The Battlefield franchise is among the top-performing first-person shooters in the gaming market, alongside behemoths such as Call of Duty and Counter-Strike. The developers at Dice succeed in creating a game that stands out among the pack and brings new and innovative features to the players to enjoy their vision. Battlefield excels in mastering the chaos of all-out war with massive maps and swarms of foes to engage in heated gunplay with.

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Battlefield 2042 is one of the most recently released titles in the Battlefield franchise and has taken the franchise to an entirely new level with vast, intractable, and destructible environments that allow players to play alongside up to one hundred and twenty-eight players in one game. In addition, this installment of Battlefield brings new classes in the form of specialists who are outfitted with several abilities and tools to make dominating the opposition a walk in the park. For players with varying play styles, there is a specialist for everyone. Here is every Specialist in Battlefield 2042, ranked.

14 Sundance

Easy To Use, Versatile


Sundance is a great specialist for characters who enjoy run-and-gunning and who can be extremely useful on the new maps added by the Dark Creators expansion. Sundance is an assault Specialist who has access to the Ballistic Grenade gadget.

The Ballistic Grenade differs from standard fragmentation grenades by firing additional armaments and hitting a wider range. In addition, Sundance’s trait grants her access to the flight suit instead of a Parachute. With a bit of mobility and a little more artillery than most Specialists, Sundance is an excellent backup character.

13 Angel

Keeps Allies In The Fight By Replenishing Supplies


In the hectic game modes of Battlefield 2042, Angel is a great support specialist who can make sure his teammates are always topped off. With constant firefighting going on, ammo is a valuable commodity, and the ability to replenish ammo is an even more valuable asset, which is where Angel shines.

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Angel’s Specialty is calling in a supply drop, which drops a crate where allies can replenish their inventory and get back into the fight. Angel has two uses of this ability before it goes on cooldown. Angel may not be the top picked, but he makes a difference when on the battlefield.

12 Casper

Great Spotting Ability, High Skill-Gap


For players who enjoy being more cautious and aiding their team from a distance, Casper could be the perfect Specialist. In the wide-open areas of Battlefield’s 2042 maps, a detailed survey of the surroundings can be a game changer. Casper’s specialty gadget allows him to use the Recon drone and relay vital information to his teammates.

The Recon Drone also has an offensive EMP dart launcher that can disable enemy gadgets and vehicles, making it a great aid against roaming groups. Lastly, Casper’s trait is a built-in sensor suit that scans the surrounding area for enemy players. This tool can benefit teams as long as the player shares information efficiently.

11 Crawford

Versatile Roles Between DPS And Support Thanks To Minigun And Gadget Repair


There is a myriad of options available to the player, from attack helicopters to armored vehicles and tactical weaponry. Having a teammate or a specialist who stands out by keeping these items in tip-top shape and providing some devastating firepower makes a difference.

Crawford is an Engineer class specialist and comes with both utility and offensive capabilities. Crawford’s Specialty is the Vulcan minigun he can deploy to lay down some hard-hitting artillery, making him great for defending positions. Lastly, Crawford’s trait is called Critical Repair. This allows him to heal ally gadgets and vehicles, keeping them in the fight longer.

10 Boris

Strong Defensive Capabilities For Objectives

battlefield 2042 Boris

Recon is a vital part of Battlefield 2042 and can be the critical difference between victory and defeat. Having a specialist who can not only provide tactical information from great distances but also provide ballistic support makes a significant impact on the match.

Boris is an Engineer specialist who can deploy an automated turret called the SG-36 Automated Sentry, which can heavily damage enemy players and vehicles. Thanks to Boris’ Sentry Operator trait, the turret will also identify and mark targets in its view. This combination of abilities makes Boris an excellent pick for Battlefield 2042‘s PVP.

9 Rao

Can Greatly Disrupt Enemy Team Tactics And Hinder Their Reversal Options

battlefield 2042 rao

With Tanks, Attack Choppers, and mechanized war pets all plentiful in the chaos that ensues in Battlefield PVP, it can be overwhelming for a team to gain ground with so much danger lurking around every corner. A specialist able to fend off these weapons of destruction is a vital piece to victory.

Rao is one such Specialist who can counter heavy artillery vehicles and sabotage enemy efforts. Rao’s Specialty is the Cyber Warfare Suit, which can hack enemy players and vehicles. When Rao hacks an enemy player, they are marked on the map and deploy heavy EMP effects to nearby players. In addition, Rao can hack vehicles, turning them into paperweights in the middle of the Battlefield, allowing players to deal with them safely.

