Key Takeaways

  • Anime lacks diversity in ninja-themed series beyond Naruto, leaving many underrated gems unexplored.
  • Shinobi Life blends action, romance, and comedy in a unique storyline perfect for casual reading.
  • Laughing Under the Clouds offers exceptional art and a historical fantasy plot with unexpected shoujo manga action.

Despite how iconic and beloved the concept of ninjas has become, there’s surprisingly little diversity in the anime and manga world when it comes to this theme. Of course, there is Naruto — the definitive ninja series that not only brought the genre into the mainstream but also became a cultural phenomenon in its own right. But beyond that, not a lot of ninja-themed series have received the same level of attention.


Best Anime To Watch If You Love Naruto

A shonen epic, Naruto delivers action, great characters, and humor. Fans looking for something new to watch should check out these anime.

Which is a huge shame, given how there are so many good ninja series out there that are amazing, yet so underrated. Considering how comprehensive, creative, and absolutely impressive manga already are, having a plethora of ninja manga — each offering a fresh and unique take — should come as no surprise. From ninja romances to a historically accurate representation of the shinobi lifestyle, there’s definitely a lot more to be explored in the ninja world.

7 Shinobi Life

Action, Romance, Cuteness, And Everything In Between

main characters of shinobi life hugging each other.


Konami Shouko



Other Genre(s)

Romance, Comedy

Isekai, ninjas, and romance are a blend of themes one would definitely not expect to see in any form of media, let alone a manga. Yet, Shinobi Life, a 2006 romance manga with ‘sleek character art’ — a hallmark of classic shoujo manga — not only brings these unconventional themes together but also does an exceptionally good job of doing justice to all of them. Shinobi Life, for the most part, is a comedy romance (occasionally peppered with heartfelt sequences), which makes it perfect for a casual reading session that that doesn’t demand too much mental effort.

The manga follows Beni, a high schooler who has had enough of her rich, gloating father’s tyranny. Her father is possibly the reason for her mother’s death and his high social standing makes Beni next in line — she’s already a frequent target of assassination attempts by rival factions. This is how she encounters the manga’s male lead, Kagetora, a ninja from the past who accidentally time-travels to the future while searching for his princess, only to mistake Beni for her.

6 Nabari No Ou

Reluctant Hero Trope In A Ninja-Themed Series

Miharu Rokujou on the cover of Nabari No Ou posing with a symbolic scarf.


Kamatani Yuuki



Other Genre(s)

Fantasy, Drama

“Reluctant heroes and unwilling protagonists” is a sub-genre that has not been explored as deeply in manga as it has been in other types of visual novels, like manhwa and manhua. Yet, it’s a trope that feels right at home in a ninja-themed manga, perfectly capturing the vibe of an ‘unassuming character with godlike abilities, forced into the life of a ninja against their will.’ Nabari No Ou is a 2004 manga that does exactly this — it features a reluctant protagonist with secret powers, forced into becoming a ninja despite his wanting to live a quiet life.


7 Best Manhwa Featuring Reluctant Heroes

These characters were unwilling to settle into their roles as heroes, but eventually lived up to them reluctantly.

Nabari No Ou is set in a world that consists of a secret society of ninjas locked in a power struggle. These factions are in a ruthless war with each other, which is mostly centered around the fight to crown the next ruler of the hidden ninja underworld. Miharu Rokujou is a high schooler who unwillingly gets caught in the crossfire and realizes he has special powers that make him a liability to all the scary ninja groups. Despite not wanting to, he has to accept this enormous responsibility and hone his newfound skills to make sure he survives in a world where nearly everyone wants him dead.

5 Laughing Under The Clouds

An Action Shoujo Series With Exceptional Art And Storyline

the brothers of Laughing Under the Clouds, with their swords and tattoes.


Karakara Kemuri



Other Genre(s)

Action, Supernatural

In most cases, shounen manga are the type of manga that contain most of the hardcore action and adventure sequences, typically following a protagonist’s journey from being a weak individual to becoming the strongest. However, as surprising as this may sound, shounen manga have the most unexpected competitors in the action world — shoujo manga. Yes, certain shoujo manga are known to dabble in action fully and not have an ounce of romance or slice-of-line subplot in their premise. Laughing Under the Clouds, a 2010 shoujo manga, is a primary example of this.

Laughing Under the Clouds is a historical fantasy manga that reimagines Japan’s Meiji Era from the lens of Japanese Mythology. Although ninjas aren’t the focal point of the series, they do hold a very fundamental part in the plot. It follows the story of The Kumou Brothers, highly notorious ferrymen who transport criminals from the mainland to an isolated lake prison. However, their true mission goes far beyond their ferryman duties — they belong to an ancient clan responsible for preventing the reawakening of Orochi, a giant serpent capable of unleashing mass destruction.

