Gundam Breaker 4 has been released and has Gundam fans at an all-time high of joy as the game revitalizes one of the most beloved franchises in the Gundam universe. Branching out from manga and anime, Gundam Breaker 4 allows players to dive head-first into Gunpla, building model kits based on the numerous mobile suit designs found in the dozens of anime series. Players can freely customize their own machine from the ground up after unlocking parts while playing through the game’s main story and side missions.

Along with custom parts, players will also obtain special abilities from certain parts taken directly from their respective series. Players can use these abilities to make their machines more powerful in the game and use load-outs to match their style of play. Players can also unlock these abilities to be quipped universally without the source part by leveling these source parts up to maximum rarity and equipping these abilities on any unit they like. Here are some of the best abilities to try out in Gundam Breaker 4.

7 Six-Tube Missile Pod

Great Ranged Stagger Tool

Missiles are an excellent tool for overwhelming enemy targets and keeping them in stun lock while other abilities’ cooldowns are reduced. Numerous parts possess the ability to fire missiles; one of the best is the Six-Tube Missile Launcher, belonging to the Full Armor Gundam Thunderbolt Version. This ability comes from the Full Armor Gundam’s backpack, along with several other offensive abilities. The quick animation and the firing of a combined number of projectiles make this a remarkable ability to slap on any unit.

6 Mirage Colloid

Great For A Stealth Unit

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Stealth may not be a main consideration when dealing with the hectic chaos of the battlefield, where endless targets spawn. However, enemies unable to lock on to their target are a great tool to take advantage of.


7 Beginner Tips For Gundam Breaker 4

For players picking up Gundam Breaker 4 for the first time, these tips wil help them put together a powerful mech and pilot it out into battle.

The Mirage Colloid system from the Blitz Gundam in Mobile Suit Gundam Seed is a great tool for making enemy tactics useless by disappearing from their lock-on range. Using this ability will provide the perfect opportunity to allow resources to recoup, reset cooldowns, and freely regenerate health.

5 Shield Combo

Great Back-Up Melee Combo Extender

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The Shield is often overlooked compared to other offensive capabilities without a beam axe, beam blades, or builder parts. However, there are a number of shields in the game that provide a melee option to fall back on when no other options are available. The Shield Combo barrages a single target with powerful blows, then finishes them off with a launching kick. This ability frees up the pilot to use other means or have a way to continue their combo. The Shield Combo can be found on the Freedom Shield and the Sandrock Gundam Shield.

4 Drill Knee

Devastatingly High-Damage Ability

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Mellee options are plentiful in Gundam Breaker 4 and are some of the most satisfying aspects for the game as a whole. From beam sabers to chain whips, players will find the perfect weapon for their playstyle.

In addition to all these options, there are separate melee abilities belonging to specific parts, specifically the Drill Knee that belongs to Gundam Kimaris from Mobile Suit Gundam Ironblooded Orphans. The ability allows the pilot to charge forward, interrupting the target, and drilling into the target’s core, dealing massive damage, then stomping it into the ground.,

3 Trans Am

Flashy Install Ability To Boost Performance

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Trans Am is possibly one of the most recognizable abilities in the Gundam universe. The bright radioactive glow from a mobile suit of the 00 series stands out even in the darkness of space and can change the tide on any battlefield. The Trans Am ability comes from most of the Mobile Suit Gundam 00 units and increases the speed and attack power of the pilot’s unit once activated. The unit will also glow red and leave after images as it zips around the battlefield, which makes for a great effect depending on the colors chosen.

2 Shield Bit

The Best Of Funnels And Barrier Capabilities.

gundam breaker 4

The Shield Bit is a highly underrated ability in Gundam Breaker 4. While it lacks the auto-activation of the I-Field generator, it adds protections that the former does not provide, in addition to adding offensive options.

The big difference between the I-Field generator and the Shield Bit is that the Shield Bit blocks and reduces damage from both beams and physical weaponry, ranged or otherwise. While the part upgrades to an EX ability from an OP ability, the trade-off is worth it. The shield bit can also be sent out like funnels that attack targets at a distance. The Shield Bit can be equipped by leveling up the Churudim Gundam from Mobile Suit Gundam 00.

1 Full Burst Awakening

Powerful Ranged Burst Ability

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The Awakening Burst system in Gundam Breaker 4 is a separate meter built up from constant battle and destroying enemy units. Once full, the players can activate this ability and receive several effects depending on the subclass chosen. Along with this ability, there are alternate forms of attacks that can be combined with the Burst ability. One of these abilities is the Full Burst attack, which fires multiple lasers from all available cylinders. This ability comes from Mobile Suit Gundam Seed and can be unlocked by upgrading the Strike Freedom Gundam Backpack. This ability does a large amount of damage and utilizes the beautiful laser colors from the Gundam Seed universe.


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