
  • Superheroes in movies often face severe injuries, adding depth to their character development and creating tough challenges.
  • Some iconic heroes like Thor and Iron Man have suffered grave injuries, showcasing vulnerability despite their powers.
  • Serious injuries in superhero films can have lasting consequences, highlighting the importance of recovery and resilience in their stories.

Superheroes in movies are often portrayed as nearly invincible beings, possessing powerful traits such as invulnerability or incredible healing abilities. Even though many superheroes, despite boasting special abilities, are ordinary people at their core, they rarely get severely injured on screen. However, sometimes superhero films make injury a pivotal point of the story, creating tough challenges for heroes with a significant impact on their recovery.


Best R-Rated Superhero Movies, Ranked

Fans in the mood for something more mature (and gruesome) may want to give the following R-rated superhero movies a shot.

This list compiles some of the worst injuries ever suffered by famous DC and Marvel superheroes in various movies. To establish some simple rules, only injuries suffered by already established superheroes with their powers are counted. Many superheroes actually got their abilities as a result of different accidents or injuries, like Tony Stark getting hit by shrapnel before he became Iron Man, or young Matt Murdock losing his sight and later becoming Daredevil.

Additionally, let’s not count serious injuries survived by superheroes with major healing factors, as they generally have no major consequences for heroes such as Wade Wilson (Deadpool), James Howlett (Wolverine), or Eddie Brock (Venom).

8 Thor: Ragnarok

Hela Cuts Out Thor’s Eye

Thor Loses His Eye To Hela

  • Director: Taika Waititi
  • Stars: Chris Hemsworth, Cate Blanchett

Before becoming somewhat of a comedic relief in the MCU, Thor suffered greatly, both physically and mentally. For instance, he was stabbed by Loki during the battle against Malekith in Thor: The Dark World. One of the gravest injuries Thor ever received, however, was losing his eye to his sister, Hela, during the events of Thor: Ragnarok. While facing Hela, Thor was cut several times by her giant blade before she delivered a final blow, ripping out his eye with a sword strike.

After spending some time wearing an eye patch, Thor receives an eye implant during the events of Avengers: Infinity War, which was given to him by Rocket Raccoon. Since then, some viewers might have even forgotten about one-eyed Thor, as it is really hard to spot his artificial eye today.

7 Avengers: Infinity War

Thanos Stabs Tony Stark With A Nanomachine Blade

Thanos Stabs Iron Man In Avengers Infinity War

  • Directors: Anthony and Joe Russo
  • Stars: Robert Downey Jr., Josh Brolin

Perhaps the worst injury Tony Stark sustained, other than the shrapnel explosion in the very first Iron Man movie, was his standoff with Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. Armed with his new nanosuit, Iron Man throws everything he can at his rival but just can’t match Thanos’s raw strength, as the titan already possesses several Infinity Stones at that time. As a result, Tony is severely beaten, and Thanos punctures him in the torso with the hero’s own nanomachine blade.


Marvel: 6 Strongest Versions Of Iron Man, Ranked

Iron Man is an iconic character in the Marvel Universe, and these are the most powerful versions of the character.

While viewers don’t see the long-term consequences of this scene, as the film ends shortly after, it’s evident that Tony Stark is severely wounded, with blood coming from his mouth — indicative of severe internal bleeding. It’s not hard to imagine that, under different circumstances, this wound could have been fatal for Tony Stark, but having his technology at hand and being able to address it quickly likely made the difference in his survival.

6 Logan

Old Wolverine Gets Severely Injured By His Clone’s Claws

Logan Wolverine Injured After Fighting With His X-24 Clone

  • Director: James Mangold
  • Star: Hugh Jackman

Even though Wolverine has survived many terrible injuries in almost every movie he appeared in (even been caught in a nuclear blast), his healing factor has made them largely inconsequential. However, the movie Logan is quite different, as viewers see the iconic character much older, weaker, and nearly stripped of his healing abilities. When facing his young and powerful clone known as X-24, Wolverine barely survives the fight, sustaining serious injuries from the clone’s claws and unable to heal them.

A wounded Logan spends a large portion of the film trying to recover on his own, constantly passing out. He only recovers after overdosing on an experimental mutant serum to boost his abilities in order to protect young mutants from X-24 at the very end of the film.

