With the arrival of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, players can sink their teeth into another version of the Zombies mode with two maps upon release. The creepier and more atmospheric map of the two, Terminus, holds many secrets deep within the prison island, including the beloved Pack-a-Punch machine that will provide extra and necessary firepower to those seeking high rounds.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies – How to Become a Mangler

Players can unlock the true powers of the Manglers in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies to become them and use their strength against the undead.

Pack-a-Punch is a beloved invention bound to make players reach higher rounds thanks to its damage potential, but how exactly does one get this grand machine working? Black Ops 6 players are going to need Pack-a-Punch on Terminus if they are to thrive, and here’s just how to activate it.

How to Activate Pack-a-Punch in Terminus

the pack-a-punch in terminus

Upon entering Terminus Island, players will want to navigate through the starting area to the Guard Station, to which they will find the Aetherium Maturation Pod (AMP Generator). There are a total of 3 AMPs that must be activated around the entire map if players want to activate Pack-a-Punch. Each AMP costs 500 Essence to activate, and they must defend it for 30 seconds against zombies that have purple glowing eyes. The regular orange-eyed zombies will simply ignore the AMP. Once activating a single AMP, players receive 500 Essence and power will be restored to the local area, allowing access to Perk-a-Colas within the vicinity. Here are all the AMP locations:

  • Guard Station
  • Living Quarters
  • BIO Lab

AMP #1 – Guard Station

guard station amp

Directly opposite the security room where Strauss and Peck will be, there is an AMP Generator that can be activated. Purple-eyed zombies will only spawn from the barriers, so simply defeat them and train around the orange-eyed zombies.

AMP #2 – Living Quarters

living quarters amp

Head through the Guard Station to reach the Living Quarters, where the second AMP will await activation. There are a few more zombie spawns here, so train through the Living Quarters at the end of early rounds and distract purple-eyed zombies to avoid them damaging the AMP. In this room will also be Juggernog, which activates the moment the AMP does.

AMP #3 – BIO Lab

bio labs amp

The last AMP will have players trek down the beaten path of the prison to the Seaside Path, where another wall blocks their entrance. Upon purchasing the door, players can navigate the linear caves to reach the BIO Lab. The third AMP is in the center of the BIO Lab, among the canisters of zombie experiments that may occasionally break free. The zombie spawns are on the catwalks away from the AMP, so this one is relatively easy to defend.

How to Get Pack-a-Punch in Terminus

Now that players have activated all three AMPs, they can head to the BIO Lab where they will then need to dive into the water to activate the Inclined Lift found towards the back of the center platform. Activating the lift will see it rise from the waters, with the desired Pack-a-Punch waiting within. Players can now access the Inclined Lift to grab Pack-a-Punch, and they can also purchase the Inclined Lift for 500 Essence will see it rise from the BIO Lab to between Communications and the Storage Area. This has a cooldown of 120 seconds per activation, but it’s nice to be able to send Pack-a-Punch across multiple levels.

As usual, here are the tiers for each Pack-a-Punch:

  • Tier 1 – 5,000 Essence
  • Tier 2 – 15,000 Essence
  • Tier 3 – 30,000 Essence

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Tag Page Cover Art

October 25, 2024


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