Dungeonborne has a lot of vendors that players should familiarize themselves with, as they will help them conquer the dungeon, providing useful services and consumables. The Merchant is one of those, and the only one that will accept Treasure (and other items) in exchange for Gold.


Dungeonborne: 5 Things You Need To Do Before Reaching Endgame

Before delving into Dungeonborne’s endgame activities, you’ll want to do these important things to stay ahead of the competition.

She also offers a list of selected Items that are renewed over a period of time, and players can obtain these for the right price, that is. However, some items are simply not worth a player’s time, and this list includes each of the supplies adventurers should avoid purchasing from this vendor.

6 Bolts

One Of The Most Common Lootables In The Dungeons

Merchant Bolts Dungeonborne

  • Cost: Relatively Low
  • Main Issues: Stocks of 15 are sold for 75, and cannot be sold back
  • Alternative Source: Loot from chests, enemies

Bolts (ammunition for Crossbows) are some of the most commonly found items in chests and enemy corpses and can be found nearly every time players smash a crate. Additionally, every time players get shot by an enemy player, a bolt will remain in their inventory (lodged into their bodies) and this means that, curiously, it can be reused and shot back at them.


Dungeonborne: Best PvE Classes, Ranked

Players interested in the best PvE classes for Dungeonborne may want to consider the following options.

In the weird case of players running out of ammo, or failing to extract too many times, they can go ahead and purchase a bundle of arrows for 25 gold in the Merchant. But use this as a last resource, since gold is precious in late-game, and players will need hundreds of thousands of it. The Rogue is the class that uses their Crossbow the most, so consider doing runs just for the purpose of stocking on Bolts, and then safely extracting while avoiding unnecessary fights.

5 Consumables

Can Be Crafted By The Alchemist With Simple Reagents

Potions Merchant Dungeonborne

  • Cost: Expensive
  • Main Issue: Price Per Unit Is Excessive
  • Alternative Source: Craft at Alchemist

Life and Mana Potions, as well as Bandages, can be acquired in the Alchemist using Cloudy Life Essence, an abundant reagent spread all across the dungeon and one of the easiest to farm. With that in mind, it doesn’t make sense to spend 500 Gold for each Potion, except maybe as a last resource.

Consider only buying these consumables when it is extremely necessary. For example: a player had a really bad streak of runs, and they failed to extract so many times that they ran out of options. If that doesn’t happen, always use the reagents that can also be obtained in Daily Quests and Weekly/Seasonal Challenges.

4 Ascension Potions

Most Common Reward In The Season Pass/Weekly Missions

Ascension Potion Dungeonborne Merchant

  • Cost: Extremely High
  • Main Issue: Players will use almost one or two per character
  • Alternative Source: Missions, Season Pass

Ascension Potions immediately grant 1500 Experience points upon a successful extraction and can be acquired every time a character levels up to level 20, or by completing other Weekly or Seasonal Challenges. Purchased by a whooping 20000 Gold from the Merchant, these pots have no place in the “must buy” list.

Even less so if players consider that crafting and equipping all Heirloom Items can greatly boost their experience gains, making leveling up easier than it seems. At the end of the day, wasting 20K in a pot that can be used at most only once sounds like a total waste, and players should avoid buying them unless there’s a deep reason further away. For example: leveling up beyond level 20 is unlocked and it gets extremely difficult after that. Until that happens, it’s better to save up on gold.

3 Flasks

Another Resource Easy To Craft

Flasks Alchemist Merchant Comparisson Dungeonborne

  • Cost: Expensive
  • Main Issue: Price Per Unit Is Excessive
  • Alternative Source: Craft at Alchemist, loot from chests/enemies

Flasks are incredibly useful tools, more so if players learn how to use them effectively. But they are also expensive resources sold at the Merchant for 500 Gold each. Fortunately, there is a way to obtain more without spending money. As with Potions and Bandages, players can craft Flasks using Yarrow Blossom, another easily obtainable reagent they’ll find during their runs.


Dungeonborne: Best Builds For Swordmaster

When looking to cut down enemies in Dungeonborne as a Swordmaster, these builds are the best to use.

Yarrow Blossom can be mostly looted from Goblins, Goblin Shamans, and chests, and these sources are nearly riskless for every adventurer. So, again, go to the Alchemist and craft the flasks needed. Except for the Flask of Shielding, players can craft the rest of them with him, so it makes no sense to purchase them from the Merchant.

2 Specialized Equipment

Highly Overpriced, Better To Invest In Heirloom Items

Equipment Dungeonborne Merchant

  • Cost: Extremely High
  • Main Issue: Stats are subpar compared to crafted Heirlooms
  • Alternative Source: Buy from Trade, Craft Heirloom

Specialized Equipment rotates every 6 hours, and often comes with a lot of cool stats and a hefty price, that goes from 10000 to 60000 gold (or more). In theory, these offer some great options and stats for every character, but if players look closely, they’ll notice that they are totally randomized and, more often than not, subpar compared to stats offered for less money and randomized in the Player’s Trade.

So, at the end of the day, there are way better options: invest in improving Heirlooms and pay special attention to Enchantments, since that’s the better way to get specialized equipment for cheap. Even more so, players can use 3 Mithril Tokens (3000 Gold) to craft all Legendary (Yellow) Equipment with the best possible affixes they can personally select.

1 Materials

Unnecessarily High Spending, When Players Can Get More By Purchasing Random Items Or Looting

Star Pieces Merchant Dungeonborne

  • Cost: Relatively High
  • Main Issue: Costly way to obtain materials
  • Alternative Source: Disassemble Items

In order to craft the best materials, players need lots of Materials—namely: Rough White Iron (white), Illmenite Ore (green), Refined Steel Ore (blue), and Star Fragments (purple). Disassembling equipment from each of those colors will yield 15 of each of these materials while purchasing each of them varies from 100 gold each to a whooping 27’00 gold each. It is true that players need loads of these materials to improve their Heirlooms to the maximum level, but that doesn’t mean they should waste their money.

At the end of the day, by doing some simple maths players will get more value for a purchase by buying random items at the Player’s Trade and disassembling them, than buying Materials from the Merchant. Unless, of course, they can be obtained in the dungeon and extracted, and that is a totally different story. So, not worth purchasing these in the Merchant—save the gold for another day.



Dungeon Crawler




July 19, 2024

Mithril Interactive


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