
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 offers a wide range of customization options for players, including race, class, and background choices that can impact gameplay and role-playing elements.
  • Unusual combinations, such as a Dragonborn Ranger with a Charlatan background or a Tiefling Druid with a criminal background, can provide unique and interesting experiences for players.
  • The game’s freedom allows players to select unusual combinations like a Half-Orc Wizard with a Guild Artisan background or a Dwarven Bard with an Outlander background, opening up new possibilities for character creation and gameplay.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a multitude of customization options for players to select from. Starting at the very beginning of the game, players can choose their race, class, and background which can alter how their journey across Baldur’s Gate 3 will play out.


Baldur’s Gate 3: 10 Best Upgrades That Are Easy To Miss

Throughout their Baldur’s Gate 3 journeys, players will miss countless high-quality upgrades. The following upgrades are the most costly to miss.

This freedom for a player to create whatever they wish has made some exciting combinations that some players may have never even considered. When considering starting a new journey players may feel inspired to try one of these unusual race, class, and background builds; for not only the possibilities of what it can do in battle but also the role-play elements of this CRPG.

Updated on January 11, 2024, by Megan Smith: In December of last year, Xbox players who owned Series S or X were finally able to join the others in playing 2023’s Game of the Year. Players are likely to have already created their characters or made entirely new ones, but some players may be looking for some unique BG3 builds. Part of the fun with Baldur’s Gate 3 is the freedom Larian Studios has given players with character customization, which means players can literally mix and match anything they want. This means that players can create some unique builds in BG3, from Half-Orc wizards to Drow that praises the sun. These are some BG3 unique builds a player should consider.

10 Rich Getting Richer Through Theft

Thief Rogue Half-Orc

A Half-Orc Rogue in Baldur’s Gate 3

Half-Orcs are one of the largest races in BG3, which can make for some unique builds and outcomes when combining them with usually sneakier classes such as Rogue. In this build, players will become a duel-wielding thief of great stature.

By playing with the background of Noble, a player can make up an interesting backstory for their Half-orc. They could be part of a noble human family who treated them differently for their orc blood, so they start stealing from the rich, or perhaps they are greedy and instead mingle easily with the rich and powerful. Hoping to one day learn where they hide their valuables.

9 Somehow There Are Storms In The Underdark

Storm Sorcerer Deep Gnome

A Deep Gnome Storm Sorcerer in Baldur’s Gate 3

Weather hardly affects those who live in the Underdark, especially if it’s a Deep Gnome or a Duergar. However, the Storm Sorcerer still exists and, therefore, it would be an interesting phenomenon for a Storm Sorcerer to be born. Creating rain clouds underground and summoning lighting from nowhere is sure to spook those from the caves below, which may have encouraged this Deep Gnome to the surface.

Perhaps they were given away at a young age due to these dangerous storm powers, and therefore they were left to grow up as an acolyte in a temple where they then started exploring other religions, those that focus on the storms they create.

8 An Urban Ranger

Hunter Ranger Dragonborn

A Dragonborn Ranger in Baldur's Gate 3

Many Rangers are connected deeply to the forest as they usually have a connection to the animals of the wild while tiptoeing through the leaves. Many players also connect the thought of a Ranger with the smaller or more nimble races. A unique option a player may wish to consider in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a ginormous green Dragonborn.


Baldur’s Gate 3: 15 New Subclasses That Could Be Added To The Game

Though Baldur’s Gate 3 features some truly great subclasses for players to experiment with, it would be nice to have access to a few more.

Combining this with the background of Charlatan will help create the connection between being a ranger and lurking through the city streets of Baldur’s Gate. Many Rangers are isolated folk but as a Charlatan, this Dragonborn knows how to deceive or pick the pockets of those that pass by.

7 Even Nature Has Its Criminals

Circle Of The Land Druid Tiefling

A Tiefling Druid in Baldur's Gate 3

Firstly, with many of the Tieflings originally living in the Hells, few have been seen as Druids, especially in Baldur’s Gate 3. This would make the player’s character one of a kind. During the first act, this may also cause some conflict as the player must attempt to be the bridge between the Tiefling refugees and the Druids who simply wish to protect their grove.

However, with a criminal background, perhaps this Tielfing won’t be helping anyone but themselves. With a love of nature but a hatred of towns, this would be a unique experience for any player to try.

6 Even Bigger Races Yearn For Knowledge

Half-Orc Evocation Wizard

A Half-Orc Wizard in Baldur's Gate 3

While perhaps not as unusual as some combinations, in a real Dungeons and Dragons game, players are unlikely to use this combination due to Half-Orcs giving none of the needed skills for a perfect Wizard.

Thankfully, in Baldur’s Gate 3, players are free to select what plus two and one they wish to put into their attributes to give them more freedom to play whatever they wish. Finally, players can take on the look of a brutish Half-Orc who has a background as a Guild Artisan. He has since retired from his career in making things to finally follow his love of magic and learning new things.

5 The Music Of The Wild

College Of Valor Dwarf Bard

A Dwarf Bard in Baldur's Gate 3

Dwarves are known for being hardy drinkers as they take on hardier classes such as Barbarian or Fighter, but perhaps one wished to live a life of music. A Dwarven Bard may not be the most uncommon out of all the class combinations but combining this with a background that sees them become an outlander means the player has been spending most of their time in the wild.


Baldur’s Gate 3: 6 Ways The Game Could’ve Improved Act 3

While it still brings about a satisfying conclusion, some feel that Baldur’s Gate 3’s third act was missing a few things.

Where did they learn to play? Why did they choose music? These are both questions the player will have to ask themselves while planning to play this combination. This may even be quite a powerful combination too as Bards are known to be the jack of all trades from the classes.

4 Carnival Magic

The Fiend Warlock Halfling

A Halfling Warlock in Baldur's Gate 3

Halflings are known for their unmatched luck that allows them to automatically reroll whenever they get one. However, a Warlock Halfling may be one of the unluckiest of their race, especially as these pacts usually happen when an individual is down on their luck.

Thankfully, after said Pact was achieved this little Halfling stumbled upon a Circus that gave them a chance at being an Entertainer. The magic given to them by the Hells – if they decided on The Fiend subclass – was then used to entertain the folks of Baldur’s Gate.

3 Small But Deadly

Berserker Barbarian Gnome

A Gnome Barbarian in Baldur's Gate 3

In contrast to the brutish Half-Orc Wizard, another option for players to take into the world of Baldur’s Gate 3 is a tiny Gnome that is filled with rage. When Baldur’s Gate 3 was first released few players chose the shorter races, but they carry a lot of potential in both dialogue and battle.

Besides being a Gnome Barbarian the player would then select the background of Sage. Sages are also hoping to learn new things which would make this Barbarian unlike the usual trope of the class having a lack of intelligence, this Gnome Barbarian knows things.

2 A Deeper Connection To Dragons

Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer Githyanki

A Githyanki Sorcerer in Baldur's Gate 3

Githyanki are often seen riding on the backs of red dragons, taking on the Mindflayers head-on. However, what is a Githyanki had an even deeper connection to its lizard steed. This can be explored through playing as a Draconic Sorcerer, these Sorcerers are known to have had a dragon ancestor.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Subclasses, Ranked

Every class in Baldur’s Gate 3 has a variety of subclass choices, and these are the best options players can choose.

It’s up to the player to discover how this may have happened, they don’t even need to select a Red Dragon to be their ancestor either. The Urchin background not only gives the player more role-play options but also an excuse as to why they don’t have to act like other Githyanki either.

1 When Deep Below, The Light Shines

Light Domain Lolth-Sworn Drow Cleric

A Drow Light Domain Cleric in Baldur's Gate 3

Out of all the unique and unusual race, class, and background builds, one that players should consider trying is the Drow Light Cleric. In Baldur’s Gate 3, Drow already receives a different reaction from many of the NPCs which will make the gameplay slightly different for them. Combining this race that usually lurks in the Underdark with now the surface can make for an interesting experience.

This Drow has also embraced the light as they have become a Light Domain Cleric. Throwing in the Noble background can also make for an even better story as the player may have escaped their noble ties or have a deeper understanding of the surface’s noble history.



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