Key Takeaways

  • Hardcore Destiny 2 fan crafts stunning 3D figures of game’s factions using a 3D printer and meticulous painting.
  • Collection includes enemies like Hive, Vex, and Cabal, impressing fans who long for official merchandise.
  • Fan-generated figures spark discussions on Destiny 2 tabletop RPG crossover and creativity within the game’s community.

A devoted Destiny 2 fan has amassed an impressive collection of 3D figures based on the game’s various enemy factions, bosses, and Vanguard members, impressing other fans online with their display. The figures are also custom-made using a 3D printer and hand-painted, making each of them a unique piece of Destiny 2 memorabilia that is truly one of a kind.

Destiny 2 has a lot of diverse characters that players can interact with or fight against, from the robotic Vex to the supernatural Taken and several others, along with a wide array of bosses and human allies. Official merchandise of the characters does exist, as figures of Cayde-6, the Ghost, and various other Destiny alum have come out in the past, though there are very few that depict the game’s various enemy factions.

Arguably no official merchandise can compare to the collection from Reddit user Human-Adhesiveness81, however, who shared a video of their custom-made figures to the Destiny Fashion subreddit. The video shows the fan panning around to capture each of their figures in full detail, which include the likes of the Hive, the Vex, the Cabal, and several others, in various degrees of completion.

Destiny 2 Fan’s Custom Figures Have Fans Pining for More Official Merch

According to the user, they created each of the figures by printing them with a 3D printer using models they downloaded from the internet and have been working on hand painting each one. Their dedication to the collection impressed other fans in the community, who showed up in the comments to praise the creator’s attention to detail and lament the lack of official miniatures based on the various enemy factions in Destiny 2.

Others compared the figures to the likes of those used to roleplay in board games like Dungeons and Dragons, discussing the potential of a tabletop RPG based on Destiny 2. While no such thing exists at this time, Dungeons and Dragons has crossed over with Destiny 2 before with a series of cosmetics available in the in-game item shop, the Eververse.

The fan who created the figures did not specify whether they have any intention of using them for such a purpose, but their creations are impressive nonetheless, leading fans to pine for something similar to release in an official capacity. The game’s community has shown a striking amount of creativity in general, much of which takes the form of in-game cosplays, such as one Destiny 2 player who recreated the lead from Kill Bill in the game.


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