Key Takeaways

  • Non-human Devil Fruit users are somewhat rare in One Piece, but still common enough to document throughout the series. These include animals, fish-men, giants, and relatively more niche species, such as lunarians.
  • Inanimate objects can consume Zoan Devil Fruits, giving them a level of sentience they would not otherwise have.
  • Devil Fruits can be artificially recreated through methods such as Green Blood. The Seraphim are some of the strongest Devil Fruit Users seen in the series, even if their Devil Fruit powers are only artificial.

Devil Fruit users are incredibly common in One Piece. Most major heroes and villains throughout tend to utilize a Devil Fruit power to give them an extra edge over their competition. What is fairly less common, however, is non-human Devil Fruit users. Not only are non-human characters generally less common in the series, but the majority of them typically do not need a Devil Fruit to gain an edge.

That said, Devil Fruits themselves are still common enough that non-human Devil Fruit users do exist. Here are some of the strongest non-human Devil Fruit users in the series, as well as a look at the powers they possess.

16 Stronger

Uma Uma no Mi, Model: Pegasus

Stronger is a horse who serves as the mount for Doc Q, the sickly doctor of the Blackbeard Pirates, as well as one of its Ten Titanic Captains upon its expansion. He is something of a service animal, being his owner’s means of transportation, as Doc Q is not even healthy enough to walk on his own. However, he seems to be just as sick as his owner. Nonetheless, Stronger has a fair bit of resilience, surviving shockwaves from the likes of Sengoku, the former Fleet Admiral, aka the highest ranked marine.

Stronger is the lays claim to the powers of a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit, the rarest variant. It is likely another previous user was killed for it, seeing as the Blackbeard Pirates were confirmed to have deliberately targeted powerful Devil Fruit users. Previously, they succeeded in killing Devil Fruit users and stealing their powers through currently unknown means. Stronger’s Devil Fruit allows him Pegasus powers, which in his case, essentially means wings, seeing as he is already a horse. He is physically capable of carrying Teach alongside Doc Q whilst airborne. However, Teach seems to be a fairly crushing weight for the poor Pegasus.


14 Leo

Nui Nui no Mi

Leo using his sewing powers in One Piece

Leo is the captain of the Tontatta Pirates, a pirate crew of dwarves hailing from Tontatta Kingdom. These dwarves are particularly powerful fighters who pledged themselves to the Straw Hat Pirates. This was done after the defeat of Doflamingo, which the Straw Hat Pirates played a central role in accomplishing. As a result, many involved in Dressrosa decided to form the Straw Hat Grand Fleet, an organization of Pirate crews who vowed to serve the Straw Hat Pirates.

As Leo is captain, it is presumed he is physically more powerful than the other Dwarves in his crew. He is also one of a couple to have a Devil Fruit, in his case, the Nui Nui no Mi. This Devil Fruit allows him to stitch and unstitch things together, with little in the way of physical harm befalling whatever is stitched. This was comically displayed when he stitched together his grandmother along with his belongings, ensuring they all would not fall during an earthquake. He can also stitch a number of foes together and patch them tightly by tugging at the string with a mighty pull. He used this technique, deemed Haute Couture: Patchwork, to stitch together several members of the Donquixote Pirates and smash them into one another.

13 Smiley

Sara Sara no Mi, Model: Axolotl

Smiley, a compound of toxic slime given limited sentience by consuming a Devil Fruit

Zoan fruits are often said to have wills of their own, and can effectively bring inanimate objects to life once they are “consumed,” granting them not only power but a level of sentience. The strongest of these users thus far is Smiley, a mass of poisonous slime that could poison virtually anyone who comes into contact with it. Smiley was utilized by Caesar Clown and showed a level of resistance to extreme heat and cool.

However, like most Devil Fruit users, it was still weak to water. Smiley was “killed” after it ingested a candy containing an unknown substance, with its remains becoming a gaseous weapon called Shinokuni, a petrifying poison. Caesar later ingested this poison, being rendered immune to its effects thanks to his own Devil Fruit, but he was still defeated by Luffy all the same, thanks in part to a recently acquired poison immunity.

12 Enel

Goro Goro no Mi

Eneru-Amaru-Enel, One Piece

Enel was a member of the Birkan Tribe, who destroyed his previous homeland and took over Skypiea. He effectively became the island’s “God”, after ousting its previous ruler who also held the honorific. He also stole the gold of Shandia to build an aircraft he would use to travel towards the moon. He earned the ire of both Skypieans and Shandorians, who themselves were involved in a lengthy conflict against one another. Despite efforts made against God’s Army, aka Enel’s forces, he remained firmly in power for a long time.

