Key Takeaways

  • Details about Rook’s background choices in Dragon Age: The Veilguard have been revealed.
  • The choice of background for Rook plays a major role in how certain factions see them, even opening up exclusive options during dialogue.
  • The Veilguard is set to release on PC, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5 on October 31, 2024.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard has lifted its embargo, allowing players to finally have a detailed look at Rook’s background choices. While the initial impressions of Dragon Age: The Veilguard were mixed, many fans have seen their doubt transformed into excitement as more information about the latest BioWare title emerges. Unlike its predecessors, The Veilguard is set in the northern half of Thedas, taking players on an epic journey across the length of the continent and featuring important locations such as Minrathous, Weisshaupt, and Arlathan.

Players take on the role of Rook in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, an agent hired by Varric and the Inquisition to aid them in tracking down Solas. After an unfortunate confrontation with the Dread Wolf in the ruins of ancient Arlathan, Rook must form their merry band of misfits and unite the disparate factions of Northern Thedas against the ambition of the elven gods. Aside from Harding, the companions in The Veilguard all belong to one of those factions, but more importantly, players can choose which faction Rook belonged to prior to the events of the game.

It should be noted that while Dragon Age: The Veilguard does not feature playable origins, the choice of background for Rook plays a major role in how certain factions see the player character, even opening up exclusive options during dialogue. The six origins of Dragon Age: The Veilguard can be chosen by a Rook of any race or class, and players can now read in full detail how Rook is tied to each available faction.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Background Choices for Rook

Breaker of Bonds (Shadow Dragons)

  • The foundling Rook was adopted into a military family and joined the Shadow Dragons to fight from the shadows for change in Minrathous.
  • While guarding a visiting dignitary who was investigating a slavery ring in the nearby city of Nessus, Rook concluded that the mission would fail without throwing caution to the wind. Alone, she sneaked the dignitary deep into Venatori-controlled zones and brought him back, along with the rescued slaves.
  • These actions brought Rook to the Venatori’s attention, and the Shadow Dragons decided to keep Rook out of sight.

Shield Against the Night (Grey Wardens)

  • During a large darkspawn incursion, Rook was ordered to hold the line with other Grey Wardens until reinforcements arrived.
  • Rook argued that by then, villagers under attack would be dead. He disobeyed orders, leading the squad into the incursion and sealing the tunnel to the Deep Roads. This turned the tide, and the darkspawn were driven off, which saved the villagers.
  • Rook’s heroism was popular among the younger Wardens, but others with connections to noble families resented his independent streak. Rook chose to step away while tempers cooled.

  • A talented new Crow recently promoted to full membership, Rook chafed at the cautions of her commanders, especially with her city occupied by brutal soldiers known as the Antaam.
  • When Rook saw a patrol herding along captives one night, she leaped into action. Despite saving lives, however, Rook had unknowingly compromised a larger Crow operation against the Antaam. Rook’s superiors were incensed.
  • Sidelined for her actions, the young assassin searched for new ways to prove herself.

Defender of the Dead (The Mourn Watch)

  • Discovered by undead inside a Grand Necropolis tomb as an infant, Rook was raised by Mourn Watch necromancers, eventually joining the order.
  • During a “civil war” between undead nobility, known later as the War of the Banners, he led a daring attack on the rebellion’s dueling leaders. It was a success, quelling the war and saving lives. But Rook’s destruction of these undead nobles was controversial.
  • Some Mourn Watchers feared Rook had offended the order’s aristocratic patrons and encouraged him to travel for a while.

Seeker of Gold and Glory (Lords of Fortune)

  • A rising Lord of Fortune, skilled at breaking into lost tombs and ruins, Rook killed a corrupt Rivaini noble to prevent an ancient evil from being given to the Venatori.
  • Her actions were correct and saved the lives of expedition members, but some Rivaini nobles were resentful.
  • Because the success of the Lords’ expedition relied on Rivaini authorities looking the other way, it seemed wise for Rook to stop away while tempers settled.

Hunter of Secrets (The Veil Jumpers)

  • On an expedition to ruins in Arlathan Forest, the Veil Jumpers found ruins that contained important lost lore and deadly danger.
  • Barely surviving the ruins’ ancient magical defenses, Rook’s small team recovered an invaluable map leading to a hidden area of the forest. Although the team escaped, other Veil Jumpers found themselves trapped. Rook chose to return to the ruins, saving his teammates’ lives, but losing the map.
  • He was lauded for his bravery, but the map’s loss caused some resentment among Veil Jumper leaders.

Curiously, all six backgrounds paint Rook as a bold hero, and more importantly, a rebel against authority. The latter establishes a thematic connection to Solas in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, as it could very well be argued that the Dread Wolf is the original rebel of Thedas. Following the events of the prologue, Solas continues to be a foil to the player character, and Rook’s background will almost certainly tap into this dynamic even further.

Rook’s base of operations will be The Lighthouse, a sanctuary in the Fade that once belonged to Solas, and players will be able to use its network of Eluvians to facilitate travel across the corners of Thedas. Both Treviso and Minrathous will feature in The Veilguard as ambitious hubs, and players will even be able to come across their companions while out on the streets. While early impressions from reviewers and content creators are overwhelmingly positive, players will be able to find out for themselves if Dragon Age: The Veilguard was worth the wait on October 31, 2024.


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