
  • Dawn’s Quilava, from a hatchling to a loyal companion, grew and evolved alongside her in Pokemon Contests, showcasing impressive performances.
  • Ambipom, traded from Ash, helped Dawn evolve and understand her Pokemon better, showing emotional growth and tough decisions.
  • Piplup, Dawn’s starter Pokemon, proved to be her most loyal friend with a strong bond, humor, and efficiency in battles and contests.

Ash Ketchum met a lot of different people who traveled alongside him on his long Pokemon journey, and one of the most memorable trainers he ever met was Dawn, from the Sinnoh region. This aspiring Pokemon Coordinator had a lot of growth and ended up becoming one of the most beloved characters in the entire anime.


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Ash and his Pokemon have ventured across various lands, faced many trials, and battled countless trainers and Pokemon. These are his most powerful.

Like any other trainer in this series, Dawn’s personality and development was closely tied to the Pokemon she caught and raised. Most of the creatures she befriended struck a solid balance between being both really adorable and really powerful, which was perfect for the Pokemon Contests she partook in. Only one question remains: What are Dawn’s best Pokemon?

7 Quilava

Dawn’s “Baby” Grew Up So Fast

Dawn hugging her Quilava.

  • First Appearance: Episode 609

Dawn got a Cyndaquil from an egg that was gifted to her by Lyra. This fact, alongside the Fire Mouse Pokemon’s timid personality, meant that it immediately bonded with her as if she was its mother. But with time, this cute little Cyndaquil got used to the Pokemon Contests and was featured in some really impressive performances.

Cyndaquil would later evolve into Quilava in a special episode, and was used again every time Dawn reappeared in a later season. This is definitely a loyal Pokemon who got quite strong, but its small amount of screen time relegated it to the bottom of the list.

6 Ambipom

Helped Dawn Learn What’s Best For Her Pokemon

Ambipom says goodbye to Dawn and Ash.

  • First Appearance: Episode 453

This is quite a curious case because Aipom was originally owned by Ash, so she was introduced to the show way before Dawn first appeared. But, when Ash and Dawn realized that Buizel and Aipom fit each other’s personalities better, they decided to trade. And this was a clever idea.

From that point onward, Dawn and Aipom’s relationship grew closer because the Pokemon’s mischievous and playful personality was put to good use during contests, to the point that Dawn even managed to make her evolve into an Ambipom. Sadly, when Ambipom discovered that she had a talent for ping pong, Dawn made the tough choice of leaving her training with O, which was an emotional but important learning moment for her.

5 Togekiss

The “Mother” Of Dawn’s Team

Togekiss celebrates alongside Dawn.

  • First Appearance: Episode 637

After a funny homage to the Princess & the Pauper, Princess Salvia gifts her Togekiss to Dawn so the Jubilee Pokemon can keep participating in contests with her. This was an incredible addition to her party, because Togekiss had the royal grace and elegance that Dawn’s team needed, even if it took some effort to adapt to her battle style.


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A look at the best Pokemon filler episodes ever created is important since the anime spans 1000+ episodes and has many different story arcs.

To make things even better, Togekiss proved how powerful she was, with strong moves like Aura Sphere or Sky Attack. But her most memorable characteristic was her endearing motherly nature, which was shown every time she tried to protect or comfort smaller Pokemon like Piplup or Pikachu. Similarly to Quilava, Togekiss was a great member of Dawn’s team, but her short screen time meant that she didn’t get enough time to truly shine.

4 Pachirisu

The Comic Relief Of The Team

Pachirisu electrocutes Dawn and ruins her hair.

  • First Appearance: Episode 485

It’s common for the various “Pikachu Clones” to get an important role in each new Pokemon series, and Pachirisu was no exception. Early on in her adventure, Dawn caught this energetic and mischievous Pachirisu, who ended up becoming one of the most memorable members of her team, let alone one of the most remarkable parts of her performances during Pokemon Contests.

Training and battling alongside Pachirisu was a challenge at first, but Dawn knew how to adapt to its playful personality, to the point that it could even perform some amazing move combinations with her other Pokemon. Pachirisu was also a funny character who served as a comic relief during the Diamond & Pearl series, especially whenever it would ruin Dawn’s hair by electrocuting her.

3 Buneary

The Pokemon Most Similar To Dawn

Dawn gives Buneary her custom sweater.

  • First Appearance: Episode 475

Out of Dawn’s entire team, there’s no Pokemon that shares a personality with her as much as her Buneary. This was the second Pokemon she ever caught, so their bond is obviously really close. Buneary quickly showed how much she enjoyed fashion and accessories, which made her a perfect fit for contests.

Buneary was far from the strongest member of Dawn’s team, and that’s what makes Pokemon Contests such a unique competition: Strength doesn’t matter in them, and Buneary always did amazingly because of how much she loves putting on a show. Of course, there’s also a shy part to Buneary’s personality, which was shown whenever she was around Ash’s Pikachu, whom she had a big crush on. This was cute and funny, and one of the most memorable parts of the Diamond & Pearl series.

2 Mamoswine

The Powerhouse of Dawn’s Team

Dawn petting her Mamoswine.

  • First Appearance: Episode 550

Way before Cyndaquil, there was Dawn’s Swinub. This was also a small and shy Pokemon who slowly became stronger and more intimidating. When it evolved into a Piloswine, it got so confident to the point that it began disobeying its trainer. And this got even worse when it later evolved into a Mamoswine. This is very reminiscent of Ash’s Charizard, who also began ignoring his trainer’s commands after he evolved.


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Ash has gone into battle with several Pokemon teams over the years. These examples are the best of the bunch.

This was an important character moment for Dawn who, after enough patience and care, managed to win the respect of her Mamoswine. After that, it became a crucial part of her team, especially during battles. Mamoswine was extremely strong and, when it worked alongside smaller teammates like Pachirisu or Cyndaquil, this could result in some breathtaking performances. The idea of Dawn having a big and bulky Pokemon in a team that is mostly made up of small and cute Pokemon was quite creative, and it helped Mamoswine stand out.

1 Piplup

Dawn’s Most Loyal Friend

Dawn and her Piplup say hi to Ash & friends.

  • First Appearance: Episode 467

In the Pokemon anime, there are few friendships that can rival Ash and Pikachu’s strong bond. But the close friendship between Dawn and her Piplup is definitely up there. As her starter Pokemon, Piplup is very significant in Dawn’s career as a trainer and a coordinator. He might’ve been a bit stubborn and proud at first, but they quickly overcame that and became very close.

Piplup is one of the funniest Pokemon in the entire show: He is cute and friendly, but also temperamental and mischievous, so he has solid chemistry not only with the rest of Dawn’s team, but also with the Pokemon that were owned by Ash and Brock.

For a non-evolved Pokemon, Piplup was also surprisingly efficient in battle, and he’s maybe the most impressive member of her team during contests. He even decided to use an Everstone in order to permanently prevent evolution, which is quite admirable. Piplup is not only a great member of Dawn’s team, but he’s also a charismatic character, and he was greatly missed by most fans after the Diamond & Pearl series came to an end.


Pokemon Anime: 8 of Pikachu’s Best Moments

Pikachu is undoubtedly one of the faces of the Pokemon franchise, and among his many memorable moments, these ones stand out as the best.


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