Key Takeaways

  • Fans might want Vince Masuka back for the humor he brought to Dexter.
  • Masuka’s return could bring welcome levity to the darker Dexter: Resurrection.
  • Masuka’s potential return was hinted at in an Easter Egg in Dexter: New Blood, indicating the writers still value his character.

Dexter: Resurrection looks set to be a dark and twisted new entry in the ever expanding Dexter universe, with Michael C. Hall signed on to play Dexter Morgan once again. There was a lack of humor in the limited series, Dexter: New Blood, as Dexter’s dark passenger descended into total darkness. C. S Lee’s Vince Masuka was one of the series regulars in the original Dexter series, and he would be a welcome addition to the cast of the sequel. Masuka, was a dirty-minded forensics expert who injected much needed humor into the series, and it would be great to see him return in Dexter: Resurrection.

Vince Masuka was absent from Dexter: New Blood, as the sequel series focused on Dexter’s new life in the small town of Iron Lake, as his troubled relationship with his teenage son, Harrison, unfolded. Angel Batista was the only living key character who returned in Dexter: New Blood, while Jennifer Carpenter returned to play Debra Morgan as Dexter’s ghost.


Dexter: Resurrection Probably Exists Because This Character isn’t Popular Enough

Harrison was a divisive character in Dexter: New Blood and that could be why the Harrison spin off was scrapped and Dexter: Resurrection came about.

Vince Masuka’s Return Could Inject Some Much-Needed Humor Into The Upcoming Sequel Series

vince masuka

Dexter was one of the darkest shows on television when it originally aired between 2006-2013 on Showtime. However, it wasn’t all darkness, as there were plenty of humorous moments, and they usually arrived courtesy of Dexter’s lab partner, Vince Masuka. C. S Lee’s performance was very underrated, and he initially started out as a guest star in the first season of Dexter, but the audience reacted positively to his character, and he was bumped up to a series regular for the remainder of the show’s run.

Fans were disappointed not to see Masuka turn up in Dexter: New Blood, but it was understandable due to the different setting of the limited series. With the announcement of the new sequel series, Dexter: Resurrection, it would be the perfect time for Masuka to make a return. The upcoming series is bound to be darker than ever, so Masuka’s possible return would inject some much-needed humor into the story.

Alex Shimizu will be playing a younger version of Vince Masuka in Dexter: Original Sin, with the story set to see Dexter Morgan turn up for an internship in the forensics department at Miami Metro Homicide in 1991. Fans will get to see Dexter become acquainted with Masuka in the lab, with their boss, Tanya Martin (played by Sarah Michelle Gellar), bound to be a victim of Masuka’s dirty humor.

Dexter: Original Sin could link up with the sequel series, and what better way to do that than to re-introduce legacy characters into the mix in Dexter: Resurrection? There aren’t a lot of main characters from the original Dexter series who are still alive in the present timeline, so Masuka’s return has got to be more likely than not. If Masuka is brought back, with his iconic laugh still intact, it must be done in an organic way. If Dexter; Resurrection returns to the iconic location of Miami, that would be the ideal way to re-introduce Masuka into the story.

Fans Were Given An Update On Vince Masuka From An Easter Egg in Dexter: New Blood, But It Would Be Great To See If/How He’s Evolved

Despite Vince Masuka’s absence in Dexter: New Blood, there was at least a brief Easter Egg which confirmed the forensics expert was alive and well and still residing in Miami, Florida. It was also revealed Masuka was still working in the forensics department at Miami Metro Homicide, and there was another key development linked to his personal life.

Angel Batista was experiencing some downtime at his home in Miami in the final episode of Dexter: New Blood, when the Chief of Iron Lake, Angela Bishop, called him up to reveal that his old colleague and friend, Dexter Morgan, was actually alive, and she suspected him of being the Bay Harbor Butcher. Batista approached his desktop computer to access an email forwarded to him from Bishop that revealed a picture of Dexter taken just last month. When Batista accessed his emails, there was one from Vince Masuka inviting him to his bachelor party, as well as an email from Joey Quinn, asking Batista if he was going to attend Masuka’s bachelor party.

Dexter: New Blood revealed that Masuka was due to become a married man, after all those years of immature humor and borderline misogyny. It was a subtle form of character development, but a very welcome one, and it proves that the writers still very much hold Masuka in high regard, and his return in Dexter: Resurrection is more than likely. One of the emails to Batista from Masuka was about a forensics report, which confirmed he’s still employed by Miami Metro. This makes Masuka’s potential return even more possible, as Batista would probably require Masuka’s forensic assistance to track Dexter down if he is on the run in the sequel series.


Dexter: Resurrection Needs To Move Past This Character But It Probably Won’t

Debra Morgan is dead but that didn’t stop her coming back as a ghost in Dexter: New Blood. It’s time she was left in the past in Dexter: Resurrection.


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