
  • Players in Baldur’s Gate 3 should consider exploring AOE spells beyond Fireball for tactical advantage in combat encounters.
  • Spells like Sunbeam and Flame Strike offer unique utility and damage options that can shape the battlefield in the player’s favor.
  • From controlling enemy advances with Insect Plague to dealing multi-hit damage with Chain Lightning, diverse spell choices are key.

Fans of Dungeons & Dragons who play Baldur’s Gate 3 may be eager to create a Wizard and have them use 3rd Level Fireball to wreak absolute havoc on enemies. This preference for the spell is a common meme in D&D circles, where it remains one of the more practical AOE spells to use due to its sheer damage output. However, those who play through Baldur’s Gate 3 may soon realize that spells beyond Fireball can help manipulate the battle to the player’s favor.


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In Baldur’s Gate 3, where players get into combat encounters all the time, they don’t have immediate access to Fireball as an AOE finisher. Thankfully, the game offers a slate of other go-to AOE spells that players can use not just for damage but for utility purposes as well.

Updated on April 16, 2024 by Rhenn Taguiam: With Baldur’s Gate 3 once again earning accolades for its remarkable gameplay at the 2024 BAFTA Awards, fans and newcomers to the acclaimed RPG may be interested in just how its turn-based mechanics can transform gameplay sessions into fun moments. Funny enough, a lot of the shenanigans in Baldur’s Gate 3 come as a result of tinkering with Spells – and for players who want to wreak as much havoc as possible, these are often in the form of AOE Spells that can affect many targets at once. When it comes to AOE Spells that aren’t immediately the burning heat of Fireball, players may want to consider the other AOE spells on this list, including those written in for its latest update, which include various ways of raining hellish or divine fire onto opponents, a deployable nuke, or even a massive blast of energy.

20 Sunbeam (6th-Level Evocation)

Release The Power Of The Sun For 10 Turns

Sunbeam as an AOE Spell

Casting Time

1 Action



Requires Concentration


Saving Throw


Compared to most other higher-level Spells in Baldur’s Gate 3, Sunbeam (6th-Level Evocation) can become one of the most powerful due to its insane 6d8 Radiant Damage opportunity. Even if targets succeed its required CON Save and take half damage, the halfway maximum of 32 Damage can still eliminate most mobs in a single hit.

What makes Sunbeam especially interesting to use is the overall nature of its casting. When cast, Sunbeam releases a pillar of light that Blinds all creatures in its path on top of its damage. The Spell itself lasts for 10 turns, constantly damaging and inflicting Blind on anyone remotely attempting to pass it. In turn, Sunbeam can become quite a nifty Spell to position in tunnels and tight spaces, ensuring players have a means to escape while enemies risk damage just for pursuing them.

19 Flame Strike (5th-Level Evocation)

Unleash The Wrath Of The Heavens Into An Area

Flame Strike

Casting Time

1 Action



Requires Concentration


Saving Throw


Despite this Baldur’s Gate 3 Spell only being available to the Field Warlock and Clerics, Flame Strike (5th-Level Evocation) can become a powerful damaging ability when used properly. After its activation, Flame Strike will release a divine pillar from the skies to deal 5d6 Fire Damage + 5d6 Radiant Damage to anyone in the immediate zone. Should targets succeed in their DEX Saves, they still take half damage.

The limited area of Flame Strike can make it a not-so ideal Spell to cast, especially when players could theoretically release attacks close to 60 Damage with their Multiclass combos. However, Flame Strike is a convenient way to drop this much damage quickly on multiple foes at once, making this a decent AOE when players are heavily outnumbered.

18 Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere (6th-Level Evocation)

Deploy A Blast Of Cold Damage For A Nasty Nuke

Otiluke's Freezing Sphere

Casting Time

1 Action



Requires Concentration


Saving Throw


Players who want more strategic ways of dominating their Baldur’s Gate 3 gameplay should consider using Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere (6th-Level Evocation). This Spell is worthy of its high-level classification, as players can store frosty energies for an immediate attack or for later use. When triggered, the sphere explodes into an AOE that can deal 10d6 Cold Damage or half as much damage when targets succeed a DEX Save.

In the larger context of the game, Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere can be used to create tactical nukes that a Mage Hand or even a companion can carry into the battlefield for a self-detonating charge. The sphere acts like an object until deployed, meaning a character can throw the bomb much in the same way they can release a projectile.

17 Destructive Wave (5th-Level Evocation)

Unleash A Wave Of Thunder And Radiance On Opponents

Destructive Wave

Casting Time

1 Action



Requires Concentration


Saving Throw


When players acquire the Markoheshkir or become a Tempest Domain Cleric, they may be able to unleash one of the most powerful wave-esque effects in the game: Destructive Wave (5th-Level Evocation). Upon activation, this Spell creates a shockwave that can deal up to 5d6 Thunder Damage + 5d6 Radiant Damage to opponents and even knock them Prone for a turn. Should enemies succeed with their DEX Saves, they still take half damage.

