Botany Manor is a game centered around exploration and solving puzzles, much like the age-old classic title, Myst. There are also multiple collectibles scattered throughout the game and collecting them all will nab you some achievements for your extra effort.

One of the collectibles you will need to seek out will come in the form of model ducks. There is no need to worry if you pass by one of these ducks, as you will be able to go back and pick up any of the ones you missed without needing to start the game from the beginning.


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Finding All the Ducks in Botany Manor

If you are just starting the game at Chapter 1, you won’t need to worry about looking for any of these ducks at specific points as you play, as you can always backtrack to any of the places you have previously been. What matters is progressing in the game until you come to the right room. You should notice several of these ducks just by playing, but below, you will find where they can all be found. If any of these locations are blocked by a locked door, you will need to progress further into the game. You should have all of these locations unlocked by the time you have made your way through Chapter 5.

Duck #1 – White Duck

Botany Manor White Duck

You will be able to find this duck by heading to the Vestibule, which can be found on the Ground Floor. If you open your map, it will be marked as 1. You will find the White Duck on the windowsill.

Duck #2 – Tufted Duck

Botany Manor Tufted Duck

Also on the Ground Floor will be the Kitchen, marked on the map as number 9. Adjacent to this location will be the Pantry, marked as number 10. Head down this path and make your way to the far end of it. While in the room at the end of the hallway, turn around to face the door you came in. On the left will be a candle with the Tufted Duck sitting next to it.

Duck #3 – Porcelain Duck

Botany Manor Porcelain Duck

Head back into the Kitchen and go to the opposite side of the Pantry to find the Servants Hall, marked as number 11 on the Ground Floor map. As you enter this location from the Kitchen you will see the Porcelain Duck on the cabinet.

Duck #4 The Mallard

Botany Manor Mallard Duck

You will find this duck while you are investigating around the Attic. Once you unlock the door to the attic, head up the stairs on the right side. Walk past the projector, and you will see a grandfather clock. Look behind this grandfather clock to find the Mallard. The Attic can be accessed from the first floor and is marked by the number 8.

Duck #5 The Egyptian Goose

Botany Manor Egyptian Goose

You’ll need to have made your way passed Chapter 4 to get this one. The Egyptian Goose is actually a type of shelduck, which is a cross between a goose and a duck — this means it still counts as a model duck. You will need to progress through the game until you unlock the gate to the Boat House. The Boat House will be located on the Grounds and will be marked on the map as number 17.

Follow the path from the gate you unlocked with “Boat House” written on it all the way until you come to some stairs on the left side. Next to these stairs, there will be some crates up against a wall. Between the wall and these crates will be the last duck to get you the achievement, “Quack Quack Quack Quack!

botany manor

Botany Manor
April 9, 2024

Balloon Studios

Puzzle , Immersive Sim


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