Key Takeaways

  • Re:Zero season 3 is highly anticipated with fan-favorite characters facing trials and tribulations.
  • Characters like Ram, Beatrice, and Julius develop as complex individuals with important roles in Subaru’s journey.
  • Subaru Natsuki, the protagonist, undergoes personal growth and matures through battles, aiding Emilia in her quest.

Since season 2 of the anime, Re:Zero has amassed a cult following keen to see the continuation of Subaru Natsuki and Emilia’s journey in Lugunica. The highly popular Isekai that sees Subaru Return by Death is set to have a highly anticipated season 3, with its trailer showing the trials and tribulations that fan favorites in Re:Zero will endure.

With season 3 set to return with popular characters such as Ram and Puck, there will also be characters returning that many would consider polarizing due to their actions in the isekai anime. Many of these characters have left fans of Re:Zero unsure of how to judge, with their actions stoking differing opinions among the fanbase.

7 Ram

A Hardened Maid Who Treats Subaru Better Over Time

As one of Roswaal L. Mathers’ maids, Ram acts in service to the owner of Roswaal Manor, doing his bidding throughout Re:Zero, even if the actions are detrimental to Subaru and Emilia’s mission. Ram’s sister, Rem, is kind towards the main protagonist, Subaru. However, Ram often shows a cold shoulder to the chaotic character, disapproving of many of Subaru’s actions.

Despite many of Ram’s cold actions commissioned by Roswaal, Ram opts to help Subaru in the Sanctuary, showing care and compassion for his mission against her boss, with Ram aiming to free Roswaal from his motives.

6 Beatrice

A Complicated Spirit Who Struggles To Connect With Others

Beatrice (Re: Zero - Starting Life In Another World)

The complicated spirit Beatrice is one of Re:Zero’s most prominent characters. However, the diminutive and ancient spirit often avoids contact with others, hiding in the Forbidden Library at Roswaal’s Manor.

Due to waiting 400 years for someone to end her suffering, Beatrice wastes her days away, shunning anyone who tries to get close to her. Only after Subaru’s persistence does Beatrice decide to live instead of waiting for nothing. The harsh but comedic character eventually becomes a friend and ally to Subaru in his battles to come.

5 Julius

From Subaru’s Nemesis To Ally

Julius the knight in Re:Zero

At the start of Re:Zero, the knight of Lugunica, Julius, emerges as a nemesis of Subaru. The prickly character has issues with Subaru’s lack of respect and attitude towards the crown and his service. After Julius viciously humiliates Subaru in one-on-one combat to set an example, the pair begrudgingly work together to help Subaru in his quest to save Emilia and everyone he cares dearly for.

Despite not being best friends, the pair begin to see eye to eye. Julius plays a significant role in saving Arlam village, showing his chivalrous side, which had yet to be shown until that moment.

4 Echidna

A Witch Of Greed Who Interacts With Subaru Often

The Witch of Greed Echidna in Re:Zero

The Witch of Greed, Echidna, acts as one of season 2’s antagonists, working to persuade Subaru to form a contract. Despite Echidna having compelling and heartfelt moments during her interactions with Subaru, Echidna ultimately seeks knowledge, with Subaru’s Return by Death piquing her interest.

When together, Echidna shows respect and a friendly demeanor towards Subaru, making her seem more personable. However, Echidna has an alternative side. Her hostile and condescending attitude towards Emilia shows that Echidna can live up to her title of a witch.

3 Roswaal L. Mathers

A Student Of Echidna Who Moves In Mischievous Ways


From the very beginning of Re:Zero, Roswaal had been shrouded in mystery. His motives have been unclear despite his comical outbursts and quirky demeanor. In season 1, Roswaal appears to be a humorous side character when interacting with Subaru. However, in season 2, Roswaal grows to become an antagonist with ulterior motives.

In the Sanctuary, Roswaal halts Subaru and Emilia’s progress. In doing so, Roswaal bets Subaru that if he succeeds in saving the Sanctuary and the Roswaal Manor, he will follow him and Emilia without question. In flashbacks, Roswaal is shown to be a joyous individual who deeply cares for his master, Echidna. The character still harbors ambitions to bring back the Witch of Greed, showing his loyalty and love.

2 Garfiel Tinzel

Stubborn Fighter That Halts Subaru’s Mission


Re:Zero’s season 2 saw the introduction of Garfiel Tinzel, a resident of the Sanctuary who acts as its guardian. When Subaru and the crew arrive in the Sanctuary, Garfiel opposes Subaru and his plans, becoming a nuisance. To defeat Roswaal, Subaru has to overcome the dangerous demi-human, who was left traumatized by his mother leaving him as a child.

After concocting a plan to defeat Garfiel that stops him from interfering in Subaru’s plans, Garfiel moves past his grievances, becoming a valuable member of Emilia’s team. The character begins to show more care for others, including his love for the reticent Ram.

1 Subaru Natsuki

A Protagonist With Many Highs And Lows

Natsuki Subaru

In all of Re:Zero, no character is more polarizing than the protagonist himself, Subaru. In the isekai, Subaru constantly battles his demons as he frequently returns by death in a world foreign to his own. While building relationships early on, Subaru acts selfishly, resulting in fractured relationships. Subaru’s friendship with Emilia becomes strained due to his overbearing behavior.

After Subaru’s annoying habits are brought to his attention, he sets off on a path to do his best to right his wrongs. His newfound attitude towards Emilia, Rem, and Ram makes the character likable. Even after his lack of respect for authority, which leads to bad relationships with Julius and co., the protagonist turns around his behavior with his battles against the Witch Cult, Julius, Echidna, and Roswaal. These all show Subaru maturing as he aids Emilia in her quest for the crown.


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