Apex Legends has a bunch of different characters, and each one has their own special Heirloom. These Heirlooms are some of the hardest things to get in the game. To unlock them, you need Heirloom Shards, which you can collect from Apex Packs. Once you have enough shards, you can use them to get the Heirloom for the character you want.

To get an Heirloom for your favorite Legend, you need at least 150 Heirloom Shards. You can also get heirlooms through Collection Events, but that costs a lot of money, so most players prefer grinding for shards instead. According to devs, you’re guaranteed to get 150 heirloom shards if you open 500 of these packs. That’s why it’s important to track how many Apex Packs you have opened. Keeping that in mind, this guide will show you how to check the number of Apex Packs you’ve opened in Apex Legends.


Apex Legends Map Tier List

Apex Legends’ sports a great variety of maps for both Battle Royale and Mixtape, but some are still undeniably better than others.

How To Check The Number Of Apex Packs Opened In Apex Legends

apex legends 150 heirloom shards

Apex Packs are loot boxes that you can get by leveling up or buying them from the store. The best way to estimate how many packs you’ve opened is by using the Apex Legends Status Apex Packs Calculator. Here’s how to track the number of Apex Packs you’ve opened throughout your Apex career:

apex pack calculator

  • Open the Apex Packs Calculator website. You can go to their website by clicking the attached link.
  • First, players will need to enter their account’s level in the calculator. You can find your level above your legend in the game lobby.
  • Next, put in the number of packs you have purchased from the game store. You can check this by looking at your purchase history in your gaming store profile. You will also need to mention how many Twitch Prime packs you have earned in the game.
  • Next, fans will have to go through each season and check if they bought the battle pass. To find the level of your battle pass for a season, click on any Legend’s banner tab and look at the level badge. Do this for other Apex Legends seasons as well, and enter the info into the calculator.
  • To get the correct number of Apex Packs, Apex Legends players will also need to tick the “Bought the battle pass” box if they bought the battle pass for that season.

Enter all the information, and the calculator will give you an estimate of the number of packs you have opened in the game.


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