This effect makes Destructive Wave function similarly and as a higher-level counterpart to Thunderwave (1st-Level) and Shatter (2nd-Level). While the Spell is limited to either the Markoheshkir or the Tempest Domain Cleric, players can easily tailor-fit a build into the latter – especially since the Cleric can still become a powerful asset to the battlefield.

16 Ice Storm (4th-Level Evocation)

Rain Ice On Opponents For Cold Damage

Ice Storm

Casting Time

1 Action


18m Range, 6m Radius

Requires Concentration


Saving Throw


Instead of going for a classic Fireball against opponents, players can simply switch things up with a bit of Cold in their Baldur’s Gate 3 gameplay. With Ice Storm (4th-Level Evocation), players have the means to summon a storm of ice from the sky, raining icicles and hail on the ground to crush opponents and destroy objects within their immediate range. The storm itself lasts for two turns, with targets taking 2d8 Bludgeoning + 4d6 Cold Damage. This is halved if they succeed a DEX Save.


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If targets are Wet before the Spell is cast, they become Vulnerable to Cold and Lightning Damage. It’s during these moments that Ice Storm becomes a very dangerous weapon, as it can technically deal double damage to opponents.

15 Insect Plague (5th Level Conjuration)

Delay Enemy Advances With Difficult Terrain, Constant Damage

Insect Plague in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(5th-Level Spell, Conjuration)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: 18m Radius: 6m

Special Factors

Concentration, Constitution Save

Sometimes, the most efficient Spells in Baldur’s Gate 3 gameplay are those that can manipulate the environment to the player’s advantage – something Insect Plague (5th-Level Conjuration) can pull off for Spellcasters. When activated, the Spell releases locusts that attack everyone within its range, transforming any location within 18 meters of the player into Difficult Terrain.

Should creatures inside the casting point fail a CON Save, they take 4d10 Piercing Damage. The area also forces Disadvantage towards Perception Checks to those affected, making Insect Plague an effective tool to cast while attempting to jump the gun on opponents before making a surprise attack.

14 Eyebite (6th Level Necromancy)

Deal AOE Frights Against Advancing Foes

Eyebite in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(6th-Level Spell, Necromancy)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: 18m Radius: –

Special Factors

Concentration, WIS Save

When players use Eyebite (6th-Level Necromancy) in Baldur’s Gate 3, their eyes turn into teethed walls of darkness that send fear straight into their opponent’s hearts. All opponents within 18 meters of the caster’s vision can be affected by Eyebite unless they succeed in a WIS Save. Those affected can either be Panicked (drop weapons, run away from the caster, Disadvantaged Ability Checks and Attacks), Sickened (Disadvantaged Ability Checks and Attacks), or Asleep (auto-fail DEX and STR Saves, cannot Move and Act, Advantaged against Attack Rolls, gets auto-crit within 1.5m).

What makes Eyebite especially useful is its other prerequisite, where it can be cast for free should the caster already have themselves Concentrating on another Spell. This perk transforms Eyebite into an efficient deterrent against foes who might try to distract the spellcaster to force them into a Concentration Check.

13 Mass Cure Wounds (5th Level Evocation)

Provide Convenient Multi-Target Healing

Mass Cure Wounds Spell in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(5th-Level Spell, Evocation)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: 18m Radius: –

Special Factors

The best area effects in a tactical RPG like Baldur’s Gate 3 may involve healing and not damage, which is something Mass Cure Wounds achieves. Effectively the direct upgrade of Cure Wounds on a larger scale, Mass Cure Wounds can affect players and allies within 18 meters.

When activated, all affected creatures are healed by the 3d8+WIS/CHA Modifier, healing for as much as 3 to 24 Hit Points. While evidently costly for its 5th-level Spell Slot, the prospect of healing as much as 24 HP can give players a much-needed combat boost to outlast their foes.

12 Chain Lightning (6th Level Evocation)

Deal A Multi-Hit Attack With Just A Single Target

Chain Lightning in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(6th-Level Spell, Evocation)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: 18m Radius: –

Special Factors

Dexterity Save

Among the 6th-level Spells in a player’s arsenal in Baldur’s Gate 3 gameplay, Chain Lightning (6th-level Evocation) may be one of the most efficient with its environmental interactions. When cast, any target within 18 meters of the player will have to pull off a DEX Save or tank the entirety of 10d8 Lightning Damage. However, the Spell doesn’t end there, as up to three targets within 18 meters of the original one will have to do the same Save or risk receiving 10d8 Lightning Damage as well.

