
  • Apex Legends regularly reworks legends and provides buffs and nerfs to maintain game balance.
  • Some legends, like Lifeline and Wraith, have seen significant changes over time but remain popular picks.
  • New seasons introduce new legends and alter the gameplay meta, affecting the ranking of the best legends in the game.

Apex Legends regularly rework legends and provide buffs and nerfs to keep the game balanced or as much as they can. Due to the difficulty of managing over 23 unique legends, some will be stronger than others. When the game first came out, some legends were vastly different from their current state.


Apex Legends: Tips For The Broken Moon Map

The Broke Moon map in Apex Legends requires players to remember some important things if they are to win.

Lifeline could heal faster than other legends, but her rework caused her to lose popularity. Wraith was another legend that has seen massive changes since her initial state. Wraith remains a popular legend despite her constant nerfs to her kit. She is still an excellent pick for aggressive players. For 2024, here’s how the best legends in Apex Legends rank against each other.

Updated on December 26, 2023, by Aly Azmy: Season 18 has reworked Revenant and changed him entirely. He is now ranked among the best legends in the game and is a force to be reckoned with. Season 19 has introduced Conduit, and she quickly showed how essential a support legend is in Apex Legends. Season 19 nerfed many legends, including Bangalore, but her strength still shines as an essential member of a coordinated team. The new ranked system favors careful planning and rewards cohesive teams with team-oriented legends.

15 Caustic

Skill Level Required: Expert

Caustic Gas Art

Nox Vision (Passive)

Gain immunity to and spot enemies inside Nox Gas.

Nox Gas Trap (Tactical)

Deploy a total of 6 gas canisters. Cannisters are triggered by approaching players or when shot at.

Nox Gas Grenade

Throwable Grenade that covers a wide area in Nox Gas.

Caustic was a terrifying legend to face in Kings Canyon during the early days of Apex Legends. Caustic is a strong end-game legend and among the best legends for indoor use. Caustic struggles to remain useful in open areas, which leaves him weak in maps with frequent third partying such as Broken Moon. Getting caught in the open with no movement abilities and a large hitbox is a recipe for disaster.

Caustic pairs well with many legend combinations, such as Valkyrie and Gibraltar. Gibraltar provides resetting potential for Caustic through his dome shield allowing for easy escapes with his ultimate when things get too intense.

14 Wattson

Skill Level Required: Expert

wattson with her father art

Spark Of Genius (Passive)

Instantly charge ultimate from a single Ultimate Accelerant. Slow passive shield regeneration.

Perimeter Security (Tactical)

Place nodes that connect and form an electrical fence. Stuns enemies passing fences.

Interception Pylon (Ultimate)

Placeable pylon that disabled all ordinance in its vicinity. Provides limited shield regen to nearby players.

Wattson is a rare pick in casual play as her kit takes time to learn and use to its full potential. In tournaments, Wattson remains a strong pick as she provides stellar area lockdown capabilities that can lead to victory when done right. Her fences are excellent in locking down buildings and are great when the final zone is near a building.


Apex Legends: 10 Tips For Using Wattson

Apex Legends features a colorful cast of characters with unique playstyles. Here are some tips if you plan on using Wattson.

Wattson requires a good team composition to make her shine. Newcastle will pair well with Wattson as her pylon will buff his ultimate by negating incoming ordinance.

13 Valkyrie

Skill Level Required: Intermediate

valkyrie flying

VTOL Jets (Passive)

Grants the ability to fly using a jetpack with regenerating fuel.

Missile Swarm (Tactical)

Fire several mini-rockets that damage and stun any struck enemies.

Skyward Dive (Ultimate)

Launches Valkyrie and connected teammates into the air and performs a skydive.

While Valkyrie reigned as the strongest legend for the past couple of seasons, the addition of the Evac Tower has toppled her rule. Valkyrie’s usefulness has lessened as all players can carry an Evac Tower in their survival tool slot. The Evac Tower is a common item that is essentially a Valkyrie ultimate.

Valkyrie is still a strong legend due to her passive as her ability to fly is excellent in repositioning. Her tactical is average but will catch players off guard if they underestimate it.

12 Seer

Skill Level Required: Beginner

Seer (1)-1

Heart Seeker (Passive)

Reveals enemies within 50 meters when aiming down sights.

Focus of Attention (Tactical)

Fire several drones that go past walls and halt enemy abilities while revealing their location.

Exhibit (Ultimate)

A deployable device that covers a 35-meter radius and reveals any enemies who sprint, walk, or fire weapons in its vicinity.

Seer was released as an overpowered legend and was nerfed to a reasonable degree. He provides unrivaled scouting information and can deny heals through a well-timed tactical ability. Players are debating that Seer requires a nerf as he currently has the strongest passive in the game. Seer’s passive has been nerfed in season 16 causing a loud indicator of when he is scanning.

