Provided the player hasn’t changed the settings, all zombies run at night. This increases the game’s difficulty and makes the nighttime quite a tense time, especially during the early stages of the game. 7 Days To Die is filled with dangers. Even during the day, it’s a pretty dangerous place.


7 Days To Die: 7 Tips For Surviving The First Few Days

The first few days in a survival game are always a little tricky, and the same goes for 7 Days To Die. Here are a few helpful tips for early on.

Newer players may be tempted to hide and stay quiet during the night. While this may seem like a good idea, it isn’t very productive. Players will need to manage their time wisely to survive Blood Moons. So, if the player spends large amounts of time just waiting for the sun to rise, then they aren’t likely to survive many horde nights.

Craft And Upgrade Items

Work Towards Having Better Equipment

Crafting A Weapon At A Workbench In 7 Days To Die

Those who have played the old console version will remember a time when they could improve the quality of an item simply by crafting a new one. While those days are gone, players can still craft improved items and mods to further boost a weapon or armor piece’s efficiency.

If the player doesn’t want to venture out at night, then they should take a look at their armor pieces and weapons. They may be able to craft some mods, improve their pieces, or craft new items at a workbench that are better than what they currently have.

Upgrade Your Base

The Best Offense Is A Great Defense

A Strong Base In 7 Days To Die

Horde nights are tough. Multiple waves of enemies will zone in on the player and do their utmost to kill and devour them. If the player is hiding behind a couple of wooden blocks, then things probably won’t end well for them during a Blood Moon.

Players should conduct repairs, upgrades, and improvements to their base during the night. While this may involve venturing outside the safety of their base to fix some external pieces, should some zombies spot the player, then they can simply run back inside their base.

Go Mining

Head Underground For Resources

A Deep Mine In 7 Days To Die

Mining plays a big part in 7 Days To Die. Players will constantly need to have certain resources to craft everything from weapons and armor to meds and ammo. Since clearing POIs is much more dangerous at night, some players may prefer to head underground where things are a bit safer.

With a few concrete blocks and a couple of sturdy doors to block the entrance, players can mine through the night. Then, when the day breaks, they can place all of their resources into a forge and head off for a day of zombie killing.

While mining underground is safer than clearing POIs, there are still a couple of dangers that players will need to look out for. Mine collapses can be deadly. Players need to think about structural integrity while mining. To avoid any collapses, players should place some wooden pillars every now and then to support the ground above.

Also, mining can attract screamers. Since mining generates heat, it has the potential to attract screamers. While the player can crouch to reduce the amount of heat they generate while mining, there’s still a chance for a screamer to spawn. So, be sure to listen out for any unwanted visitors while mining. Always carry a good weapon and have an exit plan in mind, just in case.

Complete Night Only Missions

Very Rewarding Tasks

A Motel At Night In 7 Days To Die

As the days tick on, players will start building up the confidence to head outside and explore. While the trader settlements are closed during the night, players can still complete any active missions. Most traders have a few missions that can only be done during the night. These are great for farming XP.

Night missions are relatively straightforward. Players will need to head to a certain location, fix a generator, and clear out any zombies. Missions that require the player to clear out zombies are great as they highlight any nearby mission zombies on the player’s HUD.


Items You Shouldn’t Sell To Traders in 7 Days To Die

7 Days to Die players should resist the temptation of selling the following items, as they may regret it later.

This can help to reduce the chances of any zombies sneaking up on the player. Provided the player places a door over the POI’s entrance to prevent any wandering zombies from popping in, they should have no issues clearing out a POI at night. Just be sure to bring a decent weapon, some good armor, and some meds.

Generate Lots Of Heat

Bring In Some Screamers

Lots Of Screamers In 7 Days To Die

As the player does things like mine, build, smelt, and craft, they will generate heat. This heat has the potential to attract screamers. Most players will already know that screamers can scream to attract other zombies. When done correctly, the player can use a screamer to their advantage.

Be sure to turn on things like forges, chemistry stations, and campfires to generate heat quickly. Shooting a gun also helps to crank up the heat.

Provided the player has a reasonably sturdy base, they can use the screamer to farm XP. The zombies that the screamer will summon tend to be tougher zombies like cops and military zombies. These give out some decent XP when killed. Also, if the player is yet to complete challenges like killing 50 cops or 50 big mammas, then a screamer can be a great way to get these challenges done fast.


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