Lies of P‘s sequel is probably a considerable amount of time away yet. DLC for the first game is in active development, likely taking up the bulk of developer Neowiz’s time right now. Nevertheless, whenever the proper sequel does eventually arrive, fans will be hoping it builds on the solid foundations laid in 2023’s Soulslike action RPG. As with any Soulslike title, the quality of the boss fights and villains in general will play a huge role in the game’s success. Lies of P introduced the Black Rabbit Brotherhood, a band of villainous criminals and siblings, but events during the game may have stifled any opportunity for the group to make a surprise comeback during the second game.

Not only are the Black Rabbit Brotherhood memorable, but they are also among some of the hardest bosses in Lies of P. Used heavily in the game’s marketing, this group of cunning thieves prove themselves to be dangerous opponents for P, and will likely push the player to their limits. In a game filled with extremely difficult boss fights, the Brotherhood stands out for the unique nature of the fights themselves, with each sibling having a different personality, fighting style, and visual appearance.


Lies of P 2 Should Take Inspiration from Elden Ring for 1 Big Reason

While the first Lies of P game takes heavy inspiration from Bloodborne, Lies of P 2 should take inspiration from Elden Ring instead.

Lies of P’s Black Rabbit Brotherhood Leave a Lasting Impression

The first encounter with the Brotherhood takes place during the first half of the game, and can initially be something of a roadblock given the nature of the encounter. The player is probably still learning some of the Lies of P‘s more intricate mechanics when they first encounter the Brotherhood, making the fight a baptism of fire. What initially seems like a fight against only the eldest brother, a hulking brute who wields a huge cleaver, quickly develops into something more complex.

The eldest brother is soon joined by one of the other three siblings. Each has their own unique fighting style, ranging from fast and agile to strong and durable, and the player must attempt to eliminate the younger sibling first. As a sibling falls, one is replaced by another, until eventually all four are defeated, including the Eldest, who the player assumes is now dead. Had this been the last time these enemies were encountered, Lies of P 2 would’ve been a great time to reintroduce the antagonists.

Returning bosses from previous games are usually a great way of further engaging the player, and are a welcome nod to those who completed the first game.

The Black Rabbit Brotherhood popping up in Lies of P 2 would’ve probably garnered a positive response from fans. Interestingly though, the developer decided to play its hand much earlier here, and P only needs to wait a matter of hours before the Brotherhood makes their return. This time, the fight takes a different approach but is even more challenging.

The player must deal with all three of the younger siblings at once, which is a tough task. To make matters worse, when only one of the siblings remains, the Eldest returns and provides a final test for the player.

The conclusion of the second fight sees the Brotherhood vanquished for good and makes any kind of return for the siblings unlikely. Both of the Brotherhood’s fights are tough and memorable, but it feels like a bit of a missed opportunity not to leave their fate a little more ambiguous, leaving the door open for a return in a sequel.

That said, it’s probably a safe bet to assume Lies of P 2 will contain plenty of new bosses that are even more challenging and memorable. The game’s post-credits scene suggests that the sequel may even be centered on Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz, and if that turns out to be the case, it’s easier to understand why the Brotherhood was never intended to pop up further down the line.


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