
  • Lesser Restoration heals party of status effects – crucial for survival.
  • Cloud of Daggers deals area damage – great for controlling enemies.
  • Branding Smite adds radiant damage & prevents invisibility – key for Paladins.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has made a name for itself as one of the greatest CRPGs of recent times while also introducing many to the wonders of Dungeons and Dragons in video game form. Like its tabletop predecessor, Baldur’s Gate 3 has plenty of interesting spells that have been scattered across the various spellcasting classes of the game.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Halberds, Ranked

Visually impressive, lethal, and effective, halberds are deadly weapons in Baldur’s Gate 3 and trusty allies to those skilled enough to wield them.

As players level up their character, they will unlock new spells that require higher-level spell slots to cast them. Level Two Spell slots may be something players unlock early into the game, but many of the spells here are some that players will continue to use for the rest of their adventure. These are by far the best level-two spells from the bunch.

Updated on March 6, 2024, by Megan Smith: Baldur’s Gate 3 has been one of the most successful RPGs to be created in recent years. From winning Game of the Year in 2023 to continuing to win plenty of other awards, Baldur’s Gate 3 continues to show promise with every new patch released. In these patches, a new game mode was added. This was called Honor Mode and players only have one save, meaning when they die they must start the game again. Due to this, players may be wondering what are the best level 2 wizard spells or what are the best level 2 sorcerer spells in BG3 that will allow players to survive their honor mode run. Besides the best wizard spells in BG3 that are level 2, these spells are the best for any class in Bladur’s Gate 3.

13 Lesser Restoration

Heals Allies Of Pesky Status Effects

Baldur's Gate 3 Using The Lesser Restoration Spell On Padirna

Starting off simple, Lesser Restoration may not heal a player or their party for any hit points, but it’s essential in the moments that they get attacked by a certain effect, especially during Tactician mode.

Out of combat, this spell is perfect for those who have allowed Astarion a bite to eat of them, as it instantly cures the bloodless status effect. However, its true purpose will likely be freeing the player’s party members from being paralyzed or poisoned, as both of these can lead to a grisly end for a character.




On Touch


Cures a creature of Disease, Paralysed, Poisoned, or Blindness

Does it require Concentration?


12 Cloud Of Daggers

Great Area Of Effect Spell that Deals 4d4 of Slashing Damage

The Cloud of Daggers spell in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Bard
  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock (The Fiend & The Great Old One)
  • Wizard

Cloud of Daggers is an essential spell for at least one spell caster in the player’s party. Combining this Conjuration spell with the stupidity that comes with some of the AI’s moments can make for some glorious situations.

Cloud of Daggers is an area of effect spell which means any foe that finds themselves within the circle or attempts to walk through it will be damaged. Placing this cloud tactfully in a corridor or a place that the enemies need to pass can allow for the player’s spellcaster to quickly deal with a group of foes.






4d4 Slashing damage for 10 turns

Does it require Concentration?


11 Branding Smite

A Heavy Hitting Spell That Does 2d6 Radiant Damage

Branding Smite in Baldur's Gate 3

As a level 2 spell that can only be used by Paladins or those who have chosen to play as a Zariel Tiefling once they have hit level 5, this is a spell that limited classes can use, though it is incredibly powerful. When Branding Smite is cast, the player deals an additional 2d6 of radiant damage to a foe.


Every Race In Baldur’s Gate 3, Ranked

Every playable race in Baldur’s Gate 3 has unique attributes that can cement them as the best choice going forward.

While already powerful as a level 2 spell, Paladins are likely to use this and nothing else when facing foes up close. Besides the damage it does, since it brands the enemy, it also means that those pesky foes that attempt to become invisible can no longer do such a thing for ten turns.


Action & Bonus Action


On A Melee Attack


Adds 2d6 of Radiant damage to a player’s hit for 10 turns and prevents the enemy from turning invisible.

Does it require Concentration?


