One of BioWare’s biggest strengths as a developer is its characters. The studio has created several compelling casts across its various franchises, from Knights of the Old Republic to Dragon Age to Mass Effect. Players can engage with each figure as a person as well as a party member. That said, two is better than one, and these developers certainly take that to heart.

The folks at BioWare have also crafted romantic couples. The most engrossing ones emerge through difficult scenarios. Two unlikely heroes must overcome adversity and larger-than-life circumstances to be together. The ensuing journey deepens both partners, revealing more about their personal struggles and why they need each other. When a love story accomplishes this feat, it becomes one of the most intriguing parts of the game. Players treasure these romances long after the credits roll.


6 Most Timeless BioWare Games

BioWare is famous for creating unforgettable experiences in games, and these six games stand out the most.

5 The Warden & Alistair (Dragon Age Origins)

The Snarky Confidant Becomes a Devoted Partner

The Warden and Alistair in Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age

November 3, 2009

How fitting that the closest companion in Dragon Age: Origins is a fellow Grey Warden. Alistair helps players through the process of joining this stalwart brotherhood of knights. In addition, he’s instrumental in guiding them around Ferelden during the epic adventure. These roles mean the budding love is organic, especially with Alistair’s sarcastic witicisms breaking the ice. They don’t just have a lighthearted tryst, however.

Alistair has a tragic backstory as the illegitimate son of a king. Fans might not expect such a heavy origin from this guy at first glance. Uncovering those layers is a long yet rewarding process. As opposed to the physical flings in the sequels, Origins takes a more methodical approach to romance. This obviously benefits both characters and ensures players fully invest in their journey. By the end, Alistair is perhaps the most loyal companion in more ways than one. It’s only natural that fans share that devotion.

4 Shepard & Garrus (Mass Effect)

A Tough Merc Becomes a Nervous Dork

Shepard and Garrus in Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect
Mass Effect

November 20, 2007

Mass Effect fans love the male Shepard’s iconic “bromance” with Garrus, but the female Shepard turns that into a romance. They’re both people of action; they love getting their hands dirty. What’s more, they have no patience for bureaucratic red tape. These aspects make them kindred spirits. They enjoy shooting the breeze, as well as their guns. The entertaining quips border on gallows humor, but they get even funnier after taking the next step.


10 Video Game Flirts Who Are Laughably Bad At It

The art of flirting is a skill that not every video game character manages to perfect.

Once Garrus starts courting the heroine, he couldn’t be clumsier. He desperately tries to maintain his tough exterior, but he bashfully bumbles over his words. The wily mercenary is unsure how to proceed with such an unorthodox pairing. Shepard can’t help but laugh, and the audience chuckles right along with her. The contrast with their business selves makes both characters more human. How ironic considering he’s a Turian.

3 Revan & Bastila (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)

A Jedi and Sith Fall in Love

Bastila and Revan in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

This Star Wars couple epitomizes the “enemies to lovers” trope. Knights of the Old Republic begins with the player character (later revealed to be Darth Revan) awakening with no memory of his past life. Bound to him through the Force is Bastila Shan, the very Jedi whom he battled before losing his power. Neither of them understands this intangible connection, so they must travel together despite their misgivings. This premise lays the groundwork for a more personal bond.

Romance eventually blossoms between the two Force-users. Their initial disdain is amusing enough. She dismisses him as an insufferable idiot, while he finds her to be a snooty shrew. The dynamic echoes the playful banter of Han Solo and Princess Leia. It’s also intriguing in how it contributes to the mystery surrounding Revan’s identity. As they both broaden their horizons, they gradually understand the true quality of each other’s character. That understanding naturally forges a genuine love built on hard-won trust. The Jedi code dictates that they avoid attachment, but this unlikely pair stands as a rewarding refutation of that philosophy.

2 Shepard & Tali (Mass Effect)

Their Inability to Touch Only Fuels Their Passion

Tali and Shepard in Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect

January 26, 2010

Another Mass Effect romance option is Tali. Her masked and hooded appearance initially invites mistrust, but she swiftly wins over both Shepard and the players. She and the commander each have an ironclad sense of duty. At the same time, her plucky attitude brings out the hero’s playful side, making for some cute banter. However, the relationship is truly engrossing once things get serious.


Mass Effect: 7 Underrated Characters

These Mass Effect characters don’t get quite as much attention as a lot of their peers, despite how interesting they are as individuals.

The reason for Tali’s mask lies with her species: Quarians can’t survive without their protective suits. Some might think this limits the emotion on display, but the strong writing and performances prove that assumption wrong. After all, the unseen is usually more provocative and erotic. Not to mention, her condition presents a huge challenge not found in other relationships. They must express their love without touching, or even seeing each other clearly. Thankfully, they look past that obstacle and make each moment count. Their actions demonstrate passionate devotion on both their parts. Such devotion makes their connection all the more palpable.

1 Shepard & Liara (Mass Effect)

A Meeting of the Minds Becomes So Much More

Liara and Shepard in Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect

March 6, 2012

Honestly, most Mass Effect romances could go on this list, but Liara’s is perhaps the most dynamic. She starts as a demure scientist who’s utterly clueless about the galaxy and its dark side. Her time on the Normandy helps her grow in confidence and even become somewhat ruthless. On the other hand, Shepard sheds the military edge and grows noticeably softer when she’s around. The visible change in both characters leads to an endearing middle ground.

Mass Effect 2 throws a monkey wrench into that romance with Shepard’s supposed death. Liara subsequently hardens, even refusing to rejoin the crew in favor of her underworld activities. The pair is clearly drifting apart, as their priorities and values have shifted. That distance is sadly authentic, lending unexpected pathos to what could have been a run-of-the-mill romance.

The tragedy makes it all the more worthwhile to rekindle the romance in Mass Effect 3. Here, Shepard and Liara acknowledge their respective changes. Nevertheless, they resolve to accept those changes and devote themselves to each other. Love springs forth despite the flaws. Such a mature portrayal forms a deeply heartfelt journey that’s every bit as epic as the galactic war.


7 Best Couples In Capcom Games

These couples remain some of the most iconic found in Capcom’s many successful video game franchises.


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