
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 did not bring back every party member from the original games, including the vampire companion Hexxat.
  • Hexxat was a powerful ally with unique abilities and was the first lesbian character in the Baldur’s Gate series.
  • Hexxat could have played an interesting role in Baldur’s Gate 3’s vampire plot and could have served as a mentor to Astarion.

With so many companions to choose from, it was inevitable that Baldur’s Gate 3 would not be able to bring back every party member from the original games. While beloved fan favorites like Jaheira and Minsc were able to return, there were a few surprising exclusions. One companion who could have fit well into the story is the vampire Hexxat, as vampires play a large role in Baldur’s Gate 3.


Every Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2 Companion Who Could Still Be Alive In Baldur’s Gate 3

These Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2 companions don’t appear in Baldur’s Gate 3, but could still be alive somewhere in Faerun and could appear in the future.

Who Hexxat Was In Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition


Hexxat was a vampire thief added as a companion in Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition. She was trapped in the tomb of the vampire lord Dragomir and enthralled a young woman named Clara in order to contact the protagonist and request aid. If freed, Hexxat would join the group, although she had conflicts with many Good-aligned party members, including the paladin Keldorn, the knight Anomen, the heroic fighter Mazzy, and the winged elf Aerie.

She was a powerful ally, possessing rat, wolf, and shadow summons and the unique ability Blood Drain, which could lower enemies’ Constitution scores. Hexxat was also the first lesbian character to appear in the Baldur’s Gate series; she was a romance option for female player characters only and would also flirt with party member Viconia deVir.

Hexxat Stats

  • Class: Rogue (Thief)
  • Race: Vampire
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • STR 20, DEX 20, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 18
  • Unique Abilities: Blood Drain, Children of the Night (summons), Domination
  • Unique Equipment: Hexxat’s Amulet (provides healing and status immunities), Cloak of Dragomir (allows sunwalking), Casque of Dragomir (allows teleportation between tombs)

Hexxat Could Have Played An Interesting Role In Baldur’s Gate 3’s Vampire Plot


Hexxat would have been a fascinating character to include as an NPC or companion in Baldur’s Gate 3. She is the only vampire to serve as a companion in the earlier games (although Baldur’s Gate 2 had a major vampire antagonist in the form of Bodhi Irenicus, sister to Jon Irenicus). She also has much in common with Astarion, Baldur’s Gate 3’s vampire companion – although they are also quite different in many ways.

  • Both were turned against their will by powerful vampires – Hexxat by Dragomir and Astarion by Cazador Szarr.
  • Both spent a long time trapped in a coffin, although Hexxat could communicate with the outside world via her dominated thralls.
  • Both possess the unique ability to walk in the sun, Hexxat via the Cloak of Dragomir and Astarion due to his Mind Flayer tadpole.
  • Both dislike being vampires and are willing to go to extremes to rectify their condition – Hexxat works with a lich she hopes can heal her, and Astarion can possibly complete the Rite of Ascension in BG3 to eliminate many of his vampiric weaknesses.
  • Both are skilled thieves and examples of the Dungeons and Dragons Rogue class.

If she appeared in BG3, Hexxat could potentially serve as the friend, mentor, and positive vampiric example Baldur’s Gate 3‘s Astarion needs. While she is Evil-aligned, she does not disapprove of good actions as strongly and frequently as Astarion does. In dialogues with other companions, she is polite and tries to befriend them even as they insult her. Her powers, especially Blood Drain, are also much stronger than Astarion’s Vampire Bite, and she could serve as an instructor for the spawn to help him reach his full potential without undergoing the Rite of Ascension.

Hexxat would have interesting interactions with other characters as well. In Baldur’s Gate 2, she was close with the returning BG3 character Minsc, and even earned Boo’s approval despite being a vampire. She would also likely have a memorable reunion with Viconia, a former target of Hexxat’s affections – and might even flirt with Viconia’s protege Shadowheart. While there are many Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2 characters who deserve to show up in BG3, Hexxat’s undead nature makes her a particularly disappointing exclusion.


Baldur’s Gate 3
Baldur’s Gate

August 3, 2023

M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Violence

How Long To Beat
30 Hours


Split Screen Orientation
Vertical Only

Number of Players

PS Plus Availability

Local Co-Op Support
1-2 Players


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