Cities: Skylines 2 includes a special new feature: road accidents. Vehicle drivers will sometimes choose bad paths on purpose, and if other cars are approaching at high speed or if they come across a curve, they can collide or spin off the road.

Accidents happen, and even the best Cities: Skylines 2 player will have to deal with them now and again. However, there are several ways players can reduce the chance of accidents and remove them from the roads faster.

RELATED: Cities: Skylines 2 – How To Fix Road Conditions

Build Road Maintenance Depots

cities skylines 2 accident road maintenance

One of the first development points players should spend is on Advanced Road Services. Not only does this unlock a variety of road upgrades, but it also unlocks the Road Maintenance Depot. Each depot spawns up to 10 maintenance trucks that can improve a road’s condition, and an upgrade can increase the number to 15.

Poor road conditions aren’t visible outside the road info view, but they have an impact on vehicles. Bad roads force drivers to slow down on streets they should be moving fast on, and every accident type is more likely. Road maintenance vehicles move slowly and can cause traffic problems, but this is a small price to pay for good roads.

Add Streetlights to Highways

cities skylines 2 accident highway lights

By default, almost every small, medium, and large road comes with streetlights. However, highways don’t. Players can add lights to highways using the Advanced Road Services tab, and doing so will decrease the chance of nighttime accidents. As a bonus, lit highways also carry low-voltage power lines. Adding lights can help reduce the extra chance of accidents caused by the High-Speed Highways city policy.

Fund Emergency Services

Cities Skylines 2 Police Headquarters

Just about every kind of first responder may be needed in a road accident. Cars on fire call for fire trucks, injured drivers call for ambulances, and both police and road maintenance vehicles can clear away vehicles that are blocking the roads.

To improve this response time, players should make sure they have enough service buildings to cover all the roads and highways in the city. Hospitals and police headquarters are more effective at improving health and reducing crime, but for road accidents, a clinic or a police station is good enough.

Avoid Road Congestion

cities skylines 2 mega roundabout

The more vehicles on the road, the higher the chances are that one or more of them will have an accident. Here are a few general tips for improving traffic conditions:

  • Create wide roads for rapid transit between neighborhoods and smaller roads that branch off for local traffic.
  • Design a robust mass transit system that includes multiple, overlapping routes that let pedestrians cross the city.
  • Add cargo hubs to limit the number of trucks on the road.
  • Keep pedestrians out of intersections with good planning and pedestrian paths.
  • Build parking lots to convert more drivers into pedestrians and have fewer vehicles making U-turns.

cities skylines 2

Cities: Skylines 2
PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S

October 24, 2023

Colossal Order

City Builder


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