Tite Kubo’s famous manga series Bleach is a well-known title among anime and manga fans. While the manga has concluded the story and the anime is adapting the final arc of the show at the time of writing, the massive series revolving around Shinigami can be experienced by playing Bleach: Brave Souls, a hero collector gacha where players can relive the events of the story. In this action game, players build a team of three people to face off against enemies that get stronger with each level passing. In order to keep up with the ever-evolving foes, players have to level up the characters to make them stronger.


10 Best Blessing Stones in Solo Leveling: Arise

This list aims to help players identify the 10 best Blessing Stones to equip before going to the battlefield in Solo Leveling: Arise.

While there are multiple ways to make the characters stronger, bonus abilities are a way to directly boost a character’s stats. These abilities increase the boost received through Inheritance, making the base characters even stronger. Brave Souls has a variety of bonus abilities that can be useful in different situations, but which bonus ability to pick is a choice that the player has to make. The list simplifies the choices for the players by suggesting the best bonus abilities to equip before taking on some Hollow action.

9 Full Stamina Damage Boost

A Destructive Opening

Full Stamina Damage Boost bonus ability

There is no other way to start off a stage with brute force and Full Stamina Damage is the best bonus ability to look for in this case. Granting a significant damage buff when the character’s stamina is full, the bonus ability can wreak havoc on the battlefield.

The good part about this ability is that it can be paired with other bonus abilities and skills to utilize its buff for an extended duration. The damage buff is applied on all attacks, making Full Stamina Damage one of the best bonus abilities to equip on a character.

8 Weaken Defense

Lower The Guard

Weaken Defense bonus ability

Just as the name of the ability describes itself, it allows the character to add a defense debuff to the enemies when the special move is used. The bonus ability reduces the defense of the opponent, which in turn allows the player to deal more damage to the enemies.

The ability is particularly useful against opponents that have a high defense scaling. The damage dealt to the enemies with a weaker defense is significant, which makes the bonus ability quite handy in combat.

7 Stamina Recovery

Recover HP

Stamina Recovery bonus ability

Stamina is the most important stat in Bleach: Brave Souls as it acts like the HP for a character. Ensuring a character’s stamina doesn’t reach zero is the main task for the players when fighting enemies.


Wuthering Waves: All 4-Star Characters, Ranked

4-star characters in Wuthering Waves can still perform as excellent support, sub-DPS, or even DPS, but players must know which one is worth raising.

The bonus ability, Stamina Recovery, makes things easier for the players. It recovers lost stamina, so players can go into battle without worrying about it, as they have the means to recover it if struck by enemy attacks.

6 Damage to Weakened Enemies

Damage to weakened enemies bonus ability

Weaken is a status ailment in Bleach: Brave Souls that alters a character’s condition by inflicting the weak status. When weakened is activated on a character, the unit receives additional damage along with reduced attack strength to one point.

When this ailment is active, the bonus ability Damage to Weakened Enemies comes into play as it further increases the amount of damage dealt to hostile hollows and humans. While there are multiple other bonus abilities that increase the damage according to the cast ailment, Weakened is one of the best ones to inflict on enemies to maximize the damage dealt to them, making it a helpful ability to use.

5 LongStride

Move Across The Combat Zone Easily

Longstride bonus ability

Flash Step is one of the most iconic moves from the series and Bleach: Brave Souls has its own version in the form of an ability called Long Stride. The ability is a boon for players who want to clear the stages in the least possible time.

Long Stride increases the flash step distance, which is greatly useful against large groups of enemies or enemies with a massive AoE to dodge attacks effortlessly. The ability can also be utilized in timed events to finish the stages faster.

Finally, Long Stride can also be utilized to close distance against melee characters before the enemy AI has a chance to perform an attack. With so many utilities, Long Stride has great perks in combat and players should consider it before barging onto the battlefield.

4 Low Stamina Damage Boost

Risk Meets Reward

Low stamina damage boost bonus ability

Stamina is a vital attribute in Bleach: Brave Souls that determines the life status of a character. If the stamina drains down to zero, players can not utilize the same character in the ongoing quest.


Zenless Zone Zero: W-Engine (Weapon) Tier List

These W-Engines are the best weapons for your Agents in Zenless Zone Zero, thanks to their tangible stat boosts and skill enhancements.

A character is the most dangerous when fighting on its last embers and Low Stamina Damage Boost bonus ability turns this phrase into reality, as the character, when under one-third HP, is able to deal extra damage to the opponent.

The extra damage that comes as a pay-off to a risky gameplay style can turn the tides of the battle as players can take down the enemy before they lose the remnants of their stamina.

3 Start Barrier

Enter With Strong Defense

Start Barrier bonus ability

Barriers are one of the best ways to defend the characters from enemy attacks and there is nothing better than a defensive ability that grants a 10-layer barrier on the character upon starting a quest, event, or battle.

Start Barrier provides the mentioned benefits that exceptionally increase the team’s defensive skills and overall survival and foes with great attack potency, making it one of the best bonus abilities to use without having to worry about enemy attack and thus avoiding the chance to die early in the battle.

2 Pierce Barrier

Ignore The Defense

Pierce Barrier bonus ability

In Bleach: Brave Souls, enemies and opponents have various ways to defend themselves from the attacks of the player and one such way is by using barriers. Barriers are difficult to crack and it is difficult to defeat enemies with protective barriers surrounding them.


Why Now is The Perfect Time For Xbox Owners to Check Out Bleach

Now is a great time for anime fans on Xbox to check out the Bleach series, the popular Japanese multimedia franchise created by Tito Kubo.

In order to save the players from this predicament, Pierce Barrier can be used as the bonus ability to shred through the barriers and knock out enemies who utilize barriers to protect themselves. The ability ignores the enemy barriers and can damage the enemy directly even if they have the protective barrier activated without having a need to break the barrier first.

1 Dodge

Whatever Can not Hit, Will not Damage

Dodge bonus ability

There is nothing stronger for a defensive ability than the ability to dodge an attack and players can choose it as a bonus ability for a character. When the bonus ability Dodge is activated, players have a small chance to dodge an enemy attack.

The ability works as a boon and can prove to be the game changer in many situations. Dodge minimizes the punishment for the players for making mistakes in the game, making it a great asset against enemies.


New Bleach Game Wish List

Rumors of a new Bleach console game have piqued interests, as their long absence has left fans with lots of hopes for what one could do.


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