5 Captain America: Civil War

James Rhodes Falls From The Sky

War Machine After The Fall In Captain America Civil War Scene

  • Directors: Anthony and Joe Russo
  • Stars: Don Cheadle, Paul Bettany

The infamous superhero split in Captain America: Civil War was never meant to be as dramatic as it turned out during the airport battle. The one who suffered the most is James Rhodes (War Machine). After Steve Rogers and Bucky escape on the plane, Rhodey attempts to stop them, while Sam Wilson (Falcon) creates distractions in the air to aid Steve’s escape. War Machine asks Vision for assistance, but due to an accident, Vision’s beam hits Rhodey’s nuclear arc reactor instead, leaving his suit powerless.


6 Great Superhero Movies That Shouldn’t Have Flopped

While superhero movies have dominated the box office for the last 15 years, not all of them have been as successful as they deserved to be.

War Machine then plummets from the sky, with Iron Man and Falcon unable to catch him in time before he hits the ground. After the fall, it is revealed that James Rhodes has fractured his spinal column, resulting in paralysis from the waist down — until Tony designs bionic supports for his legs.

4 Captain America: The Winter Soldier

James Barnes Shoots Steve Rogers Twice

Captain America Got Shot In The Back By Bucky Barnes

  • Directors: Anthony and Joe Russo
  • Stars: Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan

Steve Rogers is the kind of person who will protect anyone with his own body without a second thought, and his fight with James (Bucky) Barnes on the Helicarrier during the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a prime example of that. During the fight, Steve’s primary mission is to replace the controller chips rather than oppose his old friend, so he tries to avoid the confrontation, refusing to directly fight Barnes.

However, due to the Winter Soldier’s aggression, Steve gets shot in the leg and back and is severely beaten in hand-to-hand combat as he refuses to defend himself. After being wounded and rendered unconscious, Steve Rogers falls into the Potomac River and would have drowned if Bucky hadn’t pulled him out of the water.

3 X-Men: First Class

Erik Lehnsherr Deflects A Bullet Into Charles Xavier

Magneto Deflects A Bullet Into Professor X

  • Director: Matthew Vaughn
  • Stars: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender

One of the most iconic Marvel superheroes is Professor X (Charles Xavier), founder of the X-Men, and in X-Men: First Class, the audience witnesses how he lost his ability to walk. During the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the USSR and US fleets fire rockets at mutants, and Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) holds them in the air and redirects them toward both fleets. Trying to stop Magneto, CIA officer Moira MacTaggert shoots at him with her pistol, but he deflects the bullet, inadvertently redirecting the projectile into Charles Xavier’s spine.


8 Highest Grossing X-Men Movies, Ranked

The X-Men franchise had bid an official farewell from the Fox days with Deadpool & Wolverine, but they had some memorable box office moments.

As a result of the injury, Charles Xavier struggles with great pain and remains paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of his life. From that day on, he uses his wheelchair, which all Professor X fans can instantly recognize.

2 Black Panther

Erik Killmonger Cuts, Stabs, And Throws T’Challa Down The Waterfall

Killmonger Throws Defeated Black Panther Down A Waterfall

  • Director: Ryan Coogler
  • Stars: Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan

In Black Panther, challenged for his throne as the king of Wakanda, T’Challa faces Erik Killmonger (N’Jadaka) in a ritual combat duel at the waterfall cliffs. During the long and arduous battle, T’Challa finds himself unable to defeat his opponent, who has spent his entire life preparing for this moment. As a result, T’Challa is severely beaten, suffers several deep knife cuts, and is even stabbed in the stomach. Wounded and exhausted, he is then thrown down the waterfall by Killmonger and presumed dead by everyone.

Some time later, it is revealed that the barely alive and comatose Black Panther was rescued by the Jabari tribe, and T’Challa is eventually healed by Nakia’s herb. After his long recovery, he is able to challenge Killmonger once again and ultimately defeats him.

1 The Dark Knight Rises

Bane Breaks Bruce Wayne’s Back

Bane Cripples Batman In The Dark Knight Rises

  • Director: Christopher Nolan
  • Stars: Christian Bale, Tom Hardy

One of the most iconic moments from the Batman comics is recreated in The Dark Knight Rises. An older and already scarred Bruce Wayne is challenged in combat by Bane. At the end of the brutal battle, Bane lifts Batman’s body over his head and then breaks his back over his knee.


Best Versions Of Batman In Games

Batman has been in many games over the years, and these are the best depictions of the Dark Knight.

Suffering such a terrible injury and barely capable of moving, Bruce Wayne is taken to an ancient underground prison in the Middle East, from which it is believed there can be no escape. A large part of the movie is dedicated to Batman’s recovery in prison, healing his injuries, training, and his attempts to escape the prison with sheer willpower and determination to save Gotham’s people.


8 Best Cameos In DC Movies, Ranked

DC movies don’t feature an abundance of recognizable faces and characters as cameos, but there are still a few surprises to take note of.


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