Key Takeaways

  • BioShock 4’s development has been largely kept under wraps by 2K.
  • 2K’s decision to delay information on BioShock 4 risks alienating fans and weakening the franchise.
  • Finding a balance between building anticipation and avoiding long delays is crucial in game reveals, and with other 2K games recently being showcase, it’s about time for BioShock’s future to be unveiled.

2K is a world-renowned video game publisher that has brought a plethora of classic games to fans. Many gamers are probably already aware of the company, as it has given players access to numerous sports games, including NBA 2K, PGA Tour 2K and WWE 2K. The publisher has not limited itself to sports games, however, as it has also dabbled with first-person shooters such as the BioShock franchise.

2K usually keeps players in the loop through regular trailers and updates, allowing excitement to build up before its big releases. This has been the case with Civilization 7, which has been hyped for a long time and is slated for release in February 2025. Borderlands 4 follows a similar pattern, as it is set to release in 2025 and was officially unveiled in a recent trailer. Inexplicably, though, 2K has mostly kept its lips shut when it comes to BioShock 4, which fans are eagerly awaiting. This is something that the publisher should change, as continuing to neglect this franchise from a marketing standpoint is a great disservice to fans who have been there since the beginning. Additionally, the lack of information does not help quell fears about the game being trapped in development hell.

What’s Going on With BioShock 4?

The world got to experience the first BioShock game in 2007, and it managed to impress both consumers and critics alike. Gamers fell in love with its retro-futuristic aesthetic and its daring story that is brave enough to tackle topics such as religion, American exceptionalism, and several philosophical concepts that linger in the player’s head long after the credits roll.

BioShock was such a roaring success that 2K had no choice but to provide the public with a sequel. BioShock 2 was released in 2010, and like its predecessor it is set in a dystopian underwater city called Rapture. Once again, fans and critics were thoroughly impressed with the title’s gameplay and narrative (even if it was less beloved then its predecessor). Gamers didn’t have to wait too long after BioShock 2 for the next entry in the series, which is arguably the best BioShock game.

BioShock Infinite was launched in 2013, and it stands out for a number of reasons. Its plot addresses controversial topics such as racism and slavery, while also featuring far more memorable protagonists than the other games in the series. To this day, BioShock Infinite is considered a work of art and one of the best games of all time by several outlets, but instead of it being followed up with another successful title, gamers have had to wait over a decade for the next entry in the series.

Why Now is the Best Time to Reveal a New BioShock Game

Figuring out the perfect time to reveal a game is like walking a tightrope. Announcing games early is a great way to build up anticipation and get players excited. This is a strategy that worked with Civilization 7, which was first announced in 2023. This gives gamers ample time to learn more about the game and make an informed decision regarding whether they will purchase it or not. With this in mind, it may seem like revealing a game as soon as possible may be the best strategy, but this isn’t always the case.

If a game is announced too soon – with the infamous reveal of The Elder Scrolls 6 coming to mind – players could end up getting frustrated, or in the case of smaller projects, forgetting about the game and moving on to other titles. In the case of BioShock 4, the wait has been so exceptionally long that it would be wise to have a reveal sooner rather than later, lest the franchise lose its fan base. As it stands, 2K’s other IPs are thriving while BioShock 4 is gathering dust, which puts the game in an awkward position.

After the beautifully crafted story of Elisabeth and Booker DeWitt, it’s hard to imagine how developers could top such a spectacular, ground-breaking game, but it would still be interesting to see what BioShock would look like in 2024. Until more information comes, though, players are at the mercy of leaks and rumors that may or may not be accurate. Hopefully, that will change sooner rather than later.


2K Games’ BioShock franchise instantly grabbed the player’s attention when it began in 2007 by taking them on a memorable trip down to Rapture. The first two games took place in the iconic underwater city, while the third took players up to the gorgeous flying city of Columbia. 

The critically-acclaimed FPS franchise is considered a spiritual successor to the System Shock series. 


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