10 Detect Thoughts

Brilliant Spell To Be Used During Dialogue

Detect Thoughts spell in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Bard
  • Sorcerer
  • Wizard
  • Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
  • Fighter (Eldritch Knight)
  • Warlock (The Great Old One)
  • Druid (Circle Of Spores)

While many players may assume that spells only have a purpose inside of combat, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Spells like Detect Thoughts can only be used outside of combat and can help the player through certain moments of dialogue.

Being about to read the thoughts of an individual can help a player choose the correct dialogue option that may avoid a fight or find them an important piece of information. Not to forget to mention that it only needs to be cast once, and then the player can use it for the rest of the day.






It allows the player to detect the thoughts of the people they are talking to until a long rest.

Does it require Concentration?


9 Spike Growth

An AOE Spell That Does 2d4 Of Damage

Spike Growth spell in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Druid
  • Ranger
  • Cleric (Nature Domain)
  • Bard (Magic Secrets at Level 5)

Spike Growth can only be cast by three different classes, including Druid, Ranger, and Nature Clerics; this is unsurprising due to the nature form this spell takes. Players who are looking for a cheap control spell should look no further than spike growth, as players can cast it onto the ground to cover an area in sharp thorns.

Allies or opponents that walk across this ground will have their movement halved, meaning they can’t walk as far. Besides this, every 1.5 meters a character moves will be injured by the thorns for two d4 piercing damage.






2d4 piercing damage every 1.5m walked across the spiked floor. It lasts 100 turns.

Does it require Concentration?


8 Spiritual Weapon

Spiritual Weapon spell in Baldur's Gate 3

Exclusive to only clerics, the Spiritual Weapon spell is a must for those who have a cleric in their party. Starting once the player has unlocked a level two spell slot, the player can now summon a spiritual weapon at their side.


Best Alternative Classes For Each Companion In Baldur’s Gate 3

Whilst the best companions in Baldur’s Gate 3 have strength in their original classes, these alternatives provide the best outcome.

Players can choose from a wide variety of weapons for it to take the shape of, but either way, it will do one d8 of force damage plus the proficiency bonus of the caster. Naturally, this gives the player another person to control, which will increase their number for ten turns.


Bonus Action




1d8+1+ spell casting modifier of force damage done by the spiritual weapon. Lasts for 10 turns.

Does it require Concentration?


7 Blindness

Cause Enemies To Miss More Often

Blindness spell in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Bard
  • Sorcerer
  • Wizard
  • Warlock (The Archfey)
  • Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
  • Fighter (Eldritch Knight)

While Sleep may be one of the best level one spells a player could be using, Blindness is one of the greatest Level Two Spells for those who wish to have better control over the battlefield. Casters with this spell can cause a foe to be blind for ten turns total.

They can avoid this by succeeding in a constitution saving throw, though if they fail, they will be rendered blind. This will make the characters much easier to hit while they themselves struggle to land their marks.






Limit the range the foe can see, the enemy gets a disadvantage in attacks while others have an advantage over them. Foe requires a constitution saving throw or it lasts 10 turns.

Does it require Concentration?


6 Silence

Stops Spellcasters In Their Tracks For A Max Of Ten Turns

The Silence spell in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Bard
  • Cleric
  • Ranger
  • Paladin (Oath Of Devotion)
  • Druid (Circle Of The Land)
  • Monk (Way Of Shadows)

An equally amazing control spell that players finally unlock when they obtain level two spell slots is Silence. This spell is a must when dealing with an opposing spellcaster that just won’t stop attacking with darkness. Placing a circle of silence will stop players and opponents from casting spells when they are within it.

This spell does, however, require concentration, which means every time the caster of the spell gets hit, there is the risk of it disappearing. Players have at most ten turns to destroy these mages before they get their magic back.






Creates a sphere that silences anyone inside it and makes them immune to thunder damage.

Does it require Concentration?


