During the “Jabul Waters Rift” main mission in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, Zelda will encounter a small rift sequence in the Stilled Upper Zora River. This entire section splits off into a smaller main mission titled “Chaos at Zora River Village,” which essentially serves as a sub-quest that branches off from the main quest. These smaller rift sequences occur several times in Echoes of Wisdom, with the goal of locating Tri’s friends within the rift staying the same each time.

Closing the Stilled Upper Zora River rift is the main task Zelda and Tri will take on in “Chaos at Zora River Village.” This ultimately serves as one half of the main quest that leads to the Jabul Ruins dungeon. Tri will need help locating five of their friends within the Still World, and Zelda will be happy to oblige. This guide will help players complete “Chaos at Upper Zora River,” with an emphasis on locating Tri’s friends in Stilled Upper Zora River.

How to Enter Stilled Upper Zora River in Echoes of Wisdom

During “The Jabul Waters Rift” main quest, Zelda will have to interact with both the Sea Zora and River Zora. After doing so, they will both meet together at Lord Jabu-Jabu’s Den. However, because the leaders of each tribe are at odds, Jabu-Jabu gets angry when they try to play music. It’s possible nothing would have calmed Jabu-Jabu, as he ended up being an impostor. After getting angry, Jabu-Jabu heads north towards Zora River Village. Head north to start “Chaos at Zora River Village.”

Enter the Rift:

Whether you use Echoes of Wisdom‘s fast-travel system, or walk up to the village, as soon as you arrive there will be a brief cutscene that marks the beginning of the quest. The first goal is to locate Dradd, the River Zora leader. To find him, head into the through the opening in the rocky cliff behind the damaged huts in Zora River Village.


You won’t be able to see the path, but turn right to reach the upper level. Continue west until you see Kushara, the Sea Zora chief, and a young River Zora. They will be standing in front of the rift entrance, and Zelda will discover that Dradd, along with the young Zora’s father, have both been stolen away by the rift.

Tri mentions that there are several friends inside the rift as well, asking Zelda to head in and recover them. Interact with the rift entrance to enter Stilled Upper Zora River.

All Tri’s Friend Locations in Stilled Upper Zora River – Echoes of Wisdom


Tri has five friends in Stilled Upper Zora River. They are spread out all across the rift. There is no specific order that you must collect them in, so you can follow this list in any order you choose.

Tri’s Friend 1:


To find Tri’s first friend, head east onto the wooden planks, then walk south along the old pillars. Jump over to the ledge made from wooden logs. From this platform you can look east and see the first friend sitting on another pillar.


There are likely multiple ways to reach the pillar, but we used four O ld-Bed Echoes to create a rising bridge. Once you make it to the pillar, interact with the glowing orb to release Tri’s friends.

Tri’s Friends 2:

Tri’s Friend 2 is found in a small cave that can be entered by heading to the eastern end of the rift. From friend one, swim up the channel that the pillar is sticking out of, then head right at the top. You encounter two Octoroks shooting projectiles. You can either take them out, or simply pass them and use a Table or Trampoline to reach the upper ledge and the cave entrance.


Entering the cave will drop Zelda into a 2D sequence. Use a Bombfish to destroy the blocks that are blocking your path, then head to the very bottom of the pool.


Head west, and you’ll see the second friend in a small corridor that is obstructed by another breakable block. Use another Bombfish and collect Friend Two.

Tri’s Friend 3:


As you make your way to the exit of the cave that contains the second friend, you’ll encounter a Shadow Tektite. These jumping enemies can be very annoying. To easily defeat it, summon a flying Echo, like a Guay, then use Bind to hold the Tektite in place. The Guay will easily destroy the Tektite, revealing the Third Friend.

Tri’s Friend 4:


After exiting the cave, head west, back the same way you came. As you approach the platform with the golden circle exit, do not jump onto it. Instead, use the tree above the circle to reach the upper level.


You’ll see a large structure directly above the platform where you started, with a water channel for Zelda to swim up.


Head to the top of the platform and turn left. You’ll immediately encounter Friend Four next to Dradd‘s frozen body.

Tri’s Friend 5:

From Friend four, head back down to the starting platform. Head west and follow the water channels until you see Friend Five floating in a small pool at the end. Collect Tri’s final friend

After all five of
Tri’s friends
have been collected, Tri will automatically bring Zelda to the exit. There, he will gain approximately
power towards the next level. He will also award Zelda with
Two Might Crystals

Swordfighter Form

Completing Chaos at Zora River Village in Echoes of Wisdom


Once the Stilled Upper Zora River rift is closed, Kushara and Dradd will share a brief conversation. This moment will be the first step towards mending their fractured relationship, which will ultimately allow them to open the way to the Jabul Ruins dungeon.

There will not be any more quest tasks, as closing the rift was the major goal of this small main quest.


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