One could argue that a platform fighter is only as good as its fighters and its platforms, and MultiVersus is no exception. There are plenty of fighters at various tiers of efficiency in MultiVersus. It’s only natural one might ask about the stages and how they stack up against each other. If that’s the case, look no further.

Each stage in the game recreates an iconic location from one of the many IPs MultiVersus takes its cues from. From Game of Thrones, to Rick and Morty, to the Powerpuff Girls, and beyond, plenty of genres and franchises are represented in the game’s stages. And each map comes well-stocked with stage hazards befitting of the original IP they come from.

Stages have been evaluated as they appear in casual game modes. All stage hazards are turned off by default in Ranked.


MultiVersus Roster Leaks Explained

No game is sure to be safe from leaks, but MultiVersus has had a ton of them, teasing upcoming fighters that may be coming to the game soon.

4 S Tier Stages in MultiVersus

  • BatCave
  • Cromulons
  • Midnight Showing
  • Trophy’s EDGE


The iconic Batcave is a strong contender for the best map in MultiVersus. Starting with just the design aspect, it’s clear the artists behind this map had a lot of love for the Batman mythos. They’re hard to see in the heat of a fight, but the background is littered with fun easter eggs and nods to the greater Batman mythos, including some of the spare batsuits, the bat computer, two different models of Batmobile and some of the cave’s most iconic trophies like the giant penny and the dinosaur.

As for gameplay, the Batmobile platforms are destructible, which gives the map some variety whenever it’s played, but the real stage hazard comes from the smoke vents on each side of the main platform. These can be used to obscure the fighters, making them an invaluable resource when edge guarding. The vents close at regular intervals, preventing them from being too overwhelming.


The Rick and Morty stage representation, Cromulons is just a really solid experience. The starting platforms provide some high ground, which players can destroy if their opponent is getting too much value out of them. The left and right blast zones are generously spread apart, allowing for some more offstage play, but their lower kill potential is balanced out by the relatively lower ceiling. A very straightforward map, but one of the most fun in terms of making big offstage plays.

Midnight Showing

The latest addition to the MultiVersus map rotation, Midnight Showing comes from the climax of the 80’s classic Gremlins, wherein the horde of titular creatures hold up in a local movie theater to watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarves before being blown up by the film’s heroes. And while the map itself lacks any sort of explosive, fiery hazards, it’s still unique in that it’s the first truly asymmetrical map in the game. Two wildly differently sized platforms make the map stand out from its peers and subtly convey the quirky chaos of the source material. The taller of the two platforms is much smaller, but its height is still an excellent tool for characters that excel at off-the-top kills. But what really makes the map top tier is the cheering/jeering horde of gremlins in the background that go bananas whenever there’s a ring-out. It can make matches on this stage feel like a fight in the Colosseum.

Trophy’s E.D.G.E.

The only stage in MultiVersus that doesn’t come from a preexisting IP, Trophy’s E.D.G.E. may also be the simplest in the game. It’s one platform with no destructible elements or stage hazards, but its simplicity makes it a very honest stage. There are no fancy tricks to be played there. This picturesque green hillscape is the thunderdome to show off pure skill vs skill. It’s a beautifully designed map, straightforward as can be, but in the best possible way.

3 A Tier Stages in MultiVersus

  • Scooby’s Haunted Mansion
  • Tree Fort
  • Throne Room

Scooby’s Haunted Mansion

The stage hazards in this map come in the form of two levers on the far sides of the main platform. When hit, these levers remove sections of the platform, dividing the stage into three smaller platforms; useful against characters like Jason who rely on horizontal battlefields.

In the beta, the map came with a slanted roof that closed off the top of the blast zone but for one narrow, chimney-like opening. This was an incredibly unique feature that limited the effectiveness of off-the-top kill moves, but the devs seem to have taken some of its criticism to heart and the roof variant of the map hasn’t been available for public play since. But it’s still a very fun map, with as much (or as little) horizontal play as the players want and plenty of background easter eggs for Scooby fans to zero in on.

Tree Fort

A simple map, to be sure. The only thing close to a hazard are the bouncing pads on either side of the stage, and those usually get destroyed by accident. The thing that keeps Tree Fort in A-Tier is how well it encapsulates Adventure Time. The art and music team really knocked it out of the park here. The bright colors, the glimpses of Lady Rainicorn flying around in the background, and best of all, the epic orchestral mix of the Adventure Time theme song. For non-fans, this stage may rate a bit lower, but anyone who followed Finn and Jake through thick and thin will find a lot to love here, despite its simplicity.

