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Elden Ring gives players the freedom to make their own unique build to perfectly match their playstyle. One of the tools players are given when making their build are spells, which scales off the player’s Intelligence to do a wide range of effects on the battlefield. Spells are obtained like any other item, found in chests or purchased from merchants, such as Sorceress Selen in Elden Ring.

While most spells are ranged, there are many options for when enemies get too close. Players can choose to go all in on spell casting and make their character a mage, or just dabble in a few simple spells to give themselves more options when needed. No matter the depth, the basics of spellcasting will be the same; here’s everything you’ll need to know.



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How To Memorize Spells In Elden Ring

The first step to using spells in Elden Ring is to memorize them. Every spell has a requirement that can be seen when selecting it in the menu. With spells, the requirement will more often than not be just Intelligence, which players will need to have the same level of or more to be able to memorize that spell. Once you have a high enough Intelligence, head to a Site of Grace and select Memorize Spell. Players can change their memorized spells at any time at any Site Of Grace.

Players will have a limited number of spells they can memorize at a time displayed by the open slots at the top of the Memorize Spells menu. When selecting a spell, be sure to look on the right side of the screen to see how many slots it takes to memorize. The number of Memory slots a player has access to is determined by their Mind stat, which offers additional slots every few levels. If you have enough slots and Intelligence for a spell, select OK when hovering over it to memorize the spell. Players can also increase the number of spells memorized through accessories such as the Memory Stone.


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How To Cast Spells In Elden Ring

With a spell memorized, players will then need to equip a staff in either hand. With a staff in hand, toggle the top option of your hotbar to select the spell you want to use. When ready, press the heavy attack button for the hand you are holding the Staff with to cast the selected spell. Casting a spell will cost FP, which is represented by the blue bar under your health bar. Players can allocate some of their flask charges to the Flask of Cerulean Tears to recover FP without the need to rest at a Site of Grace each time. Players can get more charges of this Flash by finding all the Golden Seeds in Elden Ring.

The damage done by spells is scaled from the player’s Intelligence while the number of times they can use a spell and the amount they can have memorized at a time is determined by their Mind stat. Upgrading your staff can also help increase the damage your spells do, with some powerful Elden Ring staffs offering bonuses to specific types of spells.

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Elden Ring

February 25, 2022


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