
  • Army of Two offers helmet and weapon customization.
  • Remnant 2 has simple yet effective template-based customization.
  • Tom Clancy games, like Ghost Recon Wildlands and The Division 2, offer various cosmetic and facial customization options.

Third-person shooters are one of the most popular types of video games out there, but customization of the player character isn’t usually a top priority in this particular genre. That said, there are a few choice third-person shooters out there that feature some truly great character customization systems.


8 Great Non-First Party Third Person Shooters That Deserve A Switch Port

The heyday of the third-person shooter wasn’t all that long ago, and there were tons of games from that era that would make for a perfect Switch port.

Customizing one’s playable character in a video game can make for an incredibly immersive experience, especially when the title in question offers multiple customization options. For fans of third-person shooters, here are some games in the genre that allow for a great deal of experimentation when it comes to designing one’s character.

8 Army Of Two

Ideal For Helmet Enthusiasts

An image of a customized gun from Army of Two

  • Helmet Customization
  • Weapon Customization

Kicking off the list is Army of Two, a game that offers a ton of customization options for helmets and weapons. Players will earn money as they progress through the game, and they can then use this cash to purchase various customization elements to change the look of their guns and helmets.

The customization options in Army of Two might be a little more simple in comparison to some other third-person shooters, but it was a cool feature that is fondly remembered by fans of the game

7 Remnant 2

A Simple Yet Effective Customization System

An image of a female character made in the Remnant 2 character creator

Remnant 2

July 25, 2023

Soulslike , Third-Person Shooter

  • Pre-Made Templates
  • Templates Can Be Combined To Create A Character

Remnant 2 makes it clear from the start that the character customization isn’t going massively in depth, but it works brilliantly nonetheless. The game offers several different pre-made templates that players can combine to create a unique character.

The customization might be base level, but it’s the perfect example of how a simple character creation system can prove to be incredibly effective in the long run. The system’s simple nature is also very approachable, making it an ideal choice for gamers who don’t want to spend too much time shaping their character but still want to make something special.

6 Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands

A Variety Of Outfits And Cosmetic Options

A male character created in the Tom Clancy Ghost Recon: Wildlands character creator

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands

March 7, 2017

Ubisoft Paris , Ubisoft Milan

Tactical , Shooter

  • Choice Of Gender
  • Cosmetic And Facial Customization

The Tom Clancy games are all good examples of third-person shooter titles that feature character customization. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands is a great example of this, offering a wide range of outfits that players can choose from, as well as accessories such as baseball caps and sunglasses.


6 Best Third-Person Shooters On The Wii, Ranked

The Nintendo Wii had its fair share of excellent third-person shooters, but these are among the best of the bunch.

There are also plenty of tattoos that players can pick for their characters, should they want to get inked up before jumping into a game. Many aspects of a character’s design can be altered in Ghost Recon Wildlands, allowing for a great deal of freedom.

5 Tom Clancy’s The Division 2

Allows Gamers To Create Incredibly Unique Looks

A female character made with the The Division 2 character creator

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2

March 15, 2019

Third-Person Shooter

  • Choice Of Gender
  • Cosmetic And Facial Customization
  • More Clothing Options Unlocked Through Progression

The first The Division game also offered the ability to customize the playable character, but the sequel’s character creator was a lot more diverse and in depth. When entering the character creator in The Division 2, gamers will receive access to a wide range of options, especially under the Appearance tab, where they can change their character’s face, body type, head, hair, eyes, skin color, and facial hair.

The Division 2 also offers markings that can be customized, such as facial paints, tattoos, and scars. Outfits are a little more limited at first, but players can unlock more as they progress through the game, allowing for even more customization options later on.

4 Warframe

Alter The Operator’s Suit And Accessories

An image of a character made in the Warframe character creator


March 25, 2013

Third-Person Shooter

  • Customizable Character Model
  • Cosmetic Customization

Warframe may be more than a decade old, but it still manages to feature one of the best character customization systems in a third-person shooter. As well as the ability to customize the operator’s appearance, players can also change the appearance of their transference suit, including their hood, bodysuit, and even facial accessories, such as ear and eye accessories.

Warframe players can also change all the primary and secondary colors of the operator’s outfits and accessories, providing an incredible level of freedom when it comes to the character’s physical appearance.

3 The Mass Effect Series

Players Can Create A Shepard For Every Occasion

An image of the default male Commander Shepard from Mass Effect

Mass Effect Trilogy

Mass Effect

Action RPG , Third-Person Shooter

  • Choice Of Gender
  • Facial Customization
  • Armor Customization

The customization of Commander Shepard (the playable protagonist in the mainline Mass Effect games) might not be as in depth as some of the other games featured on this list, but it still earns its place here due to just how important it feels when players spend time crafting their very own version of the iconic hero. Mass Effect is all about making choices and facing the consequences. These choices can be small, but they can also have effects that ripple across the Mass Effect universe.


6 Forgotten PS1 Third-Person Shooters Almost No One Remembers

The PS1 helped popularize the third-person shooter but was so stuffed with titles that some great games were left behind.

The importance of having a character that feels like the player’s own creation is crucial, and that’s exactly what Bioware offers by allowing players to customize the face and gender of Shepard. Gamers can also change the color and style of Shepard’s armor, and they can even choose what their leisure outfit is in the third game.

2 Grand Theft Auto Online

Features Great Character, Vehicle, And Weapon Customization Options

Players aiming guns in Grand Theft Auto Online

GTA Online

October 1, 2013

Rockstar North

  • Choice Of Gender
  • Facial Customization
  • Clothing Customization

Grand Theft Auto Online immediately throws players into character customization via a police line-up scenario, in true GTA style. Players can edit the body and face of their character as well as their outfits, accessories, and markings, such as freckles, tattoos, and scars.

Once GTA Online players enter Los Santos, they’ll have the chance to earn money through jobs and missions. When they have some cash, they can then purchase more items to customize their characters, such as clothing and different hairstyles. They can also customize and personalize other elements of the game, such as their weapons and vehicles.

1 The Saints Row Series

Allows Players To Change Almost Any Aspect Of Their Character

An image of a female boss from the Saints Row reboot made in the Boss Factory

Saints Row 2022

February 25, 2022

Open-World , Action-Adventure , Third-Person Shooter , Adventure

  • Choice Of Gender
  • Facial Customization
  • Clothing Customization

All the Saints Row games offer a decent level of customization. Despite being panned critically and commercially, even the recent reboot featured an awesome character creation system. This system was released as a standalone download called “Boss Factory” before the 2022 reboot released, allowing players to get started with creating their boss character beforehand.

Fans can change pretty much any aspect of their character in the Saints Row games, such as their appearance, voice, outfits, and more. More options for clothing, accessories, and hairstyles are available for purchase in the game at certain stores for money earned from completing missions. Players can even go to a plastic surgeon and change their face entirely if they grow weary of their original appearance. When it comes to extensive customization options in third-person shooters, the Saints Row series takes the crown.


6 Best Villains In Third-Person Shooter Games

Third-person shooters often have an antagonist that players can’t wait to fight, and these villains are sure to be memorable additions.


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