Throne Room

As the only Game of Thrones stage in MultiVersus, Throne Room is an excellent challenge with its shifting walls. At random intervals, the left and right walls on the map will ascend from and descend to the bottom of the stage. When the walls are up, this means the only way to ring an enemy out is via the top, which can limit the kill moves of some characters. But it’s limiting in a fun way; it presents an interesting challenge for fighters who don’t have a lot of moves that kill off the top, and forces them to use other aspects of their kit they wouldn’t normally use.

2 B Tier Stages in MultiVersus

  • Titans Tower
  • Sky Arena
  • The Court

Teen Titans Tower

Titans Tower is a pretty basic map at the end of the day, but for fans of the original 2003 Teen Titans or the more comedy-tinged reboot Teen Titans Go! it’s a lot of fun to fight here. The main stage hazard comes in the form of a security lockdown that limits movement on the stage with walls and changes the TV in the background of the map, nothing too special. Currently, the map seems to be teasing two new MultiVersus fighters; Raven and Aquaman.

Sky Arena

This map depends entirely on the variant that loads up. The best of the two variants has some additional platforms floating above the main stage that provide some elevation variation. The second variant is just a flat, basic plane. Neither variant has any notable stage hazard to speak of, and the only thing keeping these variants out of a lower tier is the stellar art design. The bright pastel colors of the Steven Universe cartoon look absolutely stunning here, making this map a thrill to look at, despite how basic it is from a gameplay standpoint.

The Court

Finally, the Space Jam rep. Taking its artistic cues from the modern sequel rather than the 90’s classic of the same name, The Court has stage hazards that approach the point of being annoying but never quite get there. The walls on either side of the court are breakable and regenerate over time, leaving a limited window for ringouts. Every 20 seconds or so a basketball will spawn in the middle, acting as a throwable.Throwing the ball into a basket will result in an explosion capable of ringing out an enemy. And various pickups will spawn that buff the player’s speed, jump, and strength.

It sounds like a lot, and it is, but games on The Court rarely get drastically out of hand, as the hazards are not nearly as intrusive in-game as they seem on paper. But there are stages where the hazards and even the layout of the stage itself can be a little too much.

1 C Tier Stages in MultiVersus

  • Water Tower
  • Dexter’s Lab
  • The City of Townsville

Water Tower

The home of the yet-to-be-added Animaniacs, the Warner Brothers Water Tower is a happy addition for fans of the 90’s show. However, the platforms on the map itself seem to get in the way of a lot of combos, and can easily flub up a player’s flow. And that’s without even getting into the primary stage hazard.

After enough damage to the WB shield, the water tower will fly open, smacking anyone in its general vicinity; even the player who activated it. There’s a fun little easter egg of a random fighter inside the tower when it opens, but losing a stock to the tower door flying open really puts a damper on any smile that would otherwise inspire.

Dexter’s Lab

When MultiVersus relaunched, Dexter’s Lab came with two variants; the competitive, static variant playable now, and a variant the devs were showing off heavily in pre-release promotional MultiVersus material. This version of the map featured randomly generated conveyor belts and buttons that would impact the flow of the game; literally.

Player outcry against the map was strong, mostly because ranked was not available early on and more serious players didn’t like being forced to play the overly zany nature of the map.

The interesting variant has been disabled from play for months at this point, leaving the community with a pretty sauceless map in comparison. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the current variant (though the ceiling might be the highest in the game) but compared to the fun, creative stage that was since disabled, it just pales in comparison.

The City of Townsville

This is an example of a stage with too many hazards for its own good. Throughout the match, Mojo Jojo (voiced by Roger L. Jackson) will deposit bombs, magnets, and other high-tech weaponry that really influence the flow of the game. Most jarring is the giant laser, which will do serious damage, if not outright kill players if they fail to avoid it. As if that wasn’t enough, fighting back against him will cause him to destroy large chunks of the stage, eventually leaving it so small that it can become the smallest stage in the game.

Despite how oppressive the hazards can be, there’s some stuff to love in Townsville. The Powerpuff Girls theme is a great track that really lends itself to a fighting game soundtrack. Mojo Jojo’s dialogue as he flies around the stage is a treat and is a great teaser to maybe have him in-game as a fighter at some point.


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