4 Shinobi No Kuni

Real Historical Events Surrounding Real Ninjas, Blended In With Fiction

main character of Shinobi no Kuni, holding a symbolic skull in his hand and posing in the cover art.


Banno Mutsumi (Art), Wada Ryou (Story)



Other Genre(s)


Shinobi no Kuni, like Laughing Under the Clouds, blends real historical events with fictional ideas and mythology to come up with a perfectly delightful piece of work. It’s a 2009 manga that was originally based off of a novel of the same name by Wada Ryou and heavily features elements from the Sengoku Period, revolving around the unifying of Japan under the rule of warlord Nobunaga Oda.


7 Best Anime That Take Inspiration From Norse Mythology

Norse mythology has been the inspiration of video games, shows and movies over the years, along with several anime.

The fictional twist in the book comes from the idea that Oda, despite literally being known as the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, is unable to adequately unify the country because of his fear of the Iga province — a province known for raising the strongest, most deadly shinobis. Among these already well-established and dangerous groups of ninjas, there is one man who takes the cake for being the most ruthless: Mumon, a vicious assassin who is terrifyingly skilled but otherwise lazy and only motivated by his love for his wife. Mumon, being the person he is, accidentally messes up and starts a war no one can come out of unscathed.

3 Azumi

A Manga That Explores The Psychological Repercussions Of Being An Assassin

Main character Azumi, holding a sword


Koyama Yuu



Other Genre(s)

Drama, Psychological

The standard depiction of shinobis and ninjas in mainstream media is way off from what they were actually like in real life. In mainstream media, they’re predominantly depicted as some type of supernatural beings with mystical powers that go beyond human comprehension. However, if there’s one manga that does an excellent job of portraying ninjas in a fairly realistic, personal, and humanized way (albeit not with complete historical accuracy), it’s the classical 1994 manga, Azumi.

Azumi revolves around the life of a female assassin and her ordeal of being the only woman in their group of assassin trainees. The manga delves into very heavy moral and psychological themes centered around the implications of taking a life. As an assassin, Azumi is taught to kill without any lingering feelings, sympathy, and remorse for her victims — which results in her making some very questionable decisions in her ‘profession.’

2 Flame Of Recca

The OG Ninja Manga Before Naruto

Recca and Yanagi, the main characters of Flame of Recca, walking.


Anzai Nobuyuki



Other Genre(s)

Adventure, Comedy, Romance

While Naruto may be the most iconic ninja manga, there was another series that made waves before Naruto even hit the scene: Flame of Recca. This 1995 action series, with its signature ’90s art style and storytelling, left an equally lasting mark on the genre and is one of the best-selling manga of all time.


10 Best Shonen Jump Manga That Started In 2023

Several series have debuted in Weekly Shonen Jump in 2023. Every title is available on the English Shonen Jump app, ready for reading.

Flame of Recca is set in a world that keeps the existence of ninjas and ninjutsu a secret. Recca, the titular character, is a high-school student who claims to be a ninja with extraordinary powers. Staying true to the ancient ninja ways, he promises to pledge his unwavering allegiance to Yanagi, a girl with mysterious healing abilities, whom he considers worthy enough to be his master. The two promise to help each other out on their ‘getting stronger’ journey until they realize it’s not all fun and games, and there are dark and powerful forces at play behind the scenes.

1 Basilisk

A Historical Fantasy with a Bold Premise and Top-Tier Action

main characters of Basilisk on the cover of the manga.


Yamada Fuutarou (Story), Segawa Masaki (Art)



Other Genre(s)

Action, Drama, Romance

If Azumi explores the moral and ethical dimensions of being a ninja, then Basilisk offers a loosely based historical take on the subject. It’s a 2003 manga, inspired by Futaro Yamada’s 1958 novel, The Kouga Ninja Scrolls, and is set during Japan’s Azuchi-Momoyama period in the 16th century. The story is centered around vicious clan rivalries as they strive to install their preferred candidate as Japan’s new Shogun.

Kouga Manjidani and the Iga Tsubagakure are two ninja clans that have been at war with each other for centuries, resulting in not only countless brutal deaths but also instability in the entire country. The Shogun of the time forces them to create a peace treaty and live in reluctant harmony in order to mitigate the consequences of their bloody war. However, when the time comes to choose a new Shogun, these clans — along with eight other rival factions — discard the treaty and resume their brutal warfare in an attempt to influence the choice of the new ruler.


10 Best Anime To Learn About Japanese History

For history buffs out there, these anime shows and films offer an interesting look into various time periods in Japanese history.


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