With multiple endings in Cyberpunk 2077, and numerous alternate versions of them, players might be indecisive on which one to choose, or which one to regard as the true canon ending to Cyberpunk 2077. Listed here, players can see the best endings of Cyberpunk 2077, which includes each and every iteration, including the secret ending and the new one obtained through Cyberpunk 2077‘s Phantom Liberty Expansion.


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With 9 variations of all Cyberpunk 2077 endings to cover, hopefully, players can find some layers of safety in the entwined story of V and Johnny Silverhand as they desperately navigate through the layers of deception and murder that entrap souls into Night City.

This article contains major spoilers to every Cyberpunk 2077 ending!

10 The “Easy Way Out”

Believing All Hope Is Lost, V Commits Suicide

Cyberpunk 2077 johnny on rooftop

  • While contemplating on the roof, throw the pills away.
  • There is no final mission and the game abruptly ends.

Players can go down this path, foregoing any final mission in favor of ending their lives and rolling the credits on the roof. Simply tell Johnny about another way and V throws the pills off the roof and will commit suicide. Johnny Silverhand shows disapproval but also does nothing to interfere, understanding it is V’s choice. It is easily the saddest ending, not giving V or Johnny any hope.

That being said, it’s a poignant ending that discusses whether V or Johnny’s lives are worth the sacrifices of other people. As the other ending paths will prove, trying to secure V’s future will lead to other people losing their lives in the process, and V directly talks about this while choosing to end his life. That being said, watching his friends be absolutely distraught at the idea of losing their friend without any warning whatsoever makes for a pretty saddening conclusion to the wild ride that is Cyberpunk 2077.

9 The Devil (Sign Contract)

Help Arasaka Resurrect Saburo, And Digitize V’s Consciousness

Cyberpunk ending upload to mikoshi

  • Call Hanako for help in Nocturne Op55N1
  • Help Hanako resurrect her father in her brother’s body
  • Lose all goodwill with Johnny Silverhand
  • Become a construct

For the entirety of Cyberpunk 2077, V learns of how shady and cruel Arasaka is as one of the leading corps of Night City. Every waking moment and memory spent with Johnny Silverhand is a reminder of that fact. Yet, choosing to ignore all of this, players can earn The Devil ending, in which V, through desperation and misguided trust, aids Arasaka, helping them rise to the dominant power once more.

This ending not only sees V betray their friends and themself, but it also has perhaps the bleakest most desperate V, as they sign away their life to be digitized in the hopes that Arasaka will not forget V, and will one day give them a body. With so many lost to Mikoshi and the Soul Killer program, will V’s fate be any different, or will they remain a loose end swept under the rug willingly?

8 The Devil (Refuse To Sign)

Get Played By Arasaka, But Return To Night City

Cyberpunk ending space and earth

  • Call Hanako for help in Nocturne Op55N1
  • Help Hanako take control of Arasaka and reinstate her dead father as leader
  • Betray Johnny Silverhand
  • Return to Earth with brain damage

One of the alternate endings for The Devil still involves V aiding Hanako with taking over Arasaka, and putting her father back into a position of power, but this time, V will not sign the contract that will see them digitized, meaning they will not spend eternity as data, waiting for Arasaka to fulfill a promise they never intended to in which they would give V a new body.

After countless tests and experiments on board a space station, V has had enough of losing their mind and feeling like a lab rat, and whilst their condition only worsens, they decide to spend their final days on Earth, rather than in the void of space. This is perhaps the bleakest ending, as V has gained nothing, and has only lost more time. Chunks of their brain are missing from a botched surgery, and now they’re heading back to Night City where Arasaka is king once more.

7 The Tower

Surrender Songbird To NUSA, And Receive A Cure That Makes V Allergic To Cyberware

spare songbird with reed in phantom liberty

  • Phantom Liberty Expansion Required
  • Surrender Songbird to Solomon Reed
  • Call Reed in Who Wants To Live Forever / Nocturne Op55N1
  • Johnny Silverhand is surgically removed
  • V survives, waking from a 2-year coma
  • V is allergic to all cyberware and all their friends have moved on

Phantom Liberty offers an alternate ending path that V can take if they are truly serious about getting rid of the Relic once and for all. But as with everything in Cyberpunk 2077, this path comes with a steep cost.


