One of the most important aspects of Palworld is to build a base, which is essentially a little home for both you and your Pals to return to at the end of the day. Having a base camp is essential for survival as it provides a safe space for players to store resources and rest.

There are many places for players to set up a base in the open-world Palpagos Islands. However, they should opt for prime locations that help them farm resources easily and keep their production lines safe. Here are some of the best places to set up a base in Palworld depending on the player’s progression in the game.


Palworld: Where to Find and Catch Chillet

Hunt for the Alpha version of the elusive Chillet in Palworld near the Plateau of Beginnings. Bring Fire Pals and Fire Bow to make quick work of it.

Best Beginner Base Locations

While there are no “wrong” places to build a base in Palworld, many new players often get overwhelmed with the choices. Even though it’s possible to move around their base later, it’s recommended that players pick a good spot that would help them gather useful resources early on.

There are two good options for players to build their base when they first step foot on Palpagos Island. These locations are relatively safe, easy to defend, and have plenty of resources nearby.

Plateau Of Beginnings

Palworld - Plateau Of Beginnings Overhead View

Coordinates Climate Resources Enemy Level
233, -488 Normal Stone, Wood, Paldium Fragments 1 to 3

The Plateau of Beginnings is the first fast travel point available when players start their adventure in Palworld. The open areas surrounding this point make a good location to set up a base.

This location is scattered with choke points that can help players protect their base against raids. More importantly, players can find a lot of early-game Pals here.

Southwest Of The Small Settlement

Small Settlement in Palworld

Coordinates Climate Resources Enemy Level
8, -528 Normal Ore, Wood 2 to 10

Another amazing early game spot, the Southwest of the Small Settlement is a vast, open area – perfect for those who want to build a large base. Players can find plenty of Ore nodes here, which they can process in a furnace to craft Ingots.

It may take some time to reach this location, but it is highly recommended that players set up their main base here when starting out.

Best Mid-Game Base Locations

As they learn the ropes of the game and get familiar with the mechanics in Palworld, players will want to branch out into new areas. Once players have stockpiled on Ores, the next important resource they’ll be hunting for is coal. Of course, they’ll also want to capture stronger Pals, which can help them progress further.

Here are a few mid-game locations for players to set up a base while they search for better resources and Pals.

Near Sealed Realm of the Guardian


Coordinates Climate Resources Enemy Level
180, -39 Normal Ore, Coal, Wood 20 to 25

One of the best mid-game coal farming base locations is a sloped terrain near the Sealed Realm of the Guard. From the fast travel point, players simply need to trek up the mountains in the east to reach this location.

Somewhere on top of one of the mountain peaks, this location is packed with coal and ore deposits.

North of Cinnamoth Forest

Coordinates Climate Resources Enemy Level
-33, -171 Normal Coal, Wood, Skill Fruits 25 to 35

The north of the Cinnamoth Forest fast travel point is an ideal base location for players who want to farm lots of coal, wood, and Skill Fruits. Skill Fruits are an essential in-game item that enable Pals to learn the Active Skill associated with the fruit.

This location is also perfect for players who are interested in training their Pals for combat. However, due to its sloped terrain, they might find it tricky to build structures here.

Best Late-Game Base Locations

Once players reach the late-game stages in Palworld, they’ll be on the hunt for more scarce materials like coal, sulfur, and quartz. These resources are used to craft stronger weapons and armor.

To find these resources, players will have to trek across the map and venture into more dangerous regions, as listed below.

Mount Obsidian

A screenshot of the center and eastern side of Mount Obsidian from Palworld

Coordinates Climate Resources Enemy Level
-570, -650 Hot Coal, Skill Fruits 35 to 37

Mount Obsidian is an extremely hot region in Palworld. To protect themselves from the heat, players need to equip themselves with the Heat-Resistant Pelt Armor. This area is situated to the west of the Mount Obsidian Anubis Statue fast travel point.

Mount Obsidian is one of the best spots to farm coal since there are plenty of coal nodes around. Besides this, there’s a Skill Fruit tree nearby.

Astral Mountains

Coordinates Climate Resources Enemy Level
-250, 400 Cold Ore, Wood, Stone, Quartz 40 or higher

Astral Mountains is the coldest region in Palworld. Before setting up a base in these snowy mountains, players need to equip themselves with the right materials to stay warm, such as Cold-Resistant Pelt Armor and campfires.

The Astral Mountains is one of the best locations to build a base if players are looking to collect plenty of Quartz.


January 19, 2024

Pocket Pair, Inc.

Pocket Pair, Inc.


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