Key Takeaways

  • Destiny 2 fan viewed real-life replicas of in-game items at an LA art gallery, sharing photos with the community.
  • The exhibit featured physical Ghost Shells and weapon replicas, showcasing the unique artistic style of the game.
  • The presence of Destiny in real-world art underlines the game’s enduring popularity, celebrating Bungie’s artistic talent.

A Destiny 2 fan visited a real-life art gallery in California to see physical replicas of in-game weapons, Ghost Shells, and other artwork. They shared their photos of the official Destiny 2 exhibition, which ran from September 14 through 22, 2024, with the player community.

Art has been one of the Destiny franchise’s most enduring strengths. Even with the original release in 2014, Bungie’s artists and developers have crafted a distinct and unmistakable visual look for the series that has only grown and diversified over the last decade. The aesthetic style of Destiny and Destiny 2 are so distinct that other games have copied it, with some like The First Descendant even running into plagiarism controversies over their inspiration.

That same unforgettable art style was worth exhibiting in the real world, at the Gallery Nucleus in Los Angeles. User Salted_Biscuit visited the gallery while it was open and shared their photos with the Destiny 2 Reddit community. Part of Bungie’s ongoing celebration of the 10th anniversary of Destiny, the exhibit featured dozens of pieces of art for perusal by visitors.

Real-Life Destiny Exhibit Shows Off Physical Replicas of Weapons, Ghost Shells, and More

Some of the highlights from the Gallery Nucleus Destiny exhibit included physical Ghost Shell replicas decorated by various artists. Using the distinctive form of the Ghost as their canvas, the artists created graffiti shells, paint-splashed shells, and ones that evoked carnivorous plants. There were also scale replicas of popular Destiny 2 weapons, like the Sunshot Exotic hand cannon and the Midnight Coup Legendary gun.

Fellow fans thanked Salted_Biscuit for sharing the photos, with some Los Angeles locals lamenting the fact that they missed the event. Others who managed to visit shared their own photos. One photo even showed off a replica of the Forerunner Exotic sidearm, which was originally a reference to Bungie’s work on the iconic Halo series introduced to the game as part of the studio’s 30th anniversary celebration. Some fans were also amused by the special themed drink served at the gallery called “Reveler’s Tonic,” a mix of lime, apple, and grape juice with non-alcoholic curacao.

The presence of Destiny in the real-world art scene underscores the game’s enduring popularity, as well as Bungie’s artistic chops. The exhibition stands alongside other real-world celebrations of games, including the Final Fantasy Distant Worlds concert series and even events like TennoCon, which celebrates Warframe. As games grow into bigger parts of their players’ lives, there’s no doubt gamers will see even more ways their developers bring them into the real world.


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