Cyberpunk 2077: 3 Reasons The Tower Ending Is The Best (& 4 The Worst)

The Tower is the new ending for V unlocked for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty players. Yet, is it worth it?

V is carted off on a helicopter from the rooftop, despite Johnny’s protests. It’s a bittersweet goodbye to the city and to the rocker boy. If players have a good relationship with Johnny, they will share their last moments before V goes to sleep for surgery. Players then wake up nearly two years later from a coma, only to find out that their ailment has been cured, but that they are no longer able to carry any cyberware. Not only will V be unable to become a legendary merc due to the lack of cyberware, but all of the friends they made along the way have moved on.

V is back in Night City, an ordinary person who blends with the crowd, unable to stop themselves from being beaten up by mere thugs. V’s life of normalcy is bittersweet, but is it would they would try want, to be a nobody?

This ending has been splitting opinions. Some consider it horrible, as V basically gives up the dream they set out to achieve in Act 1 with Jackie. Others, however, consider it a natural way to “win” the game against an unwinnable force like Night City. By not playing the game anymore, V can’t lose and is essentially free. But is it worth the cost? And what of Songbird, now in the FIA’s possession, with her mind lost to the Blackwall?

6 Temperance (With Rogue)

Give V’s Body To Johnny Silverhand And Rematch Arasaka With Rogue

Adam Smasher killing rogue

  • Go with Johnny’s plan and ask Rogue for help in Nocturne Op55N1
  • Rogue is killed by Adam Smasher
  • Alt connects to Arasaka and cripples the corporation
  • V gives their body to Johnny Silverhand
  • There is an extended cutscene with Johnny Silverhand afterward

Taking on Arasaka with Rogue while Jonny controls V is a double-edged sword. It is awesome to fight alongside Rogue once again, like a deserved rematch from their assault on Arasaka in 2023, but heading into the tower with her always ends with Adam Smasher killing her. Considering her connection to Johnny, losing Rogue is devastating. With this in mind, choosing to have Johnny fully control V undoubtedly leaves him with some heavy guilt for having gotten her killed, another person in his life he has let down.


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The only positive here is that Johnny gets to live on with the lessons he’s learned through V’s eyes. V and Johnny can agree that Johnny keeps V’s body since V would only have six months to live, whereas Johnny would have many years. V leaves with Alt, and Johnny starts his life again, a fresh start for Johnny, and a somber ending to the game, as players can ask: is it the fresh start Johnny deserved?


4 Temperance (With The Aldecaldos)

The Aldecaldos Help V Break Into Arasaka, But V Surrenders Their Body To Johnny

Adam smasher killing saul

  • Call Panam during Nocturne OP55N1
  • The Aldecaldos become wanted nomads
  • Saul is killed by Adam Smasher
  • Arasaka is damaged
  • V can let Johnny keep their body after finding out they only have six months to live

Attacking Arasaka with help from Panam and her group offers a different method of infiltration, and it showcases the power and the loyalty of the Aldecaldos, and how nomads can certainly make even the largest of corporations fall to their knees. However, in choosing the Aldecaldos as allies, Adam Smasher will end up murdering their leader, Saul.

If the player chooses to let Johnny Silverhand take over V’s body, the ending will mostly line up with the events that would have transpired if V had attacked Arasaka with help from Rogue. Consequently, there is little incentive to play out this conclusion twice, aside from the post-ending holocalls where Panam lambasts Johnny for taking over V’s body and swearing that she would destroy him once she managed to hunt him down. However, by completing this ending and allowing Johnny to take V’s body, Rogue gets to live, so perhaps his fresh start involves bringing Rogue along.

