
  • Lilith, a beloved character in the Borderlands series, may make a comeback in Borderlands 4, but the manner of her return needs careful consideration to feel natural and earned.
  • Lilith’s absence in Borderlands 4 could give other characters, such as Ava, a chance to shine and develop further, potentially winning over more fans.
  • The plot of Borderlands 4 could focus on Ava’s search for her missing mentor, Lilith, with the group eventually reuniting to face a new threat, potentially tying in with the return of the Destroyer.

Warning: Spoilers for the Borderlands seriesBorderlands is Gearbox Software’s flagship looter-shooter franchise, and is largely responsible for having kicked off the genre boom starting in the late 2000s. The series sees players taking on the role of a mercenary Vault Hunter in an often zany sci-fi future. Borderlands popularized many genre mechanics and also introduced fans to a colorful cast of characters ranging from hilarious to detestable and all areas between.

One of Borderlands‘ most well-known characters, rivaling lovable robot tramp Claptrap, is Lilith. A Siren gifted with tremendous cosmic powers, Lilith was integral in every BL entry. She served as the grounded center of the core group of heroes, usually as an important guide and quest-giver. However, the end of the latest title saw Lilith seemingly sacrificing herself to prevent a catastrophe, although later content suggested she wasn’t entirely gone. Borderlands 4, then, could bring Lilith back, but if it does, the manner of her return would need to be carefully considered.

Although not confirmed, it is assumed Borderlands 4 is in development.


Borderlands 4 is Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place With One Character Role

Borderlands 3 left a big role to fill in the series, and Borderlands 4 has a difficult decision to make on how to proceed with it.

Borderlands 4 Could See Lilith Return, But Maybe It Shouldn’t

Lilith’s Place in Borderlands’ Story

In the original title, Lilith was one of Borderlands‘ playable Vault Hunter protagonists. After BL1, she took on a second-in-command advisory role for Roland, who led its heroic band of misfits, the Crimson Raiders. Lilith and Roland guide players in BL2, before Roland’s heartbreaking death by villain Handsome Jack’s hand in its climatic clash. Following that, Lilith became the Raiders’ de facto leader. She was then the NPC point of contact, before using her Siren abilities to stop a world-ending event in the final moments of BL3, apparently perishing in the process.

In somewhat of a retcon, Borderlands 3‘s Director’s Cut DLC contained additional story content that heavily suggested Lilith had not in fact gone out in a blaze of glory, but was alive, albeit lost somewhere in the universe. Lilith’s (and Maya’s) young protege, Ava, discovers this through the DLC’s murder mystery missions, thus providing the path for Lilith’s possible return in BL4.

Lilith’s Absence Might Give Other Characters a Spotlight

While her loss was intensely felt both in-universe and by many fans, the void left by Lilith’s exit might have a silver lining. Although she was an integral part of Borderlands‘ story, she sometimes overshadowed other characters who might have been given more screen time to shine; particularly Ava, the adolescent Siren successor to Lilith and Maya. Though many fans didn’t initially warm to her, Ava is set up to be a major character in the Borderlands narrative and is likely to have a prominent role in the future. With Lilith gone, it might provide a chance for Ava to win more fans over. It could also mean spending more time with other longtime companions like Tannis, Moxxi, or Ellie.

How Lilith Could Make a Comeback in Borderlands 4

Given how beloved Lilith is, it’s surely tempting for Gearbox to have her make a triumphant return. This would undoubtedly please many fans, although a bit of an obviously easy win for the studio. One direction Borderlands 4 could take that may satisfy both sides is having the plot focus on Ava’s search for her missing mentor. While Lilith may not be present in person, the story could center around finding or rescuing her, with the group eventually reuniting.

The Destroyer in Borderlands also still poses a threat, and perhaps bringing it back as the next potential threat to Pandora could be the path to link both threads. If it emerges to fulfill the prophecy, then the Raiders would likely need all the help they can muster to contain it again. Lilith would be the perfect choice to assist, and BL4 could see players tracking her down so that the crew is at full strength against The Destroyer. In any case, if Gearbox is planning to bring Lilith back, it would have to be done in a way that feels natural and earned.

borderlands 3 box art

Borderlands 3
September 13, 2019

Online Multiplayer , Online Co-Op , Local Co-Op

Unreal Engine 4

M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language

How Long To Beat
25 Hours


Platforms That Support Crossplay
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S

Split Screen Orientation
Vertical or Horizontal

Number of Players

PS Plus Availability

Local Co-Op Support
1-4 Players


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