He was eventually defeated by Monkey D. Luffy, whose own Devil Fruit, the Gomu Gomu no Mi, countered the Goro Goro no Mi, a Logia fruit which he used to indiscriminately shock anyone who threatened him with lightning. Logia fruits are notably rare and powerful, especially earlier in the story, where countermeasures were not as readily available to the Straw Hat Pirates. They allow their users to become, create, and control an associated element; in Enel’s case it was lightning. Once faced with an enemy he couldn’t shock directly, Enel was still willing to fight, but ended up losing against Luffy.

11 Tony Tony Chopper

Hito Hito no Mi

Chopper kindest one piece characters

Tony Tony Chopper is a reindeer who gained a human level of sentience and intellect upon eating the Hito Hito no Mi. He is able to liaison between animals and humans and uses his skills as a doctor to take care of anyone in need. He was the sixth member of the Straw Hat Pirates, and the first one to join the crew on the Grand Line.

Like most Zoan users, he has three forms, but is able to further enhance his abilities, transforming into several extra forms dubbed as “points.” The most potent of these is the monster point, which transforms Chopper into a gigantic beast with impressive physical power. The main issue with this point is that it has limited staying power, and Chopper would usually fall unconscious upon the form’s beginning or its end. Since enhancing his transformative rumble balls with the help of Caesar Clown, Chopper could make use of the Monster Point for up to half an hour. This transformation has the side effect of temporarily regressing him to an infant form that speaks like an old man, known as Babyjiji.

10 Urouge

Unnamed Paramecia Fruit


Urouge hails from a currently unclear Sky Island, which is evidenced by the wings on his back. He is shown to consistently face challenges bravely with a smile. Little else is known definitively about him besides an understanding of his physical strength and the fact that he is the captain of the Fallen Monk Pirates. He was able to defeat Charlotte Snack, one of the Big Mom Pirates’ Four Sweet Commanders (a position he was demoted from after the fact), and withstand the onslaught of Cracker, another Sweet Commander. He made his mark as a member of the Worst Generation, having a 108,000,000 Belly bounty by the time his crew reached Sabaody Archipelago.

The exact nature of his Devil Fruit is currently unclear, but it appears to transfer accumulated damage into physical strength, giving him gigantic muscles. However, strong enough attacks such as those from a marine Admiral, such as Kizaru, were at least, at one point, able to defeat him. With Jewelry Bonney encountering the Straw Hats on Egghead, Urouge remains the only member of the Worst Generation to not have crossed paths with Monkey D. Luffy. However, due to the importance of others shown thus far, this is likely subject to change.

9 Sasaki

Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model; Triceratops

Sasaki Preparing to Fight Franky In One Piece

Sasaki is a bluespine unicornfish fish-man who ate an Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit. These Devil Fruits emulate long extinct beings, most commonly dinosaurs. His heritage makes his decision to consume a Devil Fruit somewhat baffling, as Fish-Men are typically the strongest underwater, and Devil Fruit users are immobilized when excessively submerged in water. Nonetheless, he clawed his way up to the top of the Beasts Pirates, becoming a member of the Tobiroppo, the six strongest officers of the Beasts Pirates, ranking below only Kaido and his three All-Stars. He was once the captain of a crew of his own, but, like many others, was absorbed into the Beasts Pirates thanks to their superior strength.

His Devil Fruit allows him the might of a triceratops, as well as the ability to rotate his frills like a helicopter, giving him a limited amount of flight. He is shown to take many hits from General Franky, even forcing Franky out of the robot with his final attack. While he was defeated by Franky, he still earned Franky’s respect for withstanding what he claimed were numerous finishing moves throughout the fight.

8 Charlotte Smoothie

Shibo Shibo no Mi

Charlotte Smoothie one piece anime

Charlotte Smoothie is a half-human hybrid, with her unknown father being a member of the Longleg tribe. She is one of the strongest members of the Big Mom Pirates. Specifically, she is a member of the Three Sweet Commanders, which make up the strongest members of the crew, aside from Big Mom herself. This distinction also makes her the highest ranked member of the crew not to be purely human. She is shown to have impressive physical strength to compliment her size, and can hold her own against the Vinsmoke siblings, who were groomed even before their birth to become human weapons.