In the recent ALGS, Seer saw exceptional usage in aggressive teams.

11 Lifeline

Skill Level Required: Beginner

Lifeline healing player

Combat Revive (Passive)

Initiating a revive on teammates will deploy a drone that takes over the animation and leaves the Lifeline free to move and shoot.

D.O.C Heal Drone (Tactical)

Deploy a drone that heals nearby players

Care Package (Ultimate)

Call in a Care Package containing beneficial loot tailored to the team

After receiving her recent ultimate buff, Lifeline can properly utilize her kit. The recent ultimate buff drastically reduces the waiting period for her ultimate and only requires mere seconds. Players can take advantage of Lifelines Ultimate without delaying the team. This change has caused Lifeline’s pick rate to increase substantially.

Lifeline’s Ultimate has a high chance of providing players with purple shields and high-tier weapon attachments. By taking advantage of ultimate accelerants, teams can guarantee purple shields without landing in risky high-tier loot areas or engaging in combat.

10 Gibraltar

Skill Level Required: Expert

Gibraltar rescuing girl art

Gun Shield (Passive)

Adds a shield when aiming down sights. Arm shield has 50 health and regenerates after 9 seconds.

Dome of Protection (Tactical)

Deploy a bubble that blocks all internal and external attacks.

Defensive Bombardment (Ultimate)

Signal for a mortar strike on a specified location.

Players who enjoy sniping will find that Gibraltar is a great pick and his arm shield allows him to take quick peeks without much worry. His tactical ability is handy throughout the game but shines best during the end phase. A player skilled in Gibraltar bubble fights will wreck other players in close range, allowing for aggressive plays.

Gibraltar would rank higher if it were not for the Mad Maggie tactical counter that renders his tactical useless. His ultimate remains powerful at flushing enemies out or away but is easily avoided.

9 Bloodhound

Skill Level Required: Beginner

Bloodhound fighting beast art

Tracker (Passive)

Read clues that indicate the presence of nearby enemies. Following white ravens will lead to the nearest enemy.

Eye of the Allfather (Tactical)

Reveal enemies directly ahead of Bloodhound with a maximum distance of 75 meters.

Beast of the Hunt (Ultimate)

Gain 30% speed increase and highlights enemies in red. Downing enemies adds between 5 and 15 seconds to Beast of the Hunt.

Bloodhound is currently a perfectly balanced legend that provides great utility to their team through valuable information. Playing Bloodhound is easy to master when players have the essentials down.


Apex Legends: A Complete Guide To Bloodhound

Bloodhound is one of the best assets a team can have in Apex Legends, so here’s all you need to know about the tracker character.

The season 16 tweak to Bloodhound changed how Bloodhound functions but has led to them being able to track down the nearest enemy player.

8 Ash

Skill Level Required: Beginner

Ash using tactical

Marked for Death (Passive)

Shows location of recent deathboxes on map.

Arc Snare (Tactical)

Fire a snare that clamps an enemy down to a small area for 4 seconds.

Phase Breach (Ultimate)

Instantly create a one-way portal with a maximum range of 62 meters.

On her release, Ash was a balanced legend but required a few tweaks to allow her to shine. With her most recent buff, Ash can use her tactical and maintain weapon sprint speed momentum. This speed buff aids players to have better chances of utilizing Ash’s tactical and not getting punished by the previous slower speed.

While Wraith’s portal works both ways, Ash’s portal requires no preparation and will rescue teams caught in a bad spot.

7 Ballistic

Skill Level Required: Beginner

Ballistic posing

Sling (Passive)

Carry an extra weapon.

Whistler (Tactical)

Deals 20 damage and overheats enemy weapons if fired for a prolonged period. The effect lasts for 8 seconds.

Tempest (Ultimate)

Decreases reload time and provides infinite ammo for teammates in a 10-meter radius for a time. Ballistic’s sling weapon is given gold rarity.

Ballistic is the latest legend added to Apex Legends, and he is among the strongest. His abilities are different than the norm, as they affect weapons directly. Ballistic’s tactical is a nuisance to enemies if players can use them and will cause enemies to play passively for a few seconds.

Pushing fights in Apex Legends is usually a scary process and is not guaranteed to end well.

6 Conduit

Skill Level Required: Beginner

conduit cover art

Savior’s Speed (Passive)

30% Speed increase when sprinting towards allies out of range of Conduit’s tactical.

Radiant Transfer (Tactical)

Temporarily restore shields to nearby teammates. Cannot recover shields if teammates are further than 50 meters.

Energy Barricade (Ultimate)

Deploys shield-damaging machines that slow and damage nearby enemies.

