
  • Patch 6 of Baldur’s Gate 3 focuses on in-camp scenes and interactions, with updates to combat as well.
  • There are new kiss animations for romanceable characters, adding variety and passion to the romantic interactions.
  • The patch includes new idle animations for companions at camp, making the camp scenes feel more dynamic and immersive. Also, it is now far easier to swap party members.

Baldur’s Gate 3’s extremely hefty Patch 6 dropped on February 16, 2024, after a teaser that falsely caused fans to expect it on Valentine’s Day. While the patch does include some updates to combat, including new Legendary Actions for certain bosses, the bulk of the update focuses on in-camp scenes and interactions. The new camp content in Baldur’s Gate 3‘s patch 6 includes a mix of character-focused moments and quality of life improvements.


Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 6 is Live Now, and It’s Huge

Larian Studios releases Patch 6 for Baldur’s Gate 3, bringing with it a massive list of updates and improvements as well as a huge file size.

All Romance Options Have New Kiss Animations


One of the most anticipated parts of the update was new kiss animations for the eight romanceable characters. Previously, most characters used a standard brief peck animation. Now, each has between one and three new kiss animations. They will play randomly each time the player asks their love interest for a kiss, so players may have to go in for several smooches before seeing all of them. They include a mix of playful forehead and cheek kisses and passionate full-on lip locks. While most characters’ new animations are available as soon as the player enters a romantic relationship with them, Astarion has some unique animations which cannot be seen unless he becomes the Vampire Ascendant.

Several Characters Received New Idle Animations


A number of companions received new idle animations, particularly those who simply stood around while at camp. This can make camp scenes feel more dynamic. In particular, all four late-joining companions got new animations, so they no longer simply stand in front of their tent. Some of the new idle animations include:


Reading a githyanki text


Polishing the Spear of Night (Acts 2 and 3 only)


Whittling wooden ducks


Tending the mushrooms around her tent

Contemplating a skull

Adjusting her armor

Getting angry at the sun


Kneeling in meditation


Receiving a message from a rat


Cooking a meal

Shaving his head

Playing a drum

The patch notes also confirmed that non-companion camp followers, including aasimar paladin Dame Aylin, Wyll’s cambion patron Mizora, and Duke Ulder Ravengard, will move around the camp rather than staying in one place.

Switching Party Members In Camp Is Now Easier


Previously, removing a companion from the active party and replacing them with another was a multi-step process. Players first had to speak to the character they wished to remove, persist in removing them despite the character’s protests, speak to the desired new party member, and invite them to join. Now, players need only to speak to the companion they want to join their party, and can select who to dismiss during a single conversation. This streamlines the process of switching party members greatly and means that players no longer have to spend so much time at camp before getting out on the road.

Other Patch 6 Camp Updates


Several smaller updates to camp life and camp content were also made during Patch 6. These include:

  • Consuming only alcohol during a Long Rest will now grant the “Hungover” status for 10 turns. The “Hungover” status imposes disadvantage on all Charisma and Dexterity checks.
  • When auto-selecting food during a Long Rest, food kept in companion inventories can be selected and consumed.
  • Shadowheart will now initiate dialogue with players who attempt to sit on the stool near her tent.
  • If invited to live in camp, the Owlbear Cub will no longer eat non-food items, such as Auntie Ethel’s Hair.
  • Hirelings can be recruited from Withers even if the party is full. They will stay at camp until needed.
  • Scratch and the Owlbear Cub have new animations for playing together in different camp layouts.
  • New camp dialogue was added for Halsin for players who wish to befriend but not romance him.


Baldur’s Gate 3
Baldur’s Gate

August 3, 2023

M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Violence

How Long To Beat
30 Hours


Split Screen Orientation
Vertical Only

Number of Players

PS Plus Availability

Local Co-Op Support
1-2 Players


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