DayZ is one of the greatest success stories in terms of a mod breaking out into becoming its own standalone game. Using military simulator Arma 2 as its basis, DayZ converts the Soviet-style republic of Chernarus into a zombie-infested zone filled with desperate scavengers and survivors. A pioneer in the battle royale genre, DayZ remains popular today and still attracts a very healthy player count, years after its initial release.

Throughout the game, players will need to find (or steal) just about every item in their inventory, including weaponry. Among the most useful weapon types are pistols. Whether serving as a primary or backup weapon, pistols are capable of both fending off the infected and, perhaps more importantly, taking down rival players.

8 CR-75

A Low-Damage But High-Capacity Early Game Pistol

  • Weight: 1 KG
  • Ammo Type: 9x19mm

The CR-75 is a basic pistol in DayZ which can be found in most towns and villages, as well as being a starting weapon for some players. Though it has decent accuracy and low recoil, the pistol lacks the power when compared to some alternatives, and may struggle to take down enemies without expending lots of ammunition.

There are a number of advantages to the CR-75, including its customization options. Like many weapons in the game, players can acquire and attach a suppressor, flashlight, or mini-sights depending on their specific requirements. The CR-75 also has a considerable 15-round magazine capacity as standard, which is higher than most of its rivals.

7 P1

An Ideal Early Game Pistol With Abundant Ammo

Day Z Best Pistols P1

  • Weight: 960g
  • Ammo Type: 9x19mm

The P1 is another relatively common police-issue pistol ideal for newer players to find. It offers slightly more power than some of the other common pistols, as well as better accuracy and range. With that said, it is still a relatively weak pistol when compared to others.

The main advantage of the P1 is the abundance of ammunition to be found for it. 9x19mm rounds are among the most common in the game, so having a P1 handy, even as a backup, will ensure that players will have a weapon that, more often than not, will be well stocked with ammo.

6 Mlock-91

A Powerful All Round Pistol With A Common Ammo Type

Day Z Best Pistols Mlock-91

  • Weight: 1 KG
  • Ammo Type: 9x19mm

The Mlock-91 is a common police-issue pistol found in most police stations around the map. With superior range and power to both the CR-75 and P1, the Mlock is perhaps the best of the early-game pistols and also makes use of the 9x19mm ammo type.

The main drawbacks of the Mlock are its high recoil and slow reload times, which can be a significant hindrance in pressure scenarios. Where the Mlock elevates itself above its rivals is in its customization, with players able to equip a flashlight, suppressor, and mini sights.

5 Longhorn

A Supremely Accurate Single-Shot Pistol Suited To Longer Ranges

Day Z Best Pistols Longhorn

  • Weight: 2 KG
  • Ammo Type: .308 WIN Rounds

In addition to being one of the most stylish and unique weapons in the game, the Longhorn also packs plenty of punch and boasts the highest accuracy of any pistol in the game. The downside of this weapon is that it is only a single-shot pistol and must be reloaded each time.

When faced with a few enemies at long distances, it will more than suffice, but in close quarters, most other pistols or SMGs will be preferable. In addition to a long-range handgun scope, the Longhorn can also be customized with a plastic bottle silencer.


A Silenced Stealth Pistol With High Accuracy

Day Z Best Pistols Mk2

  • Weight: 1 KG
  • Ammo Type: .22 LR

The MK 2 pistol is a .22 pistol with a built-in suppressor, prioritizing stealth and discretion over outright firepower. With that said, the MK 2 is still a powerful pistol with a number of advantages. At just 1KG, it takes up very little carry weight and inventory space, while its low amounts of recoil also help if several shots are needed.

This weapon will be ideally suited to solo players or those who wish to make use of stealth to ambush opponents. It can also be upgraded with a 10-round magazine, which will be needed when facing off against multiple enemies at once.

3 Revolver

A Loud And Powerful Pistol With A Minor Setback

Day Z Best Pistols Revolver

  • Weight: 3 KG
  • Ammo Type: .357 Rounds

The Revolver is an ultra-rare, high-powered pistol with a six-shot cylinder, firing .357 rounds as ammunition. Excelling in close-range encounters, the Revolver is among the most powerful pistols in the game but is held back slightly by its lack of customization options and low ammo capacity.


DayZ: Tips For Beginners

Players new to DayZ have a lot to learn, but these 10 useful tips will help them improve their chances of survival.

The Revolver is also among the loudest pistols in the game, which is likely to draw in nearby enemies and is certainly a factor to consider. For close-range encounters such as in urban areas or clearing buildings, the Revolver is difficult to match in close quarters.

2 Kolt 1911

A Highly Accurate And Powerful Handgun With Good Attachments Available

Day Z Best Pistols Kolt 1911

  • Weight: 1 KG
  • Ammo Type: .45 ACP

The Kolt 1911 is by far the best of the .45 ACP Pistols. Though it has very respectable base stats, one of the main advantages of this weapon is its customization. Players can equip suppressors, flashlights, and extended magazines, depending on what each situation requires.

Although the Kolt has a slightly lower magazine capacity of 7 shots in its unmodified version, the balance of power, range, and accuracy with the Kolt make it easily enough shots to be effective. With all of its attributes together, the Kolt 1911 is arguably one of the best pistols in the game.

1 Deagle

A Supremely Powerful Pistol With Unrivalled Damage Output

Day Z Best Pistols Deagle

  • Weight: 2 KG
  • Ammo Type: .357 Rounds

The Deagle is easily the best pistol in the game for a number of reasons. In addition to having a very high damage output, it also has a magazine capacity enabling the storage of up to 10 rounds, which gives it a significant advantage over the Revolver’s six shots.

Though its carry weight of 2KG may seem high for a pistol, it is every bit as effective as a shotgun at close to medium range and actually holds superior accuracy and range to many lower-level shotguns too. The Deagle fires .357 rounds which, though not especially common, are not too hard to come by either.


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