8 Irish

Great At Disrupting Air Support Ballistic Assaults


In the hectic spaces between points A and B, bullets fly frequently and can come from all angles. Having eyes in the back of one’s head may not be enough to withstand an assault from multiple sources and may force some players to get pinned down. Irish is a support specialist who can take the edge off of the enemy team by supplying his allies with strong defensive options.

Irish’s Specialty is a deployable heavy cover that friendlies can use freely that provides significant defense against most artillery. Secondly, Irish can deploy the Shootdown Sentinel, a device that can intercept ranged artillery of certain types, narrowing the view of options available to the enemy team.

7 Dozer

High Survivability, Low Skill-Gap


While trying to survive the fray of constant battle, some players may want to be more durable and have a Specialist capable of sustaining a solo experience against explosives and tank fire. Dozer is an excellent character for players who enjoy fighting on the front line and holding difficult defensive positions.

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Dozer’s Specialty is the heavy Ballistic Shield that can be carried while still using specific weapons. The shield Dozer carries him protects him from all frontal damage, even tank fire. Paired with his Blast Resistant trait, Dozer can walk off nearly anything that comes his way.

6 Paik

Consistent Recon Support

battlefield 2042 ji soo paik

When it comes to support and recon, Paik is one of the best on the roster with the amount of information she’s able to supply to her team and the frequency with which she can use her ability. Pail’s Specialty is the EMG-X scanner, which, when activated, highlights enemies in a twenty-five-meter radius and makes them visible to all players, even through solid structures.

With only a thirty-second cool down, this ability makes Paik a valuable asset. Finally, Paik’s Eagle Eye trait furthers her value by highlighting the enemies she attacks, making them vulnerable to teammates.

5 Lis

High Damage Output, Counters Most Vehicles

Battlefield 2042 Specialist Lis

Battlefield 2042 is filled with powerful weaponry, perfect for players who enjoy causing as much chaos and damage as possible. Lis is a specialist who excels in turning vehicles and enemies alike into scrap with powerful ballistic weapons.

Lis’ Specialty is the G-84 shoulder-fired missile, a high-velocity rocket that can be guided by the player. The rocket fired from this shoulder launcher does considerable damage, and when paired with Lis’ Armor Hunter trait, she can zero in on weakened vehicles for a clean one-shot.

4 Blasco

Invaluable Anti-Recon Kit, Great Counter To Spotters

battlefield 2042 blasco

Blasco is a member of the engineering class and has strong debilitating abilities that make enemy recognizance and spotting, which is an invaluable tool when considering the sheer number of abilities fitted to do just that.

Blasco is the last Specialist introduced into Battlefield 2042, coming to the game equipped with the Infiltration Device, a Jammer that scrambles enemy radars, highlights gadgets, and disables vehicle lock-on. Blasco’s trait, Ambush Expert, allows her to easily slip behind enemy lines, plant her device, and turn the enemy team’s tactics into shambles.

3 Falck

Highest Healing Capability In The Game


When knee-deep in all-out war, sustain and support become very important when numbers begin to thin and ammo starts to run dry. Falck is a great ally to have when the chips are down with her incredible healing abilities.

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Falck’s Specialty is the S-21 Syrette pistol, a unique firearm that fires healing capsules at allies but can still damage enemy players. While Falck can heal players and herself with this gadget, her crown jewel is her Combat Surgeon trait, which allows Falck to heal downed players to full health.

2 Zain

High Damage Output, Easy To Use


Nothing on the Battlefield beats being able to wipe out entire teams with extreme prejudice and precision. For this reason, assault characters are very strong and valuable in Battlefield 2042. Zain is one of the best Specialists in the game thanks to his high damage output and ease of use.

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Zains Specialty is the XM370A airburst rifle, which can cause devastating damage at multiple ranges. Zain’s sweet spot is right in the thick of chaos as he gains increased health regeneration after defeating an enemy.

1 Mackay

Highest Maneuverability In The Game


Mackay takes the top spot for his increased mobility and a great kit for dueling and maneuvering around the vast maps in Battlefield 2042. As a member of the Assault class, Mackay comes packing tools to get the job done. Equipped with the Grappling Hook, Mackay can scale large structures, skate across terrain, and even hoist himself onto vehicles to eliminate enemy occupants.

Paired with the Nimble trait, allowing Mackay to move faster while aiming down weapon sights, enemies will drop before they have a chance to react. Key weaponry for Mackay would be SMGs and pistols, capable of complementing his high-speed play style.

battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042

PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X

November 19, 2021

DICE, Criterion Games, Ripple Effect

First-Person Shooter


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