
  • LGBTQ+ representation in video games is increasing, with more diverse narratives and characters being included in both classic and modern titles.
  • Games like
    Borderlands 2, Fallout 2,
    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
    have paved the way for LGBTQ+ romance and marriage options in the industry.
  • Titles like
    The Sims, Fallout: New Vegas,
    Dragon Age: Origins
    continue to push for inclusivity, offering players diverse relationship mechanics and LGBTQ+ characters.

As video games as a medium have progressed, the topic of representation has become more and more relevant. Today, people are increasingly aware of the diverse range of individuals who play video games, and how they want to experience stories that personally resonate with them. This has led to a new influx of diverse narratives to choose from. Whether that be indie games with deeply personal LGBTQ+ stories, or games with engaging LGBTQ+ romance options, there’s bound to be something to fit everyone’s tastes.


19 LGBTQ+ Characters In Fighting Games

These fighting games aren’t afraid to let gay, bi, trans, and non-binary characters shine.

That doesn’t mean, however, that classic games were without LGBTQ+ representation. In the past, there have been plenty of notable games that pushed boundaries in order to portray LGBTQ+ narratives. Though some forms of representation may seem outdated, there are many classic games whose LGBTQ+ characters and themes still hold up well today.

7 Borderlands 2 (2012)

An Ever-Increasing Number Of LGBTQ+ Characters

tiny tina in borderlands 2

Borderlands 2

September 18, 2012


As a series, Borderlands is brimming with LGBTQ+ characters, Borderlands 2 builds on the first game’s charm and atmosphere by adding a number of fun, diverse new faces for the player to get to know. As with most Borderlands character development, much of the LGBTQ+ representation is told through loud, irreverent jokes and dialogue.

Tiny Tina, for example, is a lesbian who was first introduced in Borderlands 2 – she received her own DLC, Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep, and went on to play a role in Borderlands 3 and star in her own game, Tiny Tina’s Wonderland. She, slong with other LGBTQ+ Borderlands characters’ increase in relevance, shows the trend of rising awareness of the importance LGBTQ+ representation in video games.

6 Fallout 2 (1998)

The First Gay Marriage In A Mainstream Game

Fallout 2 Chosen One

Fallout 2

October 29, 1998

Black Isle Studios

While other games in the Fallout series may have more in-depth representation, Fallout 2 is notable in its progressive portrayal of gay marriage in 1998, years before it was legalized anywhere in the world. The player character may choose to marry either Davin or Miria, regardless of their character’s gender, in a humorous but very real ceremony.

Though this may seem like a small addition today, including LGBTQ+ romance and marriage in Fallout 2 proved to be a landmark moment for the games industry’s understanding of LGBTQ+ representation, and paved the way for later entries in the series to include further diversity.

5 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic (2003)

Love In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

Juhani in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

In the past, Star Wars has not been known for its LGBTQ+ representation. Though it may now feature a number of LGBTQ+ characters, it took some time for them to get there. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic introduces the franchise’s first gay character: Juhani. Juhani is a companion that a female player character may pursue romantically; her romance route offers a deeper look at her character, allowing players to form an emotional connection.

While Juhani’s role in Knights of the Old Republic may seem commonplace today, her inclusion as a lesbian in both the Star Wars franchise and video games as a whole is extremely notable. She would pave the way for more video games to include LGBTQ+ romance options, and for Star Wars to begin diversifying the characters they added to their universe.

4 The Sims Series

Create Yourself

The Sims 4 My Wedding Stories Dominique and Camille kissing

The Sims

February 4, 2000

Life Simulation

Commonly overlooked, The Sims’ role in the landscape of LGBTQ+ characters in games is pretty formative. The first game in the series made the choice to allow same-gender relationships, at a time when showing a gay kiss in a video game was enough to receive backlash. Each successive game went on to add more and more features, tweaking romantic relationships and allowing the option of gay marriage in 2004’s The Sims 2, over a decade before it was legal in every US state.


Games With The Most Inclusive Romance Options

While plenty of games incorporate romance, some give their players a lot more freedom and options for falling in love than others.

Overall, the franchise aims to be inclusive, with later entries adding features such as customizable genders and pronouns, pride cosmetics, and more relationship mechanics for players to tweak.

3 Persona 2: Innocent Sin (1999)

A Coming-Of-Age Story

Tatsuya Suou in Persona 2

  • Franchise: Persona
  • Platforms: Playstation, Playstation Portable
  • Released: 1999-06-24
  • Developer: Atlus
  • Genre: JRPG

The Persona games are all about self discovery and coming of age. Their high school setting allows them to tell stories that lean heavily on themes of identity, first love, and self-acceptance. However, while many games in the series touch on dating and sexuality, with romantic relationships becoming a fan-favorite feature, Persona 2 is the only game in which the player character may enter a same-sex relationship.

During the game, the player can choose for Tatsuya, the protagonist, to enter a romantic relationship with one of the other characters, and one of these characters is Jun, Tatsuya’s childhood friend. Their relationship is treated no differently than the potential romantic connections Tatsuya may have with his female friends, making it a surprisingly progressive portrayal of young LGBTQ+ love for a game released in the 1990s.

2 Fallout: New Vegas (2010)

The Perks Of Bisexuality

Veronica in Fallout New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas

October 19, 2010

As a game, Fallout: New Vegas could be described as timeless. Despite its age, people are still heavily invested in playing, discussing, and modding it, with its story and narrative themes still feeling fresh today. Among its cast of interesting and well-written characters are a number of LGBTQ+ NPCs populating the world and existing with the same level of depth as every other character. Players may also take on optional Perks that allow them to flirt and do extra damage against members of the gender they’re attracted to, making bisexuality a useful strategy for anyone aiming to optimize their character.

In addition, two of the main companions that the player may encounter are brilliant LGBTQ+ representations; Veronica Santangelo and Arcade Gannon are both gay, with their sexualities simultaneously being an important aspect of their characters while only being a small piece of their story. Though they are only two of the many LGBTQ+ characters found in the game, it’s obvious that a huge amount of care went into writing them.

1 Dragon Age: Origins (2009)

Save The World And Find Love

Zevran Dragon Age

Dragon Age Origins

November 3, 2009

Dragon Age is a franchise full of LGBTQ+ representation, featuring a range of romance options, plot-relevant LGBTQ+ characters, and thoughtful transgender narratives. Dragon Age: Origins is the first game in the series, and the one to begin this trend of representation. Out of the four companions the player character may pursue romantically, two are bisexual: Zevran and Leliana. These two companions both have backstories where their bisexuality is relevant, meaning that their sexuality doesn’t hinge on the player showing interest in them. They are also well-written, with their own opinions on the main quest and optional side quests that allow the player to get to know them better.

Additionally, there are a number of fun and interesting LGBTQ+ NPC characters that the player will encounter on their journey, each with their own story and personality, creating a rich, diverse, and representative world.


6 LGBTQ+ Games To Play During Pride Month

These six great LGBTQ+ games are ideal for pride month.


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