Part of what makes games as a medium so interesting is how players can engage with them to alter the narrative. While not every title offers this, roleplaying games in particular often give players the agency to have a more unique narrative experience, either by changing the outcome of the story or developing certain relationships at their own leisure.

As games continue to broaden in their technical scope, and a greater focus on more inclusive romances begins to appear in games, one area players often have agency in is with the romances their characters get involved with in-game. Strategy RPGs are often host to intense battles, and these titles show fantastic romantic relationships blossoming from the heat of battle.

5 Stella Glow

A Vibrant And Underlooked 3DS Title

Stella Glow is a gem of a title available on the 3DS. The strategic gameplay has weight behind every attack, the story goes in some interesting directions, and the aesthetics of the entire game just…pops! Magic users are few and far between in this world, but every one of them has such a unique style and is a masterwork in vibrant character design. All the main witches are also romanceable in this title, to boot.

It would be nice to see the male protagonist able to engage in something more than a solid bromance with his male companions, but the game makes use of a Persona-style free time system, that allows for plenty of opportunities to explore all of the companion titles in this underlooked strategy JRPG.

4 Wildermyth

A Picturesque And Sublimely Written Story Generator

Wildermyth is, simply put, an amazing game. The wistful, picture book style to the writing and entire world make the player feel like they’re watching a retelling of a myth, with an incredibly novel magic system and gameplay loop to boot. Players can’t necessarily control the paths the personal stories of the characters take, as they are very much up to chance and also the personality traits of each character. However, in almost every run, there will be a moment where romance blossoms between two characters based on their preferences. This can even lead to children who will one day be old enough to become adventurers in their own right!

Romance is used in Wildermyth as another way to watch the legacy of these unique, lovingly detailed characters grow over the course of their adventure. Alongside romances, players can also expect lifetime-lasting friendships and cold rivalries to form, each with tangible gameplay and narrative effects.


5 Best RPGs With An Illusionist Class

Illusionists like tricksters in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and mesmers in Guild Wars allow RPG players to engage their enemies in indirect, unpredictable ways.

3 Unicorn Overlord

Marriage Will Determine Who Rules Alongside Alain

Unicorn Overlord is an incredible strategy JRPG with an emphasis on the relationships built in battle. Characters will grow deeper bonds with the comrades that they share a squadron with, and oftentimes this will lead to special cutscenes where players can see them getting friendlier as they fight against the rule of Galerius. Alain is no exception to this rule, and has the ability to develop a bond with almost every available companion.

For almost all female characters (and a few characters if you squint your eyes while reading their dialogue – Alain x Travis forever) a romantic relationship is available, and while the viability of these marriages from a political standpoint varies from character to character, Unicorn Overlord does a good job making these romances feel organic over the course of several cutscenes.

2 Dragon Age: Origins

Iconic Romances In An Iconic Game

Dragon Age: Origins’ tight cast of companions is host to some of the best character work in any video game, period. Revisiting this game while counting down the days to Veilguard has been a showcase in how well written these characters are not only from the offset, but how they can change and grow (for better or worse) over the course of the story, based on the choices of the Gray Warden.

Romances also take on a new dimension in Origins as they have a tangible role to play in the plot, with companions – as key characters – making different, story-altering decisions based on if they see the Gray Warden romantically or not.

1 Fire Emblem: Three Houses

A Plethora Of Relationship Options For Byleth

Similar to other SRPGs mentioned on this list, battle is a major conduit for the development of relationships in Three Houses. As characters fight in proximity to one another, their relationships will continue to grow and develop, and as Byleth fights alongside them, the possibility for a romance increases. Spending free time with students, such as undertaking side quests with them or having tea with them will also increase Byleth’s relationship level with them.

Every character in Three Houses is so lovingly written and even the more peripheral characters in the overall story have a level of depth to them that makes growing a relationship with them – romantic or otherwise – incredibly satisfying. This is an incredibly replayable title that is only enhanced by the volume of excellent romantic possibilities available to the player.


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