5 Hold Person

Confirm Every Hit To Be A Critical For A Max Of Ten Turns

Hold Person spell in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Bard
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock
  • Wizard
  • Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
  • Paladin (Oath Of Vengeance)

Level two spells continue to be some of the best when it comes to controlling the battlefield. An alternative to blinding a foe or silencing their magic is simply paralyzing them in place. With the hold person spell, a player can simply stop the foe from taking their future turns.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Characters That Should’ve Been Romanceable (But Aren’t)

These characters should’ve been romanceable in Baldur’s Gate 3.

At the end of each of their turns, they are then allowed to make a Wisdom saving throw to see if they break free of the spell’s control. Until then, all hits to the person that is held are automatically critical hits, and therefore, the foe can be killed quickly.






Paralyzes a person in place for 10 turns unless they succeed with a Wisdom saving throw. Any attacks in 3m are critical hits.

Does it require Concentration?


4 Scorching Ray

Hit A Foe Three Times In One Action For 6d6 Fire Damage Each

The Scorching Ray spell in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Sorcerer
  • Wizard
  • Warlock (The Fiend)
  • Cleric (Light Domain)

Returning to damage-dealing spells, one that any wizard will want in their spell book must be Scorching Ray. Casting this allows players to attack one or multiple foes at a time, as the player has three fire beams to use.

Each ray deals between two and twelve fire damage since the player rolls six d6 of fire damage. Wizard isn’t the only class that has this in their roster, as Sorcerers, Fiend Warlocks, and Light Domain Clerics may also use Scorching Ray.






6d6 fire damage as players hurl 3 rays of fire at one or multiple enemies.

Does it require Concentration?


3 Prayer Of Healing

A 2d8 Heal For Out Of Combat

Prayer of Healing spell in Baldur's Gate 3

Like Detect Thoughts, Prayer of Healing can only be used outside of combat. This is a brilliant healing spell for those who are out of short rests or are avoiding using them as one prayer of healing can heal the entire party for a decent amount of health.

Using this level two spell will roll two d8 of healing plus the spell casting bonus of the caster. This spell can only be used by clerics, and therefore this shows the importance of always having one on a player’s team.






Heals all allies in a radius the player can see for 2d8+ their Wisdom modifier. It can only be used outside of combat.

Does it require Concentration?


2 Misty Steps

Teleport Out Of Harms Way In A Bonus Action

Misty Steps spell in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock
  • Wizard
  • Druid (Circle Of The Land)
  • Paladin (Oath Of Ancients & Oath Of Vengeance)
  • Ranger (Gloom Stalker)

Misty Steps is one of the few spells that can be used by a caster and is available to the Githyanki race. This spell is perfect for keeping an individual away from danger; for a bonus action, a player can quickly teleport to a space they can see and still have an action available to attack with.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Tips For A Solo Run

Attempting a solo run of Baldur’s Gate 3 can be quite a challenge for unprepared players. Luckily, the following tips should help.

Misty Steps also has potential outside a fight too, as a spellcaster can reach areas that other members of the party can’t. Then combining this with feather fall allows them to safely float back to their party.


Bonus Action




A player can teleport to an unoccupied space they can see.

Does it require Concentration?


1 Moonbeam

An Overpowered Beam Of Light That Does 2d10 Of Radiant Damage

Moonbeam spell in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Druid
  • Paladin (Oath Of Ancients)

Out of all the available spells for level two spell slots, the greatest must be Moonbeam. Although it can only be cast by Druids and Paladins who have taken the Oath of the Ancients, this is a great spell to have always prepared for them. Dealing two d10s of radiant damage is no joke.

As a concentration spell, this beam of light can be present for at max ten turns if the caster doesn’t fail its rolls. What makes Moonbeam even better than a player’s regular spell is that it can be recast for free if the caster still has concentration for it; this means the beam can be moved to follow an enemy.






2d10 of radiant damage from a beam that is called down by the player. Succeeding a constitution saving throw halves the amount of damage received.

Does it require Concentration?



Baldur’s Gate 3
August 3, 2023



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