inclination capable of erasing the existence of everything in a particular area.

While Innocent Zero will eventually steal Wahlberg’s magic, the headmaster still possesses incredible magical powers. On top of his magic, Wahlberg can use fire magic and even an Ancient Soul Spell that can erase a person’s soul to such an extent that it can never return to its original body.

4 Adam Jobs

Founder Of The Bureau Of Magic, Established Magic Society


First Appearance

Chapter 65





Considered the founder of the Bureau of Magic and the backbone of magical society, Adam Jobs remains one of the most skilled spellcasters in the Mashle magic anime series. In life, Adam sought to help magicless people through the Bureau. Unfortunately, his legacy has been twisted after his death, resulting in today’s discrimination against the magicless. Adam is also known to be skilled enough to train three of the strongest spellcasters in the known world: Wahlberg Baigan of Easton Magic Academy, Mistress Meliadoul Amy, and Innocent Zero’s eponymous leader.


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As a three-liner, Adam Jobs possesses divine-level magical prowess, to the point where his signature Darkness is unmatched by anyone in his time. Adam’s access to the void allows his attacks to “erase” its targets from existence. Unfortunately, little is known about the full extent of Adam’s abilities, except perhaps that he can transform his wand into a skeletal scythe, and his Third can presumably summon Lucifer, the God of Darkness.

3 Doom

Inhuman Strength, Create Mirror Copies


First Appearance

Chapter 99


Mirage, Immense Strength



To say that Doom possesses incredible strength much like Younger Toguro of Yu Yu Hakusho is an understatement, as the Mashle character is likely the only one save for Innocent Zero to match Mash in terms of physical prowess. As a warrior, Doom possesses the massive Caladbolg that allows him to channel his magic and attack at a distance, as well as a Master Cane that allows his physique to surpass their already-superhuman limits. In most instances, Doom is using 50 percent of his magic power, and he barely grazed 70 to 80 percent power when outpacing Revol’s Thirds.

Doom normally doesn’t need to use his magic, but Mash’s appearance forced him to use Mirage. Truly the epitome of an OP antagonist, Mirage lets Doom make copies of himself. When activating his Secondth called Collideoscopes, a large kaleidoscope projects countless copies of Caladbolg that attacks the opponent all at once. And when this proved useless against Mash, he called forth the God of Bounty, Freyja, in his wand to channel his Thirds that allowed him to create countless Dooms of equal strength. None of these abilities were able to defeat Mash’s incredible physical capabilities.

2 Innocent Zero

Time Manipulator, Magic Stealer

Innocent Zero

First Appearance

Chapter 39, Episode 12


Timez, Magic Stealing, Shapeshifting, Magma Magic



The immensely powerful magic of Innocent Zero is a bad match to his megalomaniacal tendencies, especially when he turned his back on his master Adam Jobs’s principles to pursue a life of evil. Through Timez, Innocent Zero can manipulate time itself to his bidding, allowing him to accelerate and rewind time on himself and the people around him in a myriad of ways. Such is the power of Timez that Wahlberg considers the most powerful personal magic, with Innocent Zero able to use it to age people who touch him by a hundred years or even restore someone to life with just a fragment of their flesh.

Through his summoning, Innocent Zero can call forth the God of Time Chronos to evolve his powerful magic. Outside Timez, Innocent Zero can create entire wands and even steal magic such as Wahlberg’s Space and Adam Jobs’s Darkness. However, Innocent Zero’s other feats include the possession of a Demonic Form and a god-like Perfected Form. Had it not been for Mash, Innocent Zero may have achieved a feat similar to Sosuke Aizen of Bleach and have become a god among all.

1 Mash Burnedead

Ridiculous Physical Strength That Can Match A God


First Appearance

Chapter 1, Episode 1


Muscles Magic



Taking cues from the likes of the unbeatable Saitama, Mash Burnedead is the magicless student who can outclass his powerful magician peers with brute force. Known for his love for cream puffs, Mash is a kind-hearted student who only wants to become a Divine Visionary for a peaceful life with his adoptive father. Unbeknownst to him, he’s actually the youngest child of Innocent Zero, possessing self-proclaimed Muscles Magic that uses the full strength of his body without any magic power.

Such is Mash’s incredible control over his body that he can achieve superhuman feats capable of tearing through castles. Removing his weights reveals an Unlimited Physical Mode that unleashes his full power, and a lethargic Weakness Mode makes him as flimsy as paper so that he can avoid the attacks of Doom at 100%. Mash’s strength is so ridiculous that he’s able to defeat Perfected Mode Innocent Zero not just in the anime’s timeline but across all timelines the time manipulator has created.


Mashle: Magic And Muscles

A-1 Pictures

Number of Episodes

Release Date
April 8, 2023

Hajime Kōmoto


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