3 The Sun

V Becomes A Legend Of The Afterlife With The Time They Have Left

Cyberpunk ending space

  • Complete Blistering Love, Rogue’s side jobs
  • Ask Rogue for help during Nocturne Op55N1
  • Rogue is killed by Adam Smasher
  • Arasaka suffers heavy losses
  • V takes over Rogue’s bar, The Afterlife
  • V becomes a famed merc, a Night City Legend
  • V’s perhaps last job involves working with Mr. Blue Eyes in a space heist

Rogue is a great choice to aid in the assault on Arasaka Tower. After all, she’s done it decades prior, and she’s been itching to get revenge for herself and for Johnny. Yet, in doing so, it will take her life. By going through this path, and allowing V to keep their body with what time they have left with it, they can return to Night City and use their time to fulfill their and Jackie’s wish of becoming Legends in Night City and the Afterlife.

With Rogue dead, V becomes the owner of The Afterlife bar, and their final mission is a contract from the mysterious Mr. Blue Eyes, in which they will head to space for a heist at Crystal Palace. V’s mortality is catching up with him, and the details of this heist are unknown, but perhaps if they can pull this off, Mr. Blue Eyes’ payment will be the cure that they have been chasing for these six months within their status as Legend.

2 The Star

Leave Night City Behind And Join The Aldecaldos

Panam on Bike in Cyberpunk 2077

  • Complete Queen of the Highway, Panam’s side jobs
  • Call Panam during Nocturne Op55N1
  • Attack Arasaka with the Aldecaldos
  • Say goodbye to Johnny, as he ventures beyond the Blackwall with Alt
  • Leave Night City in search of a cure with the Aldecaldos
  • Easily the most optimistic ending.

Whilst all of V’s endings are filled with some sense of doom and nihilism, The Star is perhaps the only one that leaves a silver lining for V, with optimism that once the credits roll, things might just be okay for them. In The Star, V calls the Aldecaldos, and using their Militech basilisk, they help break into Arasaka Tower, albeit at the sacrifice of their leader, Saul, leaving Panam as their only leader.


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The ending plays out the same, with V being told by Alt that they have six months to live. V and Johnny say their goodbyes to each other, as Johnny gets to be with Alt, and V gets to be with Panam. For those playing as male V, this connection with Panam can become intimate, as they become lovers instead of just friends.

This ending is lovely, as although V only has limited time to live, V discovers that there is more to life than Night City and becoming a Legend, and they can leave it all behind to discover a life with friends, and with someone that they love. Taking the Militech Basilisk and the nomad clan of the Aldecaldos, V, and Panam leave Night City, heading off into the unknown, but not alone. Everyone chips in at the Aldecaldos, and they’re not going to let V die, no matter where that journey takes them. Besides, even if V were to die, at least they are with friends and family now.

1 Don’t Fear The Reaper

Start A One-Man War Against Arasaka With Only Johnny Silverhand As An Ally

Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand Smoking Outside

  • Become best friends with Johnny Silverhand
  • Talk to Johnny on the rooftop during Nocturne Op55N1, and wait for five minutes instead of selecting a character to call
  • Johnny and V embark on a suicide run into Arasaka
  • This mission prevents other characters from dying
  • Dying in this mission rolls the credits, with no checkpoints
  • The only missable ending in Cyberpunk 2077

This ending is the hardest to access, and even harder to beat, though many consider it the best ending because of its secretive nature. If the player’s relationship with Johnny is at its peak during the decision to give control to him or not, V can wait at this dialogue option for several minutes for Johnny to offer another option, one that will enable permadeath, so if players do go through with this mission, it’s over if V dies.

Johnny proposes to V that instead of deciding which of their friends live or die, they should take on Arasaka by themselves. In doing so, they head to Arasaka Tower to party like it’s 2023, and Johnny guides V through it all. Killing Adam Smasher, and getting to Mikoshi, it’s all doable without allies, and it means nobody has to die. However, things are still the same for V, as their conditional is terminal, but at least it means they get to say goodbye to Johnny, and take out Arasaka in the process.

cyberpunk 2077 poster

Cyberpunk 2077

December 10, 2020


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