
  • Starting party composed of Arisen (Thief) & Pawns (Fighter, Fighter, & Mage) prioritizes survivability & damage output.
  • Arisen tank party includes Arisen (Fighter or Warrior) & Pawns (Thief, Sorcerer, & Mage) for balanced damage & defense.
  • Best pure damage party with Arisen (Mystic Spearhand) & Pawns (Thief, Warrior, & Sorcerer) for maximum damage output.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is Capcom’s second installment in the Dragon’s Dogma franchise. The game follows the Arisen, a chosen one who must find and confront the dragon who stole their heart to save the world and themselves.

The game features a Pawn system where players can hire “Pawns,” or party members, to help them out. There are 10 different Vocations that players are able to specialize in, and there are 6 different Vocations that Pawn can specialize in. Here’s a breakdown of the best party compositions for players and their Pawns.


Dragon’s Dogma 2: Highest Damage Skill For Each Vocation

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has 10 different vocations, each with their own unique skills. These are the highest damage attacks for each class.

1 Best Starting Party

Arisen (Thief) & Pawns (Fighter, Fighter, & Mage)

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Best Starting Party

Pawn Vocation

Best Inclination

Fighter x2


One of the most important aspects of Dragon’s Dogma 2 (especially at the beginning) is survivability. It doesn’t matter how much damage a player can do if they can’t stay alive. With this layout, the Fighters will be able to keep the others alive while the Thief is able to do tons of damage and use Stealth to stay alive.

The Arisen, a Thief, and the Pawn, specializing as a Mage, will be able to do great amounts of damage without the fear of being killed. The Mage can heal if needed, and the Thief can use Stealth to hide. The two Fighters will be able to handle the bulk of the enemy’s focus while the other two focus on pure damage.

2 Best Party For An Arisen Tank

Arisen (Fighter or Warrior) & Pawns (Thief, Sorcerer, & Mage)

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Arisen As A Tank

Pawn Vocation

Best Inclination




As mentioned above, survivability is vital, so having a tank will be a major part of ensuring a party can take on tough enemies. If the Arisen wants to take that position, the rest of the party needs to be able to deal some heavy damage.

The Arisen will deal with ensuring that the party isn’t overrun with enemies, while the Thief and Sorcerer are able to deal massive amounts of damage. Depending on the situation, the Mage can be used to heal or to be an extra DPS.


Dragon’s Dogma 2: All Warrior Skills, Ranked

Players interested in learning how the Warrior skills in Dragon’s Dogma 2 stack up may want to peruse the following ranking.

3 Best Balanced Party Composition

Arisen (Thief) & Pawns (Fighter or Warrior, Archer, & Mage)

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Best Balanced Party

Pawn Vocation

Best Inclination




If players want a balanced team that is prepared for most situations in the game, this is it. Thankfully, this party can be comprised of all starting Vocations, so it can be used at any time. There needs to be someone from each of the main types of Vocation (DPS, tank, healer, and ranged).

The Arisen will do the damage (though they could always be a Magik Archer and have a Pawn that’s a Thief). The Archer will be ranged, and the Mage can be either ranged or healer, depending on the situation. Finally, the Fighter (or Warrior) will be the one tanking the enemies to keep the party safe.

4 Best Pure Damage Party

Arisen (Mystic Spearhand) & Pawns (Thief, Warrior, & Sorcerer)

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Best Pure Damage Party

Pawn Vocation

Best Inclination




This party composition is the absolute best if someone wants the strongest pure damage party they can have. Each of these Vocations is the best at what it does, making them the best of the best when it comes to damage.

The Arisen needs to be Mystic Spearhand due to the fact that the Vocation isn’t available for Pawns (and it is probably the best Vocation in the game). The Thief will have the second-highest damage of the group and will be able to use Stealth to survive. The Warrior won’t exactly be a tank, but it is the beefiest of the Vocations here. Finally, the Sorcerer can deal pure ranged damage.


Dragon’s Dogma 2: Best Mystic Spearhead Weapons (Duospears), Ranked

Find the perfect mix of Magick and melee with this list of the best Mystic Spearhead duospears in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

5 Best Ranged Party

Arisen (Warrior) & Pawns (Archer, Mage, & Sorcerer)

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Best Ranged Party

Pawn Vocation

Best Inclination




This is the way to go if players want to have a ranged party. While the Arisen could be any of the Vocations on the list, and a Pawn be the Warrior, it is best for the Arisen to be the Warrior since it will be the only one that is handling the up-close combat.

The Warrior can tank the enemies while the rest of the party deals massive amounts of damage from afar. This is a great way to ensure that the majority of your party won’t be within range of enemies. Plus, the Mage can heal if things get rough.

6 Best Defensive Party

Arisen (Mystic Spearhand) & Pawns (Fighter, Fighter, & Mage)

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Best Defensive Party

Pawn Vocation

Best Inclination

Fighter x2


This party is a revamped version of the best starting party and is the best party a player can have if they want to have high defense while still doing a decent amount of damage. There are two defensive Vocations, a DPS, and a healer/DPS.

The Arisen must be a Mystic Spearhand and will do most of the damage out of the entire party. The Mage will be able to do some damage but will also be able to heal if needed. The two fighters will be used as defense, making it nearly impossible for enemies to get to the Arisen.



Dragon’s Dogma 2: How to Get Mystic Spearhand Maister Skill (& Spearhand-Maister Location)

The Mystic Spearhand DD2 Vocation has access to one of the best ultimate skills, but to get it, you’ll have to find the Maister and earn his approval.

7 Best Endgame Party

Arisen (Mystic Spearhand) & Pawns (Thief, Fighter, & Mage)

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Best Endgame Party

Pawn Vocation

Best Inclination




This party is the best party that you can have in the game and is one you can get relatively early, too. It is a balanced party, but it also allows for a massive amount of damage to enemies, making the party an unstoppable force.

The Arisen, as a Mystic Spearhand, will do most of the DPS; however, the Thief is the second-best Vocation and can do amazing damage. The Mage, like always, is there for ranged DPS and healing when needed. Finally, the fighter will be able to tank and do some damage.

dragon's dogma 2


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