Conduit is an excellent support legend that works best in a coordinated team of friends. Her abilities are simple on paper, but timing is essential to guarantee the effective use of her kit. Sticking close together is essential for Conduit, as a well-timed Radiant Transfer will save a teammate from being downed.

Conduit must always be close to both her teammates as the party will get the most out of her Radiant Transfer. Playing near cover is perfect as it allows time for her tactical to temporarily heal player shields.

5 Wraith

Skill Level Required: Beginner

apex legends wraith art

Voices of the Void (Passive)

Get alerted of nearby traps or when an enemy is aiming at Wraith.

Into the Void (Tactical)

Temporarily enter a void space to avoid damage while maintaining the ability to reposition.

Dimensional Rift (Ultimate)

Create a two-way portal with a total distance of 152 meters.

Wraith’s ultimate buff allowed her to provide excellent team utility in planning team attacks and repositioning. The speed boost empowers players to have an easier time creating portals. The increased distance allows Wraith to bridge longer gaps that benefit her team.

The main two advantages of Wraith portals are pushing enemies and rescuing teammates. Attacking an enemy team with a Wraith portal allows teams to have a favorable position at the start of a fight and a fast way to disengage if things turn hairy.

Wraith will remain among the most popular legends as her tactical provide an easy escape from death, and her ultimate has many uses for team play.

4 Bangalore

Skill Level Required: Intermediate

Bangalore brother falling art

Double Time (Passive)

30% speed increase when fired at and lasts for 2 seconds.

Smoke Launcher (Tactical)

A two-charge smoke grenade launcher that covers a long distance. Shrouds the area in smoke and deals small damage.

Rolling Thunder (Ultimate)

Artillery strike that covers a wide area outdoors and stuns enemies caught in the explosion.

Bangalore has seen a steady increase in player pickrate and has slowly become one of the best legends in Apex Legends through many buffs and nerfs. Bangalore is easy to learn but one of the hardest legends to fully master.

Her abilities require a keen understanding of a player’s surroundings alongside map knowledge. Bangalore’s Smoke Launcher is perfect for hiding teammates during risky revives or late-game repositioning.

The better players understand Bangalore’s tactical, the more powerful she becomes as an apex legend.

3 Pathfinder

Skill Level Required: Expert

Apex Legends Pathfinder Art

Insider Knowledge (Passive)

Scanning care packages reduces the cooldown of his Ultimate

Grappling Hook (Tactical)

Grapple that propels Pathfinder to a desired location.

Zipline Gun (Ultimate)

Create a zipline that can be used by his team.

Similarly to Wraith, Pathfinder’s ultimate had a large buff he needed. His Ultimate now goes up to 200 meters and has received a speed increase that allows for faster rotations. The longer ultimate allows Pathfinder to create viable rotation options for his team that make for excellent rotation options. His faster zipline speed makes it harder for enemies to shoot players down, but this also depends on their weapons.


Apex Legends: The Ultimate Pathfinder Guide

Here’s how Apex Legends players can utilize Pathfinder to the fullest.

The 60% distance increase to his ultimate allows Pathfinder to contribute rotations to the team and become a vital asset when needing to quickly reposition.

2 Revenant

Skill Level Required: Beginner

revenant reborn art ea

Assassin’s Instinct (Passive)

Highlights nearby enemies low on health. Increases crouch walk and climbing speed.

Shadow Pounce (Tactical)

Leap forward for a range of up to 50 meters.

Forged Shadows (Ultimate)

Shrouds Revenant in shadows that add 75HP. Lasts 25 seconds and is restored by knockdowns.

After his rework, Revenant has become an entirely different legend with a new play style. Revenant’s playstyle is ideal for picking out individual enemies and assassinating them. His shadow pounce changes Revenant to become a movement legend.

Revenant’s abilities turn him into a mobile assassin capable of overwhelming players caught far from their team. His extra health from his ultimate guarantees that he has the advantage when catching poorly positioned players.

Revenant requires a coordinated team to formulate a plan that best allows him to capitalize on his extra health from his ultimate.

1 Horizon

Skill Level Required: Intermediate

Horizon (1)-1

Spacewalk (Passive)

Grants immunity to fall impacts.

Gravity Lift (Tactical)

Creates an upward current that launches all players upward.

Black Hole (Ultimate)

Throwable device that draws enemies toward it.

Movement legends, such as Pathfinder, are strong but struggle to bring consistent team play potential to their team. Horizon is a complex legend with a lot of utility to her team. Learning how to play Horizon will allow players to create more scenarios that help them excel. Using her ultimate requires team coordination to be effective.

Her gravity lift can be used by her entire team and has the potential to get the jump on an enemy team. Horizon pairs great with players who have a good grasp of Apex Legend’s movement and results in the most lethal legend players will face.

Horizon’s tactical can easily switch a fight in her favor when timed right and can work indoors and outdoors, unlike many other legends.


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