Her Devil Fruit, the Shibo Shibo no Mi, allows her to drain the liquid out of anything, including living beings. She uses her powers for refreshment, but can also use them to augment her physical size and strength, as well as that of her weapons in combat. This is accomplished by filling herself and her sword with liquid. She can even unleash a blast of liquid as a more long-range attack.

7 Morley

Oshi Oshi no Mi

Morley Using Her Devil Fruit Against Pirates In One Piece

This giant newkama from West Blue was once a pirate held in Impel Down. However, she was able to utilize her Devil Fruit, the Oshi Oshi no Mi, to push through solid ground. This enabled her to create the well-kept secret of Newkama Land, and eventually escape the prison. Since her escape, she has served as the commander of the Revolutionary Army’s west division.

As a giant, even a relatively smaller one, Morley has great physical strength. She is notably able to fight the Admiral Ryokugyu and suffer relatively little in terms of damage. Her Devil Fruit powers allow her a diverse array of maneuvers. In addition to being able to tunnel through the ground, and heave clumps of it onto her foes, Morley can also directly affect their footing by literally pulling the ground out from under them.

6 Jack

Zou Zou no Mi, Model: Mammoth

Jack attacking Zou in his Mammoth form in One Piece

Like many of Kaido’s top subordinates, Jack makes use of the rare Ancient Zoan variant of Devil Fruit. Jack’s Devil Fruit, turns him into a gigantic Mammoth, capable of defeating half a marine fleet and surviving with minimal injuries. He is even able to resist attacks from a number of minks in sulong form, only succumbing once Dogstorm, one of the strongest minks alive, pierced his stomach, whilst also in sulong form.

Jack commonly wears a mask, which hides a noteworthy detail about him; his giant grouper fish-man heritage. Due to being a fish-man, Jack was able to discover the Road Ponegylph submerged in Wano Country, consuming his Devil Fruit sometime after. Even without the aquatic advantage, Jack is still one of the top members of the Beasts Pirates, estimated to be the fourth most powerful member of the crew overall.

5 Sanjuan Wolf

Deka Deka no Mi

Sanjuan Wolf at Marineford in One Piece

Sanjuan Wolf was a giant who was once imprisoned on Impel Down’s deepest level, being a criminal whose actions were bad enough to be erased from history. He was selected by Teach to join the Blackbeard Pirates, after withstanding a fight with other Level 6 prisoners where the survivors would be recruited. Like all of his earlier allies, Wolf would ascend to the level of one of Blackbeard’s Ten Titanic Captains, having authority over a division of the crew. Wolf is thus far the only confirmed non-human with this distinction.

Little has been seen of the giant pirate in action, but his Devil Fruit adds an extra layer of power to his already impressive strength as a giant. The Deka Deka no Mi allows Wolf to increase his height, which makes him tower over even the ancient giants. This makes him the biggest giant in the series. He is apparently very destructive, as even some of his more cautious allies are hesitant to let him run wild. It is quite possible this is what led to the atrocities that necessitated his imprisonment. He has been shown to be defeated by the likes of Garp and frozen by the likes of Kuzan. However, these were two particularly powerful marines, whose training regimen included barehanded beatings of retired battleships. It is implied even his inadvertent destructive power is great, and he is often only seen napping or cowering away from fighting, thus far. This all begs the question: how tough is he when he’s fighting for real?

4 The Seraphim

Assorted Artificial Paramecia Fruits Via Green Blood

The four Seraphs currently named; S-Shark, S-Bear, S-Hawk, and S-Snake

This new variant of Pacifista was developed by the Marines’ Special Science Group (consisting of Vegapunk and his six satellites), in order to replace the Seven Warlords of the Sea. They are cloned from former warlords mixed with the lunarian lineage factor of King, Kaido’s right-hand man. There are currently seven known Seraphim, based on the likes of Hancock, Mihawk, Kuma, Jimbei, Doflamingo, Moria, and Crocodile. This roster implies they operated off the available warlords at a fixed point in time, specifically before Crocodile was dismissed for his actions in Alabasta. The Seraphim currently resemble the respective warlords during their childhood. Each Seraph known by a codename, starting with S (presumably standing for Seraph) and an animal associated with the warlord they are based on.

