Apple is reportedly planing to launch its first MacBook Pro model with an OLED screen within the next couple of years, according to a report. The Cupertino company’s existing MacBook models are equipped with Mini-LED screens, which are expected to be replaced with OLED panels in the future. Meanwhile, the company is also expected to equip the MacBook Air with an OLED screen a year after the Pro models. Apple’s tablets received the upgrade for the first time this year, with the iPad Pro (2024).

Apple’s OLED Upgrade Roadmap for Future MacBook and iPad Models

Tipster Jukanlosreve (@Jukanlosreve) has published a timeline for the launch of the launch of upcoming MacBook and iPad models up to 2030, stating that it was sourced from market research firm Omdia. According to the chart, the next computer from Apple equipped with OLED screen will be a MacBook Pro model that could arrive in 2026.

The leaked timeline for Apple’s upcoming devices
Photo Credit: Twitter/ @Jukanlosreve


This MacBook Pro model is said to be available in 14-3-inch and 16.3-inch display sizes, and a Hybrid OLED screen. Unlike the Mini-LED display used on the current generation model, the 2026 MacBook Pro will not feature a display notch. However, there’s no word on whether the device will be equipped with a Dynamic Island, similar to the iPhone 15 models.

According to the leaked timeline, the MacBook Air is also expected to be upgraded with an OLED screen in 2027. It is also expected to feature a Hybrid OLED panel — in 13.8-inch and 15.5-inch display sizes — but it will still feature with a display notch.

Apple has already upgraded the iPad Pro with a Tandem OLED panel earlier this year, and the company’s iPad Air model could be the next to be equipped with an upgraded in 2026 with an 8.4-inch Hybrid OLED screen, and a 60Hz refresh rate.

This could be followed by the standard model with a Hybrid OLED panel (in 11-inch and 13-inch display sizes) in 2027, with a 60Hz refresh rate. A year later, the company could launch an upgraded version of the iPad Pro with an improved OLED screen, in 11-inch and 13-inch display sizes.

However, it’s worth noting that Apple doesn’t publicly reveal its plans for upcoming hardware upgrades. We’re likely to hear more details about these devices in the coming months, along with details of the rumoured foldable device that is said to be in development at the company.


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