Key Takeaways

  • Taash in Dragon Age: The Veilguard is a complex, headstrong warrior with a softer, introspective side.
  • Taash struggles with balancing self-interest and loyalty, willing to betray but valuing survival and friendship.
  • Taash’s romance is considered the “steamiest,” and players can likely benefit from her resilient and strategic nature in combat.

One of the many things BioWare fans are likely looking forward to in Dragon Age: The Veilguard is the opportunity to develop lasting relationships with the game’s companion characters that eventually evolve into romances. Each companion in Dragon Age: The Veilguard has a unique personality and background that contribute to their appeal as romantic partners, but Taash might be one of the most appealing to players looking for a relationship filled with complexity and nuance.

Of the seven companions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, Taash stands out as a stunning and bold warrior who is likely to be of substantial help on the battlefield. There is much more to Taash than meets the eye, however, as BioWare has intentionally crafted her to be one of Dragon Age: The Veilguard‘s more complex companions — which is generally the case with characters who have as rough an exterior as Taash. There is plenty of Taash to get to know in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, that much is clear. As such, she might be the one some players are looking for when it comes to romantic partners in the game.


Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Grey Wardens Are a Breath of Fresh Air After Inquisition

Dragon Age: The Veilguard may finally give the Grey Wardens the reputation boost they deserve as the faction best equipped to defeat the blight.

Why Players Might Want to Romance Taash in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Taash Is Headstrong, Bold, and One of Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Most Complex Characters

As far as Dragon Age: The Veilguard‘s companions go, Taash may very well be the polar opposite of one of the game’s other companions, Bellara Lutare. For all Bellara’s innocence and unassuming personality, there is a Taash who is headstrong and bold, unafraid to tell it like it is, and a fierce, thrill-seeking warrior. When building a relationship with Taash in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, players are likely to become quickly acquainted with her pragmatic personality, which may actually be a tough road for unassertive and modest Rooks to venture down.

What players might find most intriguing about Taash is her complexity. While she bears a rough and seemingly impenetrable exterior, she is actually very gentle on the inside. As game director Corinne Busche revealed in a recent interview with IGN, Taash’s character arc is one of introspection. Her personal journey sees her examining her own reflection in a mirror, attempting to discern her place in the world, her goals and intentions, and coming to an acceptance of who she is. More than likely, this softer side of Taash will be revealed the more players get to know her.

When building a relationship with Taash in
Dragon Age: The Veilguard
, players are likely to become quickly acquainted with her pragmatic personality, which may actually be a tough road for unassertive and modest Rooks to venture down.

Another significant part of Taash’s complex personality lies in her willingness to manipulate and betray in order to achieve her own goals, despite her fierce loyalty to those she deems worthy. This is made evident in her intended betrayal of Lord Mondraine when she was paid by the Orlesian Imperial Court to let him die. Based on what has been revealed so far, a significant part of her character arc seems like it will be her learning to balance self-interest with the interests of others, which may be especially difficult for Taash, given her strong convictions about her personal goals.

Taash still values loyalty and friendship in spite of being willing to betray those she is close to. The biggest variable in these situations is her will to survive, which she will likely never forsake in lieu of friendship. However, she also knows when to show emotional restraint, regardless of what dangers might encroach upon those she grows fond of. This was shown when Nadia Carcosa, a friend and former associate of hers, asked Taash to remain in Rivain rather than continue to protect her from the bounty hunters who sought her head. Taash agreed to honor Nadia’s wishes and remained in Rivain, proving her ability to ignore her own feelings for the sake of those she cares about.


Dragon Age: The Veilguard – Where You May Have Seen Solas’ Lyrium Dagger Before

Solas’ lyrium dagger first appears in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, but fans of Dragon Age may feel like there’s something familiar about it.

Taash Is Apparently Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Steamiest Romance

Taash and companions from Dragon Age The Veilguard

Apart from Taash’s unique personality, players might also be interested in the fact that BioWare has gone on record saying her romance in Dragon Age: The Veilguard is the “steamiest.” In regard to the full scope of Taash’s romance, Busche stated in the same IGN interview, “I’ll just speak for me personally, but at the culmination of the romance arcs, I’d have to say Taash. When I got to that scene and saw the finished version of that cinematic, I was hollering. Hollering.” Unfortunately, that is as specific as BioWare has been about Taash’s romance, and since “steamy” can be a rather subjective term, it’s unclear what it might actually mean for those who experience her romance themselves.

Taash Is a Qunari Warrior Affiliated With the Lords of Fortune

Taash is a skilled and formidable Qunari warrior and dragon hunter who has very little patience for incompetence and rudeness. In some ways, she could be likened to Baldur’s Gate 3‘s Lae’zel, as the two seem to share characteristics of personal resolve, fearlessness, and a stalwart approach to their relationships and goals. Lae’zel’s romance in Baldur’s Gate 3 was also one of that game’s steamiest, which makes yet another characteristic the two characters have in common.

Taash is also affiliated with the Lords of Fortune, a famed guild of treasure hunters who not only specialize in retrieving valuable treasures but also in hunting down monster bounties and stealing from the rich. She is resilient, strategic, and more than capable, making her almost unexpendable on the battlefield.

All of this considered, some players might wish to spend more time with Taash to develop a romantic relationship with her, and this will be especially helpful as they can then benefit from having a nigh indomitable ally at their side in combat.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard‘s Taash is certainly one of the game’s most distinctive companions, boasting a boldness and pragmatism that others may not have. She is unafraid to speak her mind and fiercely driven by her own goals, but beneath her tough exterior is a softer, more introspective side that allows her to reflect on her place in the world and her deepest intentions. While Taash is capable of manipulation and betrayal to achieve her objectives, her character arc explores the challenge of balancing that personal ambition with undying loyalty to others. If all of this sounds appealing to Dragon Age: The Veilguard players, they should look no further than Taash when it comes to romance.


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