Key Takeaways

  • Climbing to the 134th floor grants individuals immense influence and sets them apart from others in the tower.
  • Rankers receive their rank based on power, influence, and recognition, not just combat strength.
  • High Rankers, the top one percent, are the strongest characters in the series with immense destructive power.

The Tower of God has many characters with distinct roles and status. Regulars and Irregulars alike climb the tower hoping to reach the top of the Tower, and once they reach the 134th floor, they are given a rank and are henceforth referred to as Rankers. The 134th Floor is not exactly the top of the Tower, but it is the highest accessible floor at the moment, as Zahard’s Empire has not conquered the 135th Floor yet because of its unyielding Guardian.

Reaching the “top” of the tower grants these individuals immense influence, setting them apart from the rest of the tower’s inhabitants and putting them at the pinnacle of the tower in both senses of the word.

How Rankers Came To Be And Their Role In The Tower

The Reason Behind The Prestigious Title

After reaching the 134th Floor, the Ranking Administration Office bestows a rank on the individual based on several variables such as power, influence, and recognition. This implies that strength is not the only factor that comes into play, so there are a few Rankers with high rankings who do not possess pure combat strength. As expected, Rankers do not have any financial problems, as there are only a few characters in the tower that can rival them for jobs and positions. Special duties like Test Directors and Floor Test Administrators are reserved for them due to the high status they have attained.

They also have access to the middle area of the tower and make use of its staircases to access the outer towers or skip floors when moving around, as they have already proven their ability to clear all the floors. Rankers enjoy a lot of benefits and barely have restrictions. Still, they are forbidden from entering the living areas of Regulars or interacting with them, mainly due to the huge power gap between them. Rankers are viewed as gods by most of the inhabitants of the Tower, as the toughness and ability it requires to become one is not something an average human can attain.

The Distinction Between Common Rankers And The Best Of Them

The Best Of The Best

Amongst Rankers, there are two distinct classifications based on the individual ranks. Individuals who fall into the top ten percent of Rankers, roughly the top ten thousand, are referred to as Advanced Rankers. Although this position is coveted by most Rankers, they are of little or no consequence to those who have risen to even greater heights. Those strong enough to attain a position in the top one thousand, which equates to about one percent of Rankers, are called High Rankers.

These gods amongst gods are the strongest characters in the series, and their presence is a potential disaster for Regulars due to the sheer amount of destruction they can conjure up. Over the years, it has become common practice for those in charge of daily activities on floors to warn the regulars whenever a high Ranker appears. In situations like these, the Ruler of the Floor (a position that is reserved for High Rankers) is expected to confront the intruder if they pose a threat to the peace, as only a High Ranker can stand up one.

However, in most cases, high-rankers are rarely put in a position where they have to battle each other with their lives on the line. According to Evankhell, the top 300 Rankers are on a different level from the rest of the High Rankers, and anyone who aspires to reach that height must be ready to best a top 300 Ranker in battle and kill him. These High Rankers have been said to possess eyes that can rival observers in gathering large amounts of visual data as a result of training over the years. There are also High Rankers called Blue Holes, as little is known about them due to being inactive for long periods. As such, their power and influence can’t be measured, so they are not given any ranks.

Sobriquets Are Given To The Special Ones As A Way Of Honoring Their Achievements

A Way To Pay Homage To Them

High Rankers are the biggest juggernauts in the series. As a way of celebrating their meteoric rise to the top of the rankings, the Ranking Administration Office comes up with sobriquets, or nicknames, as some might like to call them. These sobriquets pay homage to a High Ranker’s battle position, influence, or other aspects of their life and are used to praise them. Fishermen are usually given the names of Divine Sea Fish found in the Tower, like Ha Yuri Zahard, who was bestowed with Black Snakehead.

Guides are associated with boats, and Wave Controllers with the names of waves and winds. Enryu, the infamous Administrator killer, was given the name “Red Tower” because his environment turns red when he walks by, and the prideful Zahard’s nickname was not given too much thought, as he was given “King of the Tower” for his role as its ruler. It is also possible for a person to receive two sobriquets, as in the case of Khun Eduan, although he turned them down, insinuating that High Rankers can do the same.

Tower of God is available to stream on Crunchyroll.


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