
  • Players in Minecraft may actually be the villains, destroying ecosystems and killing animals for their own gain.
  • The Endermen in Minecraft may be infected with parasites that travel between dimensions and infect the brains of others.
  • The Piglins in Minecraft were possibly used by an ancient civilization and then abandoned in the Nether, trapped forever.

Fan theories are ever present in the most active of communities, especially when most of the game’s lore is mere speculation. Truer words have never been spoken when it comes to games like Minecraft, a game so popular and successful, yet, with no real story behind it other than subtle hints and roads paved by players shrouded in theory. Minecraft is an elusive game, but there exist some popular Minecraft fan theories that will surely make players question the game the next time they load into the blocky world.


Minecraft: The Best Animals To Tame (& How To Tame Them)

Between all the mining and crafting, Minecraft leaves a lot of time & space for players to explore the world and tame their own animal companions.

Whilst some legends may be known to veteran players of Minecraft, there are others that may have not been heard before. If anyone is to hunt through the internet, they are bound to come across a wild, yet somewhat believable depiction of certain events in Minecraft, maybe even including how all of this started.

5 The Player Is The Villain

Theorized By Smiley

Minecraft Player Builds The Metaverse in the Game

This theory isn’t out of the realm of possibility, especially when players take into account the actions of players in Minecraft. Players destroy ecosystems to create structures, regardless of where they are, but they also kill animals, mine materials underground, and battle anything that moves for “XP” and resources. When looking at it like that, it’s hard not to see Steve and their friends as villains in the story of Minecraft.

Things are pretty peaceful in Minecraft’s world until the player turns up, which begs the question of who is Steve. Smiley’s video, Minecraft Darkest Secret (The Truth Behind Steve) Theory, believes that Steve is actually a Wither. One factor for this reasoning is that Steve and the Wither are the only two mobs that can regenerate health. This theory presents the idea that as a Wither, claiming countless souls grants immortality, to which cures Withers and turns them back into humans. Humans, who are able to respawn.


4 Endermine Are Transdimensional Zombies

Theorized By Wifies


In a popular YouTube video from Wifies, Disturbing History of Minecraft Endermen, the theorist devices a concept surrounding the Endermen, which are perhaps the most mysterious mobs in all of Minecraft. Not much is known about this mob, but Wifies presents a truly interesting take involving the Endermen and the Endermites, in which the Endermites are parasites that can travel between dimensions, and infect the brains of anyone they come in contact with.


10 Best Open-World Games Set In Utopias

For players looking for a more perfect society to play in, these games fit the bill.

Wifies believes thatwhat came before Endermen, were travelers, evoking travel greater than what Minecraft’s Steve could ever know. Artists and friends, until the Endermite parasite infected them, causing a tragic plague that could not be stopped. Wifies also theorizes that the Endermen get aggressive when looked at because that’s the Endermite parasite inside them urging newer infection. It’s a wild theory, but one that might just work.

3 Piglins Were Slave To An Ancient Civilization

Theorized By RetroGamingNow

Piglin Brute Minecraft Piglins (1)

RetroGamingNow raises an interesting point in his YouTube video, Disturbing Secrets of the Piglins, in that the Piglins are not immune to fire, showcasing that they are not native to the Nether. RetroGamingNow goes into detail about the Piglins and their society, on how they are not primitive, know how to trade, the value of gold, and exist in groups. Yet, they weren’t the ones to build the lost bastions found in the Nether.

This theory goes quite deep into the theorized lore, but in essence, the Piglins were used by an ancient civilization, and this is indicated in the structures left behind in the Nether, from the bastions to the chests filled with equipment that have no resources found in the Nether. Even more creepy, there are scattered and destroyed Nether portals, as if this Ancient group of builders abandoned the Piglins in the Nether, and trapped them in this Hellscape forever when they used them for their sinister goals.

2 The Ancient City Is Slowly Infecting The Overworld

Theorized By Game Theory


Game Theory is the most popular fan theory channel on YouTube, and MatPat and Co. certainly provide fans of many franchises with interesting looks into lore. An interesting video presented by Game Theory is The Forgotten War of Minecraft, which presents a concept surrounding the Ancient City and the Warden that could have sinister undertones if allowed to manifest. Game Theory makes a point that XP is like souls, and if a mob dies on a sculk block, little blue souls will appear over the block rather than XP, and Sculk can grow, further infecting the deep dark of the caves underneath the overworld.


6 Best Open-World Games Without Any Big Cities

While most open-world games feature at least one major city loaded with merchants and NPCs, these games instead provide a vast wilderness to explore.

With this information, it can be assumed that the ancient civilization that created these Ancient Cities created a soul portal that brought about an invasive species with sculk and the Warden. These Ancient Builders are long gone after their cities were infected with Wardens in a desperate attempt to open a portal to a new dimension, further spreading this death and corruption in the form of sculk. As the Warden kills off these ancient builders, more sculk is produced, which in turn, makes the Warden stronger thanks to the mutation of sensors and shriekers, which help to guide the blind Wardens to prey, and to wake them from deep slumber to further spread their sculk.

1 Herobrine, The Evil Steve

A Creepypasta Transcends Into Official Patch Notes


The darkest urban legend in Minecraft has to be Herobrine. Despite starting as a Creepypasta in 2010, Herobrine quickly transcended myth, and many YouTubers and streamers began to prank their viewers with evidence that Herobrine was real. Many different theories revolve around Herobrine, including that he was the deceased brother of Minecraft’s creator, Notch, despite Notch not having a dead brother, thus disproving this theory.

Regardless of who or what Herobrine was, Notch and Minecraft’s team seemed to have fun, as seemingly every update for a while used the “Herobrine Removed” message in the patch notes, indicating that, despite the myth, Herobrine is forever in the game. The Removed Herobrine gag is rather fun, but to players unfamiliar with Minecraft, it’s incredibly scary to think there’s an evil Steve out there, watching the player’s every move.

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November 18, 2011

Sandbox , Survival


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