The fan-favorite feature of GobbleGums in Black Ops 3 Zombies returns for Black Ops 6, and with unique ways to earn them, players are going to want to make sure that they are building a vast collection of the very best GobbleGums in Black Ops 6.


10 Ways Black Ops 6 Is Revolutionizing Call of Duty

Here’s how Black Ops 6 is changing the game for the Call of Duty franchise.

With a selection of Rare, Epic, Legendary, Ultra, and Whimsical GobbleGums, players have an abundance of delicious candy that can see them succeed through the rounds of Black Ops 6 zombies with relative ease, aided by the GobbleGums that they elect to chew on.

7 Perkaholic

Receive All Perks

perkaholic gobblegum

  • Ultra Gobblegum
  • Gives the player all available Perks.

Perkaholic is an astounding classic from the Doctor Monty era, and Perkaholic returns in Black Ops 6 to provide whoever consumes it with every Perk-a-Cola in the game. This means that players can save literal thousands of Essence, ensuring that they do not have to waste their points on buying Perks if they can just grab them all in one go.

The best part of Perkaholic is the fact that it beats out the Der Wunderfizz, which only spawns on round 25 and beyond. This means that Liberty Falls players can grab all perks instead of having to wait for this machine to spawn in.

6 Wonderbar!

Obtain a random Wonder Weapon from the Mystery Box

wonderbar gobblegum

  • Ultra GobbleGum
  • (Activates on Mystery Box Spin) The next weapon from the Mystery Box will be a Wonder Weapon.

The Wonder Weapons in Black Ops 6 feel extremely great to use. The Ray Gun, the Jet Gun, and even the Beam Smasher – all of them feel as powerful as they should, so why not guarantee one instead of relying on the random Mystery Box and the free weapon quest?

Wonderbar! Is a GobbleGum that provides players with a guaranteed Wonder Weapon on their next hit of the Mystery Box. While it may be one of three things, all of them are most definitely worth it, and it can easily shave off countless rounds when trying to do a main quest.

5 Idle Eyes

All Zombies Ignore All Players For 30 Seconds

idle eyes gobblegum

  • Legendary Gobblegum
  • (Lasts 30 Seconds) All zombies ignore players and stand idle.

The zombies of Black Ops 6 are extremely deadly, and players are in for a really tough challenge on higher rounds. Players who are near death and don’t have a piece of tactical equipment to save them might be prepared to go down for good unless they pop the Idle Eyes GobbleGum.

Idle Eyes will help everyone in-game, as every zombie will stand completely still and idle pose for 30 seconds. That’s 30 seconds to run, recover health, create armor and support items, and prepare for the war with the undead that unleashes after the timer runs out.

4 Phoenix Up

Instantly Revive Downed Teammates and Let Them Keep Their Perks

phoenix up gobblegum

  • Legendary Gobblegum
  • Revive all teammates. Teammates keep all of their Perks.

A round of Zombies can easily end when players start to go down, forcing other players to revive them so that they have more firepower, and so that their allies keep their weapons. However, it can be a tough job to keep everyone alive, especially when reviving someone makes the player so vulnerable to the hordes. However, that’s where Phoenix Up comes in.


Black Ops 6 Zombies: Liberty Falls Main Quest Guide

Black Ops 6 invites players to Liberty Falls, the West Virginia town overrun with undead that also features a main quest for unique lore and rewards!

Phoenix Up will instantly revive teammates, no matter where they are or how many are down. Even better, is the fact that Phoenix Up will let players keep their perks so that they won’t have to spend Essence acquiring them all over again.

3 Free Fire

Temporary Infinite Ammo

free fire gobblegum

  • Epic Gobblegum
  • (Lasts 60 Seconds) Firing weapons consumes no ammo. Does not work with Wonder Weapons.

Ammunition might be a tad cheap and accessible everywhere thanks to the resupply boxes in the maps, but it can still be quite the burden to run out, especially in the harder fights against Manglers and the main quest boss fight on Terminus Island. However, the Free Fire GobbleGum can help with that.

Chewing on the Free Fire GobbleGum, players will receive infinite ammo for 60 seconds. That’s an entire minute of unleashing hellfire. Imagine using that with Mustang & Sally, devastating the arena like no other weapon could. Sadly, it cannot be used with Wonder Weapons.

2 Kill Joy

Receive a free Insta-Kill Power-Up

kill joy gobblegum

  • Rare Gobblegum
  • Spawns an Insta-Kill Power Up.

Insta-Kill is a beloved Power-Up due to the fact that it can be used to make every zombie one shot. Whether it’s with a fist or the most powerful weapon, Insta-Kill is essential, especially on higher rounds, so why not grab Kill Joy to obtain a free Insta-Kill power-up that can save a round or two?


Black Ops 6 Zombies: Terminus Main Quest Guide

Players must fight the undead horrors and experiments that are stopping their escape from Terminus Island in this Black Ops 6 Zombies main quest!

Kill Joy will drop the Insta-Kill power-up for players to use, and it easily deals with normal zombies, but will also weaken the dreaded Manglers and other mini-boss enemies. Making everything weak really helps in those tough higher rounds.

1 Exit Strategy

Instantly Activate Exfil With Reduced Zombie Spawns

exfil strategy gobblegum

  • Epic Gobblegum
  • Activate Exfil vote immediately. Reduce zombie spawns during Exfil.

When playing solo, it can sometimes be hard to decide when exactly one should use the Exfil. These Exfil opportunities come at random intervals, usually after every 5 or so rounds. Exit Strategy can make Exfil far easier, providing an Epic GobbleGum that will also reduce zombie spawns to make escape safer.

Exfil can always be dangerous due to the abundance of zombies, so the Exit Strategy GobbleGum providing fewer zombie spawns will make the time limit to Exfil all the more satisfying. Exit Strategy is an easy way for players to Exfil without fear.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Tag Page Cover Art

October 25, 2024


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