What makes Chain Lightning especially more useful than other 6th-Level Spells is its potential interactions with other environmental conditions. Simply creating a wet area around enemies can impose Vulnerability towards Lightning Damage, making Chain Lightning especially more potent against them.

11 Evard’s Black Tentacles (4th Level Conjuration)

Slow Enemy Advances With A Stronger Attack

Evard's Black Tentacles in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(4th-Level Spell, Conjuration)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: 18m Radius: 6m

Special Factors

Concentration, Wisdom Save

Warlocks who want to show their enemies just how ferocious the unknown could be may rely on Evard’s Black Tentacles (4th-Level Conjuration), affecting a 6-meter radius within 18 meters with an eldritch field that summons tentacles from the ground.

Not only does this 4th-Level Spell cause that 6-meter radius to become Difficult Terrain, but enemies in the area have to pull off a STR Save or become Smothered by the tentacles, suffering 3d6 Bludgeoning Damage. This effect lasts for 10 turns, potentially delaying an enemy’s advance toward the player when paired with other zoning abilities such as a Black Hole (Illithid Power).

10 Eldritch Blast (Evocation Cantrip)

Guaranteed Warlock Spell Attack Without Resource Cost

Eldritch Blast in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(Cantrip, Evocation)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: 18m Radius: –

Special Factors

Attack Roll

Opposite the iconic Magic Missile of the Wizard is the Warlock’s Eldritch Blast (Evocation Cantrip), a go-to Evocation Cantrip that ensures Warlocks have access to an attack in Baldur’s Gate 3 even if they run out of Spell Slots. While each Eldritch Blast only deals 1d10 Force Damage, its efficiency as an AOE weapon comes into play at higher levels.


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At 5th Level and 10th Level, Eldritch Blast can fire two and then three beams, respectively. Each beam is rolled separately, meaning players who miss one Blast can still secure the other two. With Warlocks relying on Charisma for spells, a high enough modifier can make Eldritch Blast almost undodgeable.

9 Shatter (2nd Level Evocation)

Object Destruction Can Destroy Enemy Defenses

Shatter in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(2nd-Level Spell, Evocation)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: 18m Radius: 3m

Special Factors

Constitution Save

As spellcasters make progress in Baldur’s Gate 3, their rosters and available Spell Slots increase. When they get access to their first set of 2nd Level Spells, spellcasters face a tough choice: whether they want a combative spell or a utility spell for this hefty resource. For players who want to ace the crowd control game, Shatter (2nd-Level Evocation) is a neat way of dealing with clusters of enemies.

When activated, Shatter releases 3d8 Thunder Damage in an area within 18 meters of the caster. This essentially becomes an upgraded Thunderwave, albeit without the pushing effect. However, Shatter affects targets for half damage if they pull off a Constitution Save, with inorganic creatures having Disadvantage for this roll.

8 Thunderwave (1st Level Evocation)

Pushback Effect Can Eliminate Melee Advances

Thunderwave in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(1st-Level Spell, Evocation)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: 1.5m Radius: 5m

Special Factors

Constitution Save

Being one of the first spells players may encounter as a mage in Baldur’s Gate 3, Thunderwave (1st-Level Evocation) is easy to dismiss due to its 5-meter range. After all, using spellcasters in melee isn’t always advisable, making Thunderwave a waste of space among prepared spells. However, when used by the right build, Thunderwave can be quite an efficient crowd-control spell.

Unleashing Thunderwave damages everyone in range for 2d8 Thunder Damage. The attack also comes with a concussive blast that pushes surrounding creatures and objects away from the caster. Aside from its capability to generate distance, being able to push everyone back is a sight to behold in the game.

7 Hypnotic Pattern (3rd Level Conjuration)

Stop Enemies With A Nifty Distraction

Hypnotic Pattern in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(3rd-Level Spell, Conjuration)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: 18m Radius: –

Special Factors

Concentration, Wisdom Save

All participants in Baldur’s Gate 3 combat have access to an Action, a Bonus Action, and a Reaction per turn. With this, everyone can do a lot of damage should they have the resources and the mobility to do so. As such, just a turn’s worth of stun can waste an entire round of a character being able to potentially land a killing blow. Thanks to Hypnotic Pattern (3rd-Level Conjuration), players can dish out this punishment to foes.


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Hypnotic Pattern will Hypnotize all foes that see it, stopping opponents’ attempts to move or even attack players. While this only lasts for two turns, this should be enough for players to outmaneuver these opponents and release counter-attacks. As long as the caster maintains Concentration, the pattern stays and can re-affect victims for yet another two turns unless they pull off a Wisdom Save.

6 Arms Of Hadar (1st Level Conjuration)

Decent AOE Damage For Its Spell Level

Arms of Hadar in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(1st-Level Spell, Conjuration)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: Self Radius: 3m

Special Factors

Strength Save

Players surrounded by enemies know how annoying this can get, especially since Baldur’s Gate 3 will likely have characters hit by Opportunity Attacks with powerful Versatile Weapons as soon as they try to leave the vicinity. If players have a Warlock with them, they may be able to escape safely, courtesy of Arms Of Hadar (1st-Level Conjuration).

This 1st Level spell deals 2d6 Necrotic Damage, already making it a cheap spell that can deal decent AOE damage. While avoiding the Arms takes a Strength Save, this ability becomes a surefire hit for a Warlock-Paladin Multiclass that boasts a high enough Strength stat. However, the spell’s more efficient effect comes in how it cancels Reactions of targets within its 3-meter radius. In emergencies, moving away from enemies scot-free can help players reposition more effectively.

5 Slow (3rd Level Transmutation)

Deliberate Target Slowdown Can Stop Attacks

Slow in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(3rd-Level Spell, Transmutation)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: 18m Radius: –

Special Factors

Concentration, Wisdom Save

When the player’s party gets surrounded in a game like Baldur’s Gate 3, things can get dangerous quickly, especially when opponents are able to find good vantage points. Thanks to Slow (3rd-Level Transmutation), players can make it significantly difficult for a cluster of enemies to move.

Activating Slow can affect up to 6 enemies at an 18-meter radius. These enemies get slowed for as long as 10 turns unless they pull off a Wisdom Save. When used by a high-Wisdom spellcaster and considering how Wisdom isn’t always the highest stat of creatures, Slow can make enemies incredibly easy to deal with.

4 Web (2nd Level Conjuration)

Slow Down An Enemy’s Advance For Effective Repositioning

Web in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(2nd-Level Spell, Conjuration)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: 18m Radius: 4m

Special Factors

Concentration, Dexterity Save

With Baldur’s Gate 3 having its fair share of melee and ranged monsters, players can have a tough time managing combat when they have to worry about multiple enemies at once. Thanks to Web (2nd-Level Conjuration), players can release a 4-meter web at a distance of 18 meters to possibly Enweb and trap opponents, making it hard for them to move.


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Web’s ability to trap opponents can give other members of the party the incentive to freely aim other AOE spells and attacks against them. On top of that, the webbing from this spell is flammable, giving players access to a surface that not only slows opponents but may easily explode into flames.

3 Chromatic Orb (1st Level Evocation)

Multi-Element Attack Can Create Different Surfaces

Chromatic Orb in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(1st-Level Spell, Evocation)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: 18m Radius: –

Special Factors

Chromatic Orb (1st-Level Evocation) deals 3d8 Thunder Damage or 2d8 Blasting Damage on top of creating a surface. However, the Dungeons & Dragons spell is more efficient in its ability to create a surface according to the player’s needs. The damage this spell causes is the equivalent of Thunderwave, albeit with the bonus of creating a much larger surface that can facilitate deadlier combos.

Different variations of the spell create different types of surfaces that players can then use to their advantage. For instance, creating Chromatic Orb: Fire within the vicinity of oil barrels can cause a larger explosion. Likewise, unleashing Chromatic Orb: Acid or Poison can force enemies walking on it to suffer additional damage.

2 Silence (2nd Level Illusion)

Stopping Spellcasters Decreases Their Combat Value

Silence in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(2nd-Level Spell, Illusion)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: 18m Radius: 6m

Special Factors


When it comes to crowd control spells in D&D, nothing beats the uncanny ability to stop spellcasters from using their spells. Popularly known as Silence (2nd-Level Illusion), players of Baldur’s Gate 3 can also stop pesky Wizards on their tracks with the same spell, this time with a bubble of noiseless energy surrounding an affected area.

Using this spell outside combat may turn others hostile. However, using this near a crowd of spellcaster-looking opponents can force them to focus more on moving outside the field instead of attacking, giving players ample time to reposition and release counter-attacks. Silence can become an invaluable resource when fighting tougher foes who can cast spells.

1 Magic Missile (1st Level Evocation)

Auto-Hit Is Always A Good Attack

Magic Missile Spell in Baldur's Gate 3

Level and School

(1st-Level Spell, Evocation)

Casting Time

1 Action

Range and/or Radius

Range: 18m Radius: –

Special Factors

At first glance, Magic Missile (1st-Level Evocation) seems rather weak as a Dungeons & Dragons spell as it only damages for 3d4+3 Force Damage. However, beyond its 6-15 Damage is the fact that the Missile is a surefire hit. Not only that, but each use of Magic Missile gives players three projectiles that can deal 2-5 Force Damage each, potentially being able to hit multiple opponents at once.

The minuscule damage seems like a reasonable setback for the guaranteed hit, making Magic Missile a safe go-to spell for spellcasters who don’t seem to have any utility spells applicable to their combat situation.



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