
  • Fallout Yesterday, a recreation of the original Fallout 3 game code-named Van Buren, has recently been released for free following a major 0.6 update.
  • The current version of the game, which has been developed as a Fallout 2 mod, is technically playable from start to finish, but only for one specific character build.
  • The project has also been open-sourced in July 2024, which might help speed up its development.

A dedicated group of modders has recreated Van Buren, the canceled Fallout game that was initially planned to be the third entry in the franchise. While the ambitious Fallout project is still in active development, it has recently been open-sourced after receiving a major update.

Interplay’s original plan for the Fallout series was a 3D game code-named Van Buren. Developed by Black Isle Studios, the project was canceled in December 2003. Bethesda acquired the license to make another Fallout 3 game the following year, then followed up on that move by purchasing the rights to the entire franchise in 2007.


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Fallout Van Buren Recreation Now Available for Free

And though that turn of events was all but certain to leave Van Buren in the annals of history, modding group PJ & Co refused to let that happen. To that end, the collective embarked on a mission to recreate the canceled game as a Fallout 2 mod, using the game’s 2D engine and the wealth of its scrapped assets and materials that have been leaked online over the years. The project was dubbed Fallout Yesterday, and started development circa 2020. And while PJ & Co’s Patreon backers were able to play the game’s work-in-progress version for a while now, Fallout Yesterday has also been released for free via Nexus Mods in early July 2024.

Fallout Yesterday Is Playable From Start to Finish, But There’s a Catch

Although technically a Fallout 2 mod, the project also makes use of some assets from other 2D entries in the franchise. Fans wanting to play it will hence have to own both Fallout 1 and 2, as well as Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel. The developers are saying that the latest, 0.6 version of the mod is technically playable from start to finish. However, that only goes for characters specializing in Science and Repair skills. Since the series itself is all about choice and replayability, the mod in its current state doesn’t exactly allow for a traditional Fallout experience.

Nevertheless, its development is still going strong after four years, with PJ & Co being adamant to see it to completion. In a bid to improve the project’s chances of being finished, the modders have recently open-sourced Fallout Yesterday, releasing its source code via GitLab on July 8. Anyone can hence offer contributions to the mod moving forward.

Fallout Yesterday isn’t the only attempt at reviving Van Buren that enthusiasts have put forward to date. Another group of modders previously attempted to recreate the original Fallout 3 game in the New Vegas engine. But that project, called Fallout: Revelation Blue, has yet to yield a playable build of the game, although it’s still said to be in development as of July 2024.

Fallout Yesterday 0.6 Update Patch Notes

  • Over 30 new quests in Hoover Dam and Maxson Bunker
  • Improved party management inside and outside of combat
  • 100+ new items and weapons
  • 100+ new Traits and Perks. Also improved their descriptions
  • Many bugfixes
  • Multiple vehicles
  • Free-roaming caravans
  • Reworked special encounters
  • Starvation and dehydratation system on Hard difficulty
  • Integrated many features from Fallout 2 Mechanics MiniRework mod
  • New main story content
  • New craftable items including books
  • New UI button for quick crafting access
  • New Talking Heads
  • New music tracks
  • New title video
  • Upscaled all videos. Thanks gustarballs1983!
  • Subtitles for “A is for Atom”
  • Updated sfall (engine modifications) to version 4.4.4


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