Brought together by Amanda Waller under the name Task Force X, the Suicide Squad has been around since the silver age of Comics. The group’s members initially included soldiers who went on impossible missions from which they were not expected to return, hence the team’s grim name.

Within the DC universe, the team of expansible characters known as the Suicide Squad goes on these unthinkable missions, knowing very well that it’s a death wish brought to life. Comprised of DC villains who are currently serving their own sentences, the team has truly lived up to its name, with every iteration having at least one member die in the series.


6 Least Heroic Members Of The Suicide Squad

The Suicide Squad is an ensemble of villains forced to do the right thing for their government, but that doesn’t mean they have to be heroic.

8 Mongal

The Suicide Squad (2021)

Mongal Suicide Squad Teaser Image

Death was inevitable for Mongal. While she was fighting on the Corto Maltese beach, she launched herself onto the enemy helicopter’s landing gear. Using her strength and bare hands, she was successfully able to bring the helicopter down.

However, she didn’t expect the situation to get out of control. While still holding on to the helicopter, it crashed to the ground and exploded. Unfortunately, she was unable to make it out alive from the blazing crash. She died screaming for help and did her best to escape the fire, but all of this was in vain.

7 Blockbuster (Mark Desmond)

Legends #3

Mark Desmond as Blockbuster

A chemist named Mark Desmond was the first Blockbuster. He created a formula that could add physical strength to his body, helping match his intellectual capacity. However, the side effects of said formula made him recklessly violent and brutal.

Amanda Waller recruited him to join her Suicide Squad during the Legends crossover under Task Force X as a counter for fighting Brimstone, the fire elemental who was attacking Mount Rushmore. In this battle against Brimstone, Blockbuster died when the fire elemental grabbed and lit him ablaze with his fist.

6 The Thinker

The Suicide Squad (2021)

The Thinker Looking Suspicious Suicide Squad 2021

The Thinker’s death was gut-wrenching — it was brought on by his very own creation. Over the years, he conducted multiple experiments on the giant cosmic kaiju, Starro the Conqueror, who had been displaced from its natural habitat and imprisoned in a hostile environment.

Starro’s motivations were very clear: it was seeking revenge. When Starro finally escaped from the Jotunheim lab, it sought out immediate vengeance on his long-time tormentor. It shredded The Thinker into chunky, blood-soaked pieces, in a death that startled the audience.

5 Psi

Doom Patrol & Suicide Squad Special #1

Psi from the Suicide Squad special

Psi is a Supergirl villain who became a Suicide Squad member during the Doom Patrol & Suicide Squad Special one-shot. She is a psychic who possesses telepathic powers, from telekinesis to teleportation to telepathy.

Psi assisted the squad while they were on a mission to rescue Henry Wall (Hawk) from the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. She used her powers to discover that the Doom patrol was in the surrounding area on a similar mission. Sadly, she was shot by a rocket and killed by a member of the Red Rocket Brigade as the team attempted to escape.

4 Colonel Rick Flag

Suicide Squad 2021

Colonel Rick Flag from the Suicide Squad

The field commander of Task Force X, Colonel Rick Flag, was killed by the Peacemaker during a fight in Jotunheim. He tried to expose the corrupt US government-supported Starro project at Jotunheim, but this went south. Flag tried to reveal why Starro was set free, and he fought fiercely to serve his people and country.


Suicide Squad Isekai: 8 Strongest Characters, Ranked

The Suicide Suqad Isekai features the now-famous ragtag band of supervillain castoffs, some of whom are much stronger than others.

On the other hand, the Peacemaker wanted to keep this matter a secret due to the instructions he was given by Amanda Waller. A fight broke out between the two, and the Peacemaker killed Flag by stabbing him directly in the heart using a piece of broken tile.

3 Mindboggler

Suicide Squad Vol.1 #2

Mindboggler from the Suicide Squad

Leah Wasserman was a Firestorm enemy who became a member of the Suicide Squad. She was provided mind-controlling powers by the Assassination Bureau. Also known as Mindboggler, she possessed the power to make anyone within her vicinity see things, and she could show them their deepest fears.

After Captain Boomerang harassed a member of the group, she embarrassed him by making him see his biggest fear in the form of the team. While she is on a mission in Qurac, the Jihad leader Rustam sneaks behind her with a machine gun. Captain Boomerang could have stopped her death by warning her, but he let Rustam kill her as an act of revenge for being embarrassed.

2 Shrike

Suicide Squad Vol.1 #25

Shrike from Suicide Squad

Vanessa Kingsbury, who was also known as Shrike, was a mental patient who gained the power of sound manipulation and flight after she became a member of the Cadre, a group of villains who clashed with the Justice League of America.

After going to prison, Shrike was enlisted into the Suicide Squad for a mission to rescue a nun who was being held as a political prisoner in the African nation of Ogaden. After the nun is rescued, Shrike attempts to fly her way out, but is shot down by the local military forces.

1 El Diablo

The Suicide Squad (2016)

El Diablo in prison - Suicide Squad (2016)

This has to be one of the most unforgettable Suicide Squad member deaths that brought fans to tears. In the 2016 film, El Diablo decides to give up his life during the final battle against the Enchantress. He sacrifices himself by releasing all of his pyrokinetic powers, something that he was reluctant to do out of fear and guilt, in order to overpower the Enchantress and Incubus.

While performing this selfless act, El Diablo is killed by the massive explosion that his powers cause. This rescues the squad and also helps prevent a devastating catastrophe, thus saving the world.


10 Best Members of the Suicide Squad

Task Force X, better known as the Suicide Squad, has some iconic DC characters that work for Amanda Waller, willingly or otherwise.


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