Key Takeaways

  • Fans criticize Black Ops 6 Zombies HUD on Reddit with memes for lacking personality.
  • Black Ops 6 introduces customizable HUD, although not all fans are happy.

Call of Duty Zombies fans are taking issue with the HUD from the Black Ops 6 iteration of the mode, turning it into several memes online. The heads-up display in previous versions of Call of Duty Zombies has always had tons of personality, but some feel it has been slowly stripped away over time.

The HUD in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 has had some interesting discourse over the last few months. Back in June, it was revealed that Black Ops 6 would have a customizable HUD, giving players a few different options to change their experience. More customization is generally a good thing, and it was confirmed that this feature would carry over into Call of Duty: Black Ops 6‘s Zombies mode. However, many fans have complained about the new Zombies HUD. Even with the customization options, some feel it’s too cluttered, others believe it takes too much inspiration from Warzone, while many think it just lacks personality compared to previous Call of Duty Zombies HUDs.

Two Reddit threads started by users Tommy_Hyland and ReynaGolba have turned Call of Duty: Black Ops 6’s Zombies into a total meme. Both depict Black Ops 6‘s HUD as comically cluttered, with every single detail seemingly shown on the screen. One of the posts is a video with added sound effects, and it’s a total assault on the senses. While these posts are obviously exaggerated, the general sentiment that the current Call of Duty Zombies HUD is too cluttered gets across well.

The HUD in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies is a Meme

Overall, the response to the memes was mixed. Many were concerned about the direction the HUD has taken, while others felt the exaggerations went too far, especially given the customization options on offer in the upcoming Call of Duty title. Some expressed dismay that map-specific HUDs for Call of Duty Zombies don’t seem to be returning in Black Ops 6, which used to go a long way in giving each map its own distinct feeling and personality.

Hopefully, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 has a solution up its sleeve for its October release that will keep all players happy. Call of Duty Zombies fans are already unhappy with Black Ops 6‘s Liberty Falls map, with complaints about it looking a lot like Warzone popping up once again. Treyarch will have a lot of work to do to please the dedicated Call of Duty Zombies fan base, many of whom have been playing the mode ever since its debut in 2008’s Call of Duty: World at War.


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