Despite being a tactical RPG game, Fire Emblem Heroes’ gacha mechanics for collecting new Heroes has been one of its popular features. But with so many different character pools, getting a top-tier warrior is quite a challenge. Luckily, there’s one method beginner players can use to guarantee rare character pulls right off the bat: rerolling Fire Emblem Heroes’ early summons. This guide explains how you can do so by replaying the game’s tutorials a few times.


Fire Emblem Heroes: How to Merge Allies (Duplicates)

Merge Allies in Fire Emblem Heroes allows players to combine duplicates of the same Hero to make them stronger.

Fire Emblem Heroes’ Reroll Explained

the prologue of fire emblem heroes.

Like most RPG games with gacha mechanics, Fire Emblem Heroes allows players to pull for a couple of new characters at the start of the campaign. Some players exploit this opportunity to reroll heroes and get a five-star character before starting the main missions.

In Fire Emblem Heroes, there’s a three to eight percent chance of getting a five-star Hero, depending on the Banner Focus. (Legendary and Mythic Hero Focuses yield the highest drop rate, which is eight percent.) When rerolling, you try to abuse the game’s summoning mechanics so that it gives you a rare drop from the get-go. You do this by reusing the initial Orbs the game gives you for completing the tutorials.

How to Reroll in Fire Emblem Heroes

how to reroll in fire emblem heroes.

To initiate a reroll in Fire Emblem Heroes, follow these instructions:

  1. Refuse to link your game account to your Nintendo account. At the start of the game, choose “Link Later.”
  2. Complete the tutorial missions. They are relatively short and can be beaten in one minute or two.
  3. Claim all Starter Support Presents to get up to 39 Orbs. You must interact with the owl in your “Home” to get these rewards.
  4. Claim your free five-star Heroes from the Wave of Fate banner. You can have up to two top-tier Heroes as a starter support pack.
  5. Pull for Legendary Heroes or draw from a beginner banner. Hero Fest is also a good banner thanks to its boosted five-star drop rates.
  6. Uninstall and reinstall the game and repeat steps one to three for a chance to re-roll. You will need to re-download the game. (Choose the lite version to save data.)

The downside of this rerolling method is that it requires you to re-download the game data every time you attempt a reroll. Of course, those playing on a rooted Android or jailbroken iOS device can manually remove their account info and repeat rolling without uninstalling the game.

If you did pull your desired characters after a reroll, remember to link your account to Nintendo so you don’t lose your progress. (On the title screen, tap “Menu” and select “Account Management”.)

What to Prioritize When Rerolling

Best IVs For Attuned Caeda fire emblem heroes

You should prioritize pulling from banner focuses with the highest five-star drop rates. The “Legendary Heroes Are Here!” is one good example of such a banner. You should aim to pull S-Tier characters like Byleth, Alfonse, Shez, Serior, or Robin. It’s recommended you don’t settle for four-star Heroes, even though you can ascend them to five stars later.

Fire Emblem Heroes


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