With the combined impressive physicality of warlords and the strength of lunarians, one would think these Pacifistas wouldn’t need any more advantages. However, they have been further augmented with Green Blood, an artificial substance which, when infused, gives its user the powers of a Paramecia wielder. In all currently known cases, the clone is given the powers of its corresponding warlord. However, those whose warlords have not consumed Devil Fruits, such as S-Hawk (Mihawk) and S-Shark (Jimbei), are given Devil Fruit powers from those who have been imprisoned in Impel Down. It is unknown what Devil Fruit Crocodile’s clone has, seeing as Logia Fruits are not able to be translated into Green Blood.

Seraphim are very powerful, even forcing the likes of Blackbeard into a defensive position. However, while they have technically not consumed Devil Fruits, the infusion of green blood does give them the same weaknesses as their users. They are programmed to follow orders from a certain chain of command, with the Five Elders at the highest rank. Unlike their previous counterparts, they seem to be able to develop some level of sentience, as S-Snake picked up the genuine affection Hancock had for Luffy, to the point where it even overrode her commands instilled by those controlling her. It also worth noting that the Seraphim, as partially biological beings, are capable of aging and still incredibly young. If given time to mature, they may prove even more fearsome than they are currently.

3 King

Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon


King is the sole known member of the Lunarian Tribe, believed to be largely extinct. He was once imprisoned at Punk Hazard, along Kaido, with the pair serving as research subjects for the World Government. Then, he was merely a boy called Alber, who took a mutual liking to Kaido, once he had set him free. Out of respect for his own abilities, Kaido, granted King his famed alias, and made him his right-hand, a position he would continually retain as a member of the Beasts Pirates.

As a lunarian, King boasts great physical resilience, and was deemed a monster that could survive any natural environment by Queen, Kaido’s second-strongest subordinate. He is able to ignite most of his body, which can trigger explosions, which can throw his enemies off guard and even kill them, whilst he remains unharmed. King’s Devil Fruit allows him to transform into a pteranadon, giving him an especially sharp beak and wings, as well as being able to slingshot his sharp head as a method of attack (which in the One Piece continuity was a way in which they hunted their prey in ancient times.) It took Zoro operating at his absolute strongest to defeat King, breaking a previously untouched winning streak of over 30 years.

2 Bartholomew Kuma

Nikyu Nikyu no Mi

Bartholomew Kuma with a serious look

Bartholomew Kuma is a mighty member of the near-extinct Buccaneer race, which descends from the giants. His strength proved an undeniable asset to any he chose to align himself with. He was reputed for wiping out entire marine fleets on his own and quickly gained a reputation, which caused the World Government to court him as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. During this time, his strength was further augmented by Vegapunk, who gave him cybernetic enhancements that ended up stripping away his autonomy. He has since survived abuse at the hands of the World Government, most recently engaging in a fight with the likes of Jaygarcia Saturn, and surviving, despite his damaged state.

His Devil Fruit is the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, a Paramecia Fruit which covered his palms with repelling paw pads that provided a strong defense. He can utilize it to compress air, and burst said air into shockwave-like blasts. He can also use his paw pads to repel pain and injury, allowing a person to be healed at once. Kuma can also use his paw pads to compress people into bubbles which can transport them across the world. He did this with the Straw Hat Pirates, transporting each of them to the land they trained on during the timeskip.

1 Kaido

Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu

Kaido Red-eyed from One Piece staring at Gear 5th Luffy

Kaido is the captain of the Beasts Pirates. His power was always prized, but exploited. He wished to acquire military might and eventually overthrow the World Government. He has an impressive level of physical strength, and is capable of even defeating Monkey D. Luffy. He also possesses a rare Mythical Zoan, which allows him to transform into an azure dragon. His power is such that even after being thrown into a volcano, fans still aren’t convinced he’s dead.

However, it is not yet known what species Kaido is. He is likely some form of oni, sharing physical ogre-like characteristics with the yokai, but little else is known at present. His demonic horns are confirmed to be a hereditary trait, and have been passed onto his son, Yamato, who appears to have at least partially human heritage (which could be maternal.) It also noteworthy that a few of his subordinates seem to also have horns, however they tend to be more human in appearance than Kaido. Some fans speculate that Kaido is a Buccaneer, specifically one with ancient giant ancestry. While there is nothing concrete to confirm this, ancient giants share the same oni-like traits Kaido has, which gives the theory some validity. Regardless, he is likely not fully human, if indeed he is human at all.


One Piece: Every Crew With An Emperor

A look at the various crews which harbored elite pirates granted the honorific of “Emperor” as well as the